Chapter 44: The Descent of the 5th

Ein and Vill high fived. "Yeah! We finally made the satellite." Vill wiped some sweat on her brow. The intense focus needed took a toll on her.

Ein patted her on the back and gave a thumbs up. "Nice work Vill, we even made the mark 2 suits. Still gotta make the specialized ones though, the 5th eruption would take less soldiers this time."

He smiled as he admired their work. Speaking of work, he personally made some politicians that were making it hard for Mobius disappear, and they were found in some lake somewhere after a few days.

Of course it was clean, nobody could explain who killed them as the authorities kept on investigating. Not that they'll find anything though.

I've already transferred the organization to a specialist too. Well, if they get any funny ideas. There's still a lot more people that could take over.

Mei arrived with them as they launched the satellite to outer space. Testing it on Nagazora as it's still irradiated with honkai energy. Air currents appeared suddenly in the city as it started to siphon the energy.

"We'll just get a special team to check on the satellite. I need it after all, I can absorb it and have more gas to work with." He said to the girls as they nodded.

He then clenched his fists. The 1st and 2nd core gave me some good things too. With the gem of reason, he was able to materialize organic materials only. It might not be amazing, but it's still usable in certain circumstances. Like making poisons.

The 2nd was truly astonishing. He could distort space in a small area and send out small items. Basically teleportation in a small scale, no matter how much honkai energy he uses. It can't open a bigger portal or make one inside things to rearrange their insides.

The best was making time slower. It costs tons of energy but he could make it slower for approximately 5%. With speed like his, that's a game changer.


"Ein, I think we've cracked the mystery of where the herrscher cores get their powers. Mei fixed her glasses with a smile.

"Did you pinpoint it? I noticed that they need to recharge for at least 2 hours when you drain them. So they're like in energy saving mode when a herrscher doesn't use them."

Mei handed him some data as he read on. "So it is another entirely new space." He read it while Mei talked.

"We're not sure exactly where it is. But honkai energy seeps in to the herrscher cores via quantum tunneling. We can see it enter, but we don't know where." She concluded.

"Hmm, interesting. If we use the 2nd core's power and principles, do you think we could energize the cores to their normal states? We then could make artificial perfect herrschers on our side." He thought about the possibilities.

Mei shrugged. "I don't know, let's just work on it. But what you said sure is tempting... Let's work on the other keys first. The 2nd and 1st cores, could you leave them to me? I have a project in mind. The 14th herrscher just made a huge impact on me, I can't get it out of my mind." She asked with a grave tone.

He nodded. "Yeah, it's kinda weighing on me as well. Let's just do our best, and you could make keys with the 1st and 2nd. I'll focus on weaponry." They then went to work on other things.


Ein was double checking some emails and their expenses. He frowned as he saw the costs of making the most important material, soulium.

At this rate of expenses and gaining money. We would have to rely on more investors, we can't wait for that. The satellite really made a big dent in our funds.

He sighed as he checked out an email that popped up. "Oh? A merchant. Maybe this person could help us with some of our funds."

He read it. "Hi! Sir/Ma'am. I'm Pardofelis and I've finally had a hold of your email from your company. You've had some collaborations with Ms. Eden, the voice of heaven. But you're still criminally underrated, I would like to be your personal seller of music and other compositions. There are still a lot of opportunities with this prospective deal. I hope to hear from you soon!"

He thought about it for a second. "Hmm, I haven't made anything for a long time now. Maybe this person could advertise my works using Eden's popularity? Some merch would work too. If they're good, I'll invest as well and let them dominate other parts of the market."

He replied and told the person that he's willing to meet up. Pitch ideas and iron out a deal if they could agree on something.

???: "Hah, I might be in the red this time." A girl with brown hair and blue eyes grumbled as she started to examine her earnings and expenses. (Pic here)

"Ahhh! I can't do this anymore. Why is everybody rejecting my genius offers!?" She scratched her head in irritation.

"No! I can't give in here! I'll be rich! This is just a test. Nobody succeeds quickly if they start from the bottom." She rationalized, as she started to get fired up.

"But... I'll take a nap first, this is too much for me. I need some rest." She yawned, tired of hassling that big music company for an email of that anonymous guy.

Her eyelids started to droop, thinking of what to do next. But a pop up from her computer startled her a bit.

"Damned computer, I forgot to put it on silent." She grumbled, checking the notification. She started to read as her eyes slowly widened from shock.

"What!? This guy wants to meet up with me? It's rumored that even the company doesn't know what this guy looks like." She was in disbelief. This person even had collaborations with the voice of heaven!

She immediately typed a reply, asking for when this mysterious guy would be available. As she hummed happily, thinking that this might be her big break.

"Yosh, I need to hook em with my charming personality! This is the most important deal of my life. I need to prepare." She then started to think of how to make the deal successful.


Ein was designing some soulium weapons for elite soldiers that will use a core similar to herrscher cores when Prometheus notified them of a sudden spike in honkai energy in south east asia.

They quickly gathered and assessed the situation. "There's no eruption yet, we're assembling troops with the mark 2 power armors ready to go." Mei quickly gave a status report.

"Prometheus measured the amount of honkai energy, an upper end emperor class will appear based on estimations. Go to the area and we'll cover you from here." Mobius added.

"I'm going then. Prometheus said they'll be stronger than the last, I'm stronger than ever too. So don't worry guys." He patted Mobius on the head and kissed her.

He then flew off to the location. "Hah, he was working when the alarm set off right? I hope the new and improved soldiers can help a lot. Or he'll be stuck in clean up duty." Mobius sighed.

Mei nodded with a frown. "How is it going with your own projects Mobius? Can we make someone stronger through your experiments like Ein?" Our forces are getting thinner. We should focus on quality.

Mobius shook her head. "No, not yet. I've been trying, though it's hardly successful. Do we need to look from other sources? Emperor class honkai beasts and above have genomes. Maybe we could use that?"

Mei squinted her eyes. "Explain more."

Mobius sent her a file in her email as Mei looked at it. "The DNA of honkai beasts are very chaotic Mobius, nobody could survive this. Not until we sequence it and make it more human friendly." Mei looked at the data, with her simple knowledge about genetics, she could already see glaring flaws about using their DNA.

Mobius nodded, but grinned. "That's for normal people Mei. But Ein? I reckon that he'll make it. With his immense vitality and adaptability? Anything's possible." I wonder what kind of monster he'll become with this.


Thanks for reading guys, Phyllis wouldn't join MOTH for some time. I'm just introducing her. And the makings of project soldier is here. It's time to go godmode.