Chapter 143: The Birth Of The Ultimate Maid

The flame chasers and the heaviest hitters of the squad were stretching like they were going for a marathon. Not inflicting total extinction to an entire race of aliens.

"Yosh! We'll gather them up in their home world and to do that, we got to keep it simple. Kill anything on there and wait for all of them to show up, ez pz." Ein then pointed at EINSTEIN.

"Eins-chan, deploy the ELFs and give em hell right in the center of their home world. Kill anything that moves, show these bastards why you shouldn't mess with earth." He said as she nodded.

"I've modded them just for this, they're going to be focused on wide attacks and go ham in there." She fixed her glasses and the ELFs started to converge. Only a measly thousand of them, but every single one is unbreakable with their Adamantine shells.

"Ohhh! Aliens? And we'll kill them all? Sounds fun! We'll be making history today, and erasing one too!" The general of the ELFs was excited and everybody started cheering. Wanting to try their new mods.

Ein then looked at the entourage and nodded in satisfaction when they were all there. He snapped his fingers and they warped to the home world of the sky people. They saw a planet covered in metal and machines. Looking like a dystopian planet, but it was paradise for the soon to be purged race.

"Go on, press the attack." The ELFs nodded and they started to converge their attacks. Their home world was teeming with honkai energy and they gobbled it all up. The sky people noticed that something was wrong, but they were already too late.

"Kill them all! Give em hell!" The general shouted with a cute little voice, but their attacks weren't. As orbs of anti-matter dropped down to the planet in droves.

Before it entered the atmosphere, a shield appeared and it protected the planet. The squad saw the bombs explode with just minimal strength as they did not annihilate themselves with matter.

"Aww, what a bummer. We thought it would wipe out most of them too." The ELF general said, a little depressed with the failed outcome.

"Griseo, take down their shield." Ein ordered and she started painting things from thin air. Artillery were being made quickly and they will pack a punch.

The cannons and constructs she made pointed their weapons at the sad ball of metal and they lighted up quickly. Collecting energy by droves as the instruments of destruction vibrated violently.

And with a blinding flash, they rained down beams and shells that would decimate entire countries in a hit.

Thousands of it clashed with the energy shield of the sky people and nasty fireworks exploded. Making quick work of the layers of shielding.

"Un, they're gone now." Griseo said and put her hand out for a reward, he gave him a headpat and some pain au chocolat.

"Ohhh! Griseo-chan, good work!" The ELFs cheered and gave her a thumbs up. They then started entering their planet like little meteorites. And landed at every major city or metropolis.

The machine life forms were on high alert and saw the little androids, they were going to retaliate. But they started blasting indiscriminately. (their appearance)

"Die you tacky robot bastards! Cuteness reigns supreme!" The ELFs rained down honkai propelled tungsten at them with gatling guns. They were in groups of two and the other shot missiles and hellfire everywhere with a flamethrower that uses napalm like fuel that burns at 10 thousand degrees celsius.

It was chaos immediately and the sky people could not do anything. Their machine bodies melted and the bullets made swiss cheese out of them. Their energy shields could not protect them and the whole planet's cities were set ablaze.

The combatants of the sky people started appearing and they are currently in a standoff with the ELFs. (pics)

The nurse lookalike stimulated every one of their grunts and they went crazy. The floating caster like robots targeted them with small orbital strikes and the grunts rushed at them like feral beasts.

"Got a problem with us huh!? What are you horse riding motherfuckers gonna do? Float around and run for you lives? Die you galactic robot scraps!" The ELF general was being confronted by what looks like knights that rode on metal horses that floated.

It then started to deploy energy weapons at the sky that pointed right at her. They locked onto the ELF and flew like a bullet, intent on piercing the little android.

But she just stood tall and let the attacks hit. Her Adamantine body did not even have a scratch and her skin started to separate a bit to have vents, looking like circuits as steam went out of it. The gaps on her skin glowed bright pink as she activated the honkai reactors.

"Dr. EINSTEIN, this feeling is really addicting! Now, how about we use our new mods eh?" Her partner, the vice commander then started to use it as well. The general clapped and the buildings, metals, clutter, whatever it is, started to converge into a massive sphere.

"Chibaku Tensei!" She then looked at her companion and the other nodded with excitement at the 30 km body of metal, at least twice larger than the asteroid that made the dinosaurs extinct. "Tengai Shinsei! Eat metal you tacky bastards! Shinra Tensei!" The sphere accelerated to dozens of kilometers in an instant as the sky people stared at the looming doom.

It impacted the ground with a flash and the surroundings got vaporized immediately. The planet rippled like water at the impact site and hot pieces of molten metal and earth rained down all over the planet.

"Woah, the commander sure is having fun. Let's have some as well!" The others' bodies started to hum and they were filled with honkai energy to the brim.

And all of them enacted genocide with massive smiles on their faces. Creating tsunamis, freezing countries to dust, razing them to the ground with large waves of fire that gobbled them up, massive earthquakes rumbled and their towering constructs fell down like dominoes, super typhoons and tornadoes swept up the flying creatures, large beams tore the world asunder as it split countries in half and then exploded grandly.

"They're having fun, it's really a heartwarming scene to see kids play isn't it?" Ein shed a tear and was genuinely happy for the ELFs.

"Yeah, they can't do that back in earth after all. Let's let them have some fun before you guys swoop in and kill them all." EINSTEIN chuckled and was proud of her creations.

Kalpas was getting heated as he breathed heavily and saw the sky people getting decimated. Excited that he would be committing genocide today.

"Ein! Let me in 1st okay!? I want to kill them all! Burn them to the ground and see them go to hell with my own hands." Kalpas said with a sigh as superheated steam escaped from his mask. He wanted to kill things and seeing the planet in flames excited him.

"Kalpas~ You naughty kid, I guess it has been some time before you were let loose on enemies. So it's fine I guess." Elysia gave her permission and Eden nodded with a wry smile.

"I didn't know I'll be committing genocide, ever. But they did want to invade earth. Too bad, do unto others what you want others do unto you as they say." She shrugged and the space around her started to crack. As she was quite angry that they wanted to turn their home into a dead rock.

"Ooh, they're coming. And there are trillions of them, I'll be locking the space when they enter. And a little surprise would be waiting for them, everyone. This is the map for your designated planets, kill them all okay!?" Vill-v said with a thumbs up and everybody nodded.

The population at their home world dwindled to a few hundred millions in the blink of an eye. The ELFs raised hell alright and they enjoyed it.

"Ohh? They're here huh, enjoy your last moments of peace you fucking pieces of shit. Our masters will be delivering judgement onto you." The commander spit on the ground and they went back to the group.

Tons of space ships then started to appear. As their home world was invaded by little androids that were only cute in appearance. But they spared nothing and were surely the devils in disguise.

The whole race was in high alert and they thought an invader that was far stronger than them appeared.

They then deemed their home world a lost cause. The damage the ELFs inflicted on it was cataclysmic. Even just the self made asteroid hitting them was already bad enough. But they turned the planet into a dead wasteland, volcanoes erupted everywhere, aftershocks even more violent than the earthquake ravaged the lands, storms violently raged, tsunamis consumed everything on their wake. Calling it a disaster was putting it lightly.

So the sky people decided to protect their other worlds and quickly moved. Thinking that their planets are in danger.

And after waiting for a few hours, Ein's entourage were given the green. As Kalpas shouted in excitement. "YES! I'll kill them all hehehe~ HAHAHAHA!"

Ein sighed at his antics and let him go first, or he would surely sulk like a kid that wasn't allowed to play games.

Vill-v locked all space crafts and space with the tower of Babel and they were now sitting ducks.

Kalpas, like a rocket. Immediately accelerated with all his might, reaching relativistic speeds as he travelled like an excited kid upon hearing the ice cream man.

"There he goes. What a brutish man, he acts like a kid." Mobius snorted, but she was also starting to enter meltdown. Sighing extreme heat and was excited to try her powers on some kind of race. The ELFs already collected tons of material and she was fine in decimating them all in a flash.

"You know he's crazy about fighting. Let him have his moment, he's been calm for hundreds of years Mobius." Su replied and Kevin nodded, not needing to cool him down as Kalpas just enjoyed training the kids and taking care of them.

Kalpas quickly arrived at his designated planet and landed in the middle of the largest city with a resounding boom. As he only slowed down to a few kms/second and created an explosion.

He then breathed in deep and smelt the burning ground and metal. Sighing with satisfaction at the smell of a battlefield.

"You fuckers have the nerve to try and invade earth? I'll show you who not to mess with." He growled and his body started to burn. Immense heat coming off of him intensely as the very ground he walked on boiled.

He was then hit with lasers and energy weapons. Making him look at the aggressors with a wide grin. One of the grunts attacked and leaped at him, wanting to shred Kalpas to ribbons with a swipe of its claws.

But before it could even come a few meters close, it turned into a pile of molten metal and dropped to the ground like a piece of garbage.

"Hehehe. GUHAHAHAHA! COME! SQUIRM ALL YOU WANT TO SURVIVE!" He pointed his arms on an entourage of ships and released a beam of pure heat. Making them explode and he laughed like a maniac at the fire works.

Lasers and balls of energy that suppressed honkai energy hit him. But with his specs, it wasn't even felt by him. Their bodies were trained to the maximum by Ein and anything anti-honkai or anti-null energy were long since been ineffective to them at this level. Basically immune to it except the 14th herrscher.

"I didn't even feel that! Winds could do better you pieces of trash!" He roared and a pulse of heat decimated everything in a 100km radius as they melted into goop.

The space crafts started orbital strikes and launched their particle cannons at him like Selene. But it didn't even make a dent on his reserves as he bathed in their attacks like it was a nice shower.

The sky people quickly noticed it and they changed tactics to rain down missiles and kinetic energy bombings at his location. Decimating the area as craters littered the place.

Before the dust even managed to settle. They were shot down by beams of heat and swept through their ranks like a hot knife through butter.

Their armada started to fall and the debris rained down on the planet as meteors of metal. Kalpas laughed boisterously as they impacted the planet and it looked like the end of the world. An apocalyptic event for sure.

After a few more minutes, they couldn't even resist anymore as their dreadnoughts and space ships disappeared. He clicked his tongue and launched himself above the atmosphere.

Burning brightly like a star, the remaining sky people looked at the blinding light and Kalpas initiated a drop kick at the planet. The planet got cooked as he approached and it was devastated by the heat.

When he impacted the ground. He released an absurd amount of energy from his feet as the planet exploded into smithereens. Erased from existence as the remnants evaporated.

Kalpas then went on to the next planet as he wasn't done yet.

Elysia and Vill-v were like snipers and went with absolute accuracy and precision. Killing everything with a single attack.

Eden made planets implode by delivering a shockwave directly at the core of them. Giving them a swift death and she took care of the stragglers that the debris from the planet didn't took down. A couple of rogue space ships.

Kevin froze his targets to the core, turning it into a popsicle as it turned to diamond dust. Glittering with their star's rays.

Mobius sent a beam from her mouth at her enemies and they evaporated instantly. They died without even knowing as she valued efficiency.

Phyllis cracked a planet in half with her amazing strength and decided to use Canned Food. As she specialized in 1vs1 and assassinating things. She tapped her cat and it suddenly increased in size. Its fur started standing up and it grew savage nails and teeth as Can's eyes opened and it was bright red. Murder in its eyes.

"Go Can! Kill them all!" Can roared and started to decimate everything with its master. Killing the sky people as they ripped them apart. Thousands were torn apart with savagery instantly, but Phyllis thought it would take them forever. So she took out a cannon and it was her weapon for AOE.

"Shooting star Ortygia!" The cannon shot a huge beam of energy as it vaporized the planet and all the space vessels nearby. It was an anti planet noble phantasm of course.

Sushang did not even open a gate and just smashed a planet to smithereens.

Hua split the planets she's responsible for in half and bathed them in flames. As a true phoenix that would burn everything to the ground.

Xuanyuan created astronomical sized dragons of energy as she bathed enemies with the elements, controlling it like they were summons in an rpg as she excitedly destroyed them all.

Aponia swatted her enemies away with her wings of energy like it was a ping pong ball and vaporized it with lightning.

Sakura and Yae cut up the celestial bodies with their sword, turning everything into 1 mm cubes exactly. To not miss anything as they do not have wide aoe attacks like the others.

Kallen transformed to her honkai beast cascade form and froze the planet like Kevin. She then hit it with overwhelming force, signifying Vishnu's strength as it shattered into trillion pieces.

Kosma used his weapon as he also specializes in slug fights.

"Our arms reaches everything, tear apart everything, and open everything, eventually, it shall reach even beyond the sky Per Aspera Ad Astra!" javelins of light appeared. Seemingly infinite as it shone through the dark space.

It fell down like a volley of arrows and every single one exploded grandly. Tearing apart his enemies with relative ease.

Griseo looked at Kosma with satisfaction and thought he was finally a hero that he wanted to be. She then created an army, doing her bidding as they locked on to their target.

"Let's try to get into a romantic mood~" She copied Elysia and her army started blasting. Releasing millions of attacks that chunked one of their worlds until nothing was left.

Reanna sighed as she was using her battle suit again. Looking quite similar to the lion king. So Ein gave her Rhongomyniad and she was preparing to attack with it.

"Sacred lance, removing restraints!" The lance shone brightly with gold. As it started creating a huge pillar of light.

"Light, may you be released from the ends of the world. Split the heavens and tether the earth, anchor of the storm! "Rhongomyniad"!

The pillar of light was released and the target vanished from the attack. Reduced to nothing as she nodded in satisfaction. "I may be retired, but with these weapons, it is pretty fun to use it." She chuckled and looked at the lance, it wasn't even comparable to abyss flower.

Nuwa and Fuxi entered Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann together. It then whirred and big letters of red kanji appeared behind them with a burst of energy that destroyed all the space ships that were left.

"Do the impossible, see the invisible. Row, row, fight the power! Uoooogh!" Nuwa shouted as she was finally in a space battle, even though she isn't fighting other cool mechs.

The mech spawned drills all over its body. It then launched away from itself and targeted all the other planets they were responsible for. Fuxi gave her the privilege to so Nuwa would get recover her saves that she deleted.

But she has already hacked Nuwa's credit card as revenge and Fuxi waited for her to notice.

The drills went to the cores and exploded. Destroying every last world the sky people owned. But they weren't done yet, Nuwa and Fuxi targeted every last survivor as the mech opened up its legs. Shooting missiles everywhere and killed every single last one of the galactic invaders.

Su just watched as he didn't really want to partake and relaxed. "We've come a long way Ein." Su reminisced and thought about their hard times back then. They would've had to work harder to eliminate the sky people, but now it was just a piece of cake.

"Umu, there's not even one of them left now. Good job everyone, let's go back. This is a mission success." Ein called them back and everybody enjoyed flexing their powers.

"Let's do that again! Isn't that right everybody!?" The ELF commander hyped up her comrades and they cheered.

Ein and EINSTEIN chuckled at the little, cute androids. "Okay, okay. If we find anymore of these kinds of species. We'll let you hunt them to extinction okay? Make do with honkai beasts for now." Ein said to them and they had stars in their eyes.

He snapped his fingers and they were back at the base. Back to their everyday tasks or just relaxing again.

Their little mission was done. And Ein went to visit Bronya for a little bit. Along with Sirin and Bella, as they now were quite close. Playing games every afternoon and competing at the top ladder.

"Bella, Sirin. Want to go visit Bronya?" He asked the two and they nodded with excitement. Ein smiled wryly as Bella looked a lot older than them, but she was still like a child. So he patted their heads and they teleported to the orphanage where Bronya lives.


Cocolia recently found a few more orphans and entrusted them to Aesir. She was introducing the girls to the others and there was a pair of twins. And a blue haired girl that looked really anxious.

"Go on girls, introduce yourselves. They'll be your new friends starting from today." Cocolia smiled at them and the confident twins started with theirs. Kind of similar to Nuwa and Fuxi, the pink haired one started.

"Hi! We're the vodka girls! We'll be the greatest idols ever. I'm Rozaliya Olenyeva, this is my sister, Lilia Olenyeva." She introduced themselves and Lilia deadpanned at her sister.

"You're supposed to let me introduce myself Roza idiotka. Hello, as you know. I'm Lilia, please don't entertain Roza idiotka too much." She introduced herself and Rozaliya felt like her sister has betrayed her goodwill. (vodka girls)

"Tch, another set of them here. Ein-nii would spend more time with them again." A girl with light purple hair clicked her tongue as she thought that their idol, Ein would be hanging out with even more kids. As she is quite shy and wanted him to herself. Having the makings of a yandere. (pic here)

The indigo haired girl then shyly went in front and fidgeted. Having social anxiety as she introduced herself. "I-I'm Seele Vollerei. Please take care of me." She bowed deeply as she was too nervous.

Then, Cocolia was about to tell them to interact with the others. But Ein appeared suddenly with Sirin and Bella.

"Yo dayo kids! How are you doing?" He greeted them and he had huge bags of pastries and sweets as all the orphans cheered.

They went crazy and Ekaterina sighed. "Okay kids, make a line. Don't push each other now, it's always like this when you come Ein-sama." She gave a wry smile and the others would get jealous if he started to focus on some. Especially the Sin Mal, as she fumed whenever Ein plays with Bronya.

"Heh, it's because everybody loves me here. Ain't that right little kiddies? Now, listen to Ekaterina okay, we have tons of sweets to go through every one of you." He smiled and patted their heads.

"Ohh? New ones Cocolia? What's your names? I've been unable to visit for a month, so I don't know you." Ein looked at the 3 and they went up to him shyly. They knew they were basically going to live off of him and were grateful.

"We're the vodka girls! I'm Rozaliya, this is Lilia!" Rozaliya introduced herself with enthusiasm and Lilia nodded with a sigh, unable to put it into her sister's head that he could introduce herself.

"Vodka girls? Hmm, nice nickname." He gave them bags of treats and their eyes sparkled. Seele looked at it with a bit of desire and he noticed it so he gave one to her as well. Slowly, so he won't scare off the clearly introverted girl.

"Hey, I'm Ein. What's your name?" He asked succinctly and Seele smiled at him when she received the bag. As she is fond of sweets and the smell it gave off was heavenly. "I'm Seele Vollerei Ein-nii. Thank you for this, I love sweets you see?" She immediately reached in for a treat and got a butterscotch. She popped it into her mouth and almost lost consciousness from how delicious it was.

"Tch, that little. Trying to get in his good graces already. I'll teach her who's boss around here." Sin muttered and Ein frowned, as bullies around here are immediately sent to a correction facility to correct them when still pliable.

"Sin, how are you? You still don't want to play with us? Sirin and Bella is here too you know?" He tried reaching out, but she stuttered immediately. As she might be confident and sadistic, but she was still socially awkward.

"Ahhh, umm. Th-thanks Ein-nii, but I'll just go on my own." She said with a strained smile as she cursed herself in her mind for being a wimp.

Sirin then stared at her and told Bella to pull her in their gaming session with force if she retaliates. As she felt that the girl was isolating herself and was stewing in negative emotions.

"Good job Sirin, I would've made her join. But force is always good." He gave her a thumbs up and Sirin puffed up her chest.

Everybody went to Bronya's room as she had the most gaming setups and Bella remained. She stared at Sin, unsettling her as she felt that the silver haired girl was unnaturally dangerous. Sin is quite gifted in manipulating honkai energy and she could feel the judgement class honkai beast pressuring her as she started to sweat heavily.

'Did I do something wrong? Why the hell is she staring me down? I feel like she'll kill me or something.' Sin evaded her gaze and was about to return to her room, but Bella grasped onto her arm and squinted her eyes. "You, You're coming with us whether you like it or not." Bella then pulled her and Sin couldn't do anything. As Bella's hold onto her is like a hydraulic press. And she got her pinned down.

Bella then entered the room with Sin. "Sorry Ein-sama, Sin here changed her mind and asked to play with the others." Bella then put her in front of them and Sin clicked her tongue when they looked at her. She started to get awkward and Ein gave her a bone.

"Come on Sin, let's play Mario Kart. It's relatively simple and everybody can play it." He patted the spot near him and she immediately grabbed the chance.

They then let them enjoy as the kids got competitive. Wanting to take 1st place of course. As Ein told them that whoever wins, they'll have an extra set of snacks and treats. Winner takes all.

"Ein, the sovereign told me that some alien invaders tried to get some info on earth, is that true?" Cocolia asked him as she couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, we took care of them though. They won't be invading any more planets and civilizations that's for sure." He chuckled and Cocolia thought they repelled them and gave the aliens a pretty nasty blow.

She sighed in relief and thought those aliens would be a disaster, especially when they were dealing with the honkai currently. "So you guys repelled their forward base?"

Ein raised a brow and snickered at her. "Repelled? We committed a genocide of course, killed all of them for good measure." He shrugged and Cocolia gasped. She started sweating and got a good idea on how strong Aesir really was. As they had info on the sky people and they would've lost in an all out war. And they just casually killed them all in a single day.

"You're crazy you know that?" Cocolia said in exasperation as she rolled her eyes. Thinking that he was insane.

"Heh, that's why the ladies love me. Don't you too?" He snickered and Cocolia pouted at him. "That's different, you killed an entire race because they tried invading us. Well, they did had it coming, but still."

He shushed her and they continued to watch the kids play as they vied for supremacy. For the 1st place in Mario Kart to have more snacks.

"Ein-sama, thank you for giving Bronya a good life. She's enjoying it just like how a normal girl would." Ekaterina commented as they watched the kids play.

"Eh, it's not much. They're the new generation that needs nurturing too. If they don't get a good life, then they'll pass it on to others." He smiled at the kids having fun. And even Sin was unconsciously enjoying her time.

"Still, you even cured me of my disease and gave me another chance to be together with my daughter. I'm really thankful, I feel like I'm taking advantage of your kindness." Ekaterina said with a frown and Cocolia sighed.

"Just accept it Kat, it's rude not too. He bothered saving you and he said it was fine. Just enjoying your life right now is already enough you know?" She said with squinted eyes and Kat got the message.

"Yeah, it might be really amazing for others. But it was just a bit of my time really, you should think about it in my perspective Kat. Honestly, if you keep on pestering me with your gratitude, it will get annoying." He chuckled and Ekaterina smiled wryly.

"T-then. Can I call you Ein? I'd like to believe you're a good friend of mine." She gathered her courage and asked.

"Well, yeah. I don't really like people calling me that anyway. Except Aponia, she just really suits it." He shrugged and they enjoyed a cup of tea.


And the seasons go by, Himeko was already 20 and she gained her PhD at Caltech with relative ease. Especially because she was educated by the most experienced and brilliant scientists of earth. She was also much happier as her father just got a job as a teacher and she got to spend more time with him.

"Hehe~ I'm on my way to become the best scientist ever! Excluding you guys of course, you guys are cheating. You've been scientists since like forever." Himeko grinned and was holding her diploma, showing it off to Ein and her sisters.

"Well, you would've still lost anyway. MEI and me have been scientists since we were teens. You should study more diligently." Mobius commented, but she still congratulated her.

"Hah, now that I graduated. I don't know what to do honestly. I wanted to reach for the stars, but you guys just had to take the wonder off of it." Himeko sighed and they smiled wryly.

"Hmm, you can still continue you know? Or you can be a teacher at this school in the far east. It's called St. Freya high, they just created their ship too. We made it able to travel through space you know? It's called the Hyperion. Now that you've graduated it's high time I left Caltech." Ein suggested and thought of just chilling in St. Freya with Theresa and the others.

"Hey, that's a pretty good idea. It will give Fuxi and Nuwa a job too, Xuanyuan can be an s-rank valkyrie as well. She just lazes around and watches anime all the time after all." Vill-v teased them and they hung their heads in shame.

"Squad snowwolf is already there too. And they're starting to accept students now, maybe we should put the kids in orphanages that have more honkai resistance there? So they'll be able to learn more about their inherent powers." Eden suggested and they all agreed.

"Okay, Cocolia's kids in her designated orphanage have all high honkai resistance and adaptability. I think they'll be curious about their newfound strength soon enough." Ein contacted Cocolia and told her to enrol the kids in St. Freya.

He then felt a minor honkai eruption in England, Ein sighed and thought it just got to be at Himeko's graduation.

"Hey guys, there's some trouble at England and it's spreading a bit too quickly for Aesir operatives to handle without casualties. So I'll be going okay? I'll be back in a jiffy." He teleported and he saw honkai beasts attacking.

He snapped his fingers and every single one popped like a balloon. He then saw a little kid that was about to be crushed by some rubble. So he swooped in as the kid closed her eyes and thought it was the end.

"Yo, kid. It's fine already, no need to be scared." He patted her head and put her down to the ground. He then received reports that the operatives are taking care of the honkai beasts in other areas as he went to the epicenter.

"Ahhh, umm. Thank you big brother, but... Who are you? You just suddenly appeared and I thought I was going to die." The kid asked as he mysteriously appeared.

"Ahh, I'm Einheri Aesir kid. What's your name? You have a mom and dad? Where are they?" He asked as he wanted to return her to them. But she shook her head and pointed at a destroyed building. Though she was unusually calm.

"Oh, that sucks. You go to school or something?" He patted her head and gave her a milkshake.

"Un, I'm currently 9 and attending a school nearby. My name is Rita. Rita Rossweisse" She answered and took a look at her drink. Rita then sipped some and immediately forgot about her current predicament.

He patted her head and smiled wryly. "You're a smart little thing aren't you? How about you go to school at St. Freya high? It's a school for girls like you that have amazing talent." He checked her for honkai corruption, but she was really resistant to it. Even more so than Bronya and the others, except Seele.

With milkshake in hand and sipping it greedily. She didn't think much of it and just nodded. "You sure? It's not a normal school, you'll be a valkyrie. A warrior of humanity you know?" He asked just to be sure and she thought about it for a moment.

"Umu, it will be fine. My parents are gone and I think that career path is much more suited for me." She noticed that she is stronger, faster, and smarter than her peers. So she thought it would be a perfect job for her skills.

"Wow, you really thought it through huh? I like you Rita, you're logical and calm. Too calm though, but it's fine." He carried her and they went back to Caltech. And the honkai beasts were taken care of quickly. Only the Rossweisse couple were casualties as the result of unlucky circumstances.


Ein appeared with a kid on her and they were suspicious. "Is that your kid out of wedlock? She looks like it." Mobius commented as Rita did not even have a bit of surprise on her face. Just really curious how they just suddenly teleported while drinking a milkshake.

"She's not, she's just extremely calm and smart." He sighed and Rita went down. "Hello everyone, I am Rita Rossweisse." She bowed elegantly even with the big milkshake on her hands and Elysia whistled at the display.

"You kidnapped a royal or something Ein? Rita is really elegant and well mannered, Hi~ I'm Elysia, the owner of Pink Allure." Elysia went up close to Rita and hugged her tightly. Thinking that a cute kid with so much elegance is moe.

"Elysia, don't just hug her out of nowhere. I'm Eden by the way, don't let her gain the flow okay? Well, she would probably do it anyway and just control the conversation." Eden sighed with a wry smile and just let Elysia do her thing.

"Her parents got crushed by some rubble. Unfortunately, she just almost got done in by some too. But I got there in time." He shrugged and they were surprised. But now they knew what he meant by her being extremely calm.

Rita looked at Ein, asking for help as Elysia was treating her like a stuffed toy. "Let her breathe Elysia, she doesn't like being treated like a teddy bear." He sighed at her antics and Elysia reluctantly let go and pouted at him, puffing her cheeks.

"Tche, such a stingy guy. We'll have more fun later okay?" Elysia winked at her and Rita just nodded to be polite.

"Rita, you'll be going to the far east with us okay? We need to buy you a uniform and some supplies." He patted her head and Rita nodded. "Thank you Ein-nii." She then thought what would St. Freya have in store for her. And prayed for her parents that have passed, as they were good people.

At their flight to St. Freya, so Rita could experience a flight. She researched more about Ein and Aesir, Rita internalized the information and learned that he basically owned the world. She also listened to the stories of Himeko that he was a scientist that shaped the world to what it is today with Vill-v.

'Hmm, Ein-nii seems to be a person of great caliber. And he has given me a chance for greatness. How could I repay him for this I wonder.' Rita was a polite kid and thought she needed to repay this debt. So she started to think up of ways to do so.

"Himeko-san, can I please know of anything Ein-nii likes? I am curious you see?" Rita wanted to have more information and she asked a convenient person that was close to him.

"Ahh, he likes to laze around. He always grumbles that he has too much work to do. So he tries to relax whenever he has free time." Himeko answered with a wry smile as she learned that he never sleeps and just keeps on going like a perpetual motion machine.

"Anything else? While that may be unexpected, it is understandable. I want to know more please." Rita asked politely and was starting to have an idea.

"Oh, he loves to cook. Remember that milkshake he gave you? I'm 100% sure he made that. And apparently, he likes cosplay." She blushed as she remembered that he wanted some roleplay from time to time.

"Cosplay? What kinds though?" Rita memorized his likes and her idea was getting more solid.

"Uhh, I don't know? Maybe maids? It's all the rage right now, so I think it would be something that he would like?" Himeko answered and she also got ideas.

"Hmm, thank you for answering Himeko-san. I've learned a lot about him." Rita went quiet and started to converge the data in her head.

'But I didn't say much about him?' Himeko thought and just shrugged, she then enjoyed her cocktail as she quite liked alcohol and Eden was a great person to hang out with while drinking.

'A maid huh? Then I must be the ultimate one, it is only fair to be the best among the best to serve a man of Ein-nii's caliber.' Rita was inspired and thought it was a great idea. Thanking Himeko in her mind as she researched more about maids.


Meanwhile, a clone floated inside a capsule that looked exactly like Kiana and it was test subject K423.

"We've combined the 2nd herrscher's genetics with this clone as well. This is looking quite bleak. I may have to rely on other ways to revive Kallen at this rate." Tilie sighed and thought this was as good as it gets. As they combined the Schariac, Kaslana, and Sirin's dna to make a perfect vessel.

"Lady overseer. It seems that this test subject is also a failure, there are no brain activities and it is clinically brain dead as well." A scientist reported as Tilie swirled her wine with a frown.

"It seems we have failed again, I got a few more tries. But this maybe a failed project, stimulate it with honkai energy. There might be a reaction that we're missing. The 2nd herrscher's dna is within it as well." Tilie ordered and the clone was exposed to massive amounts of honkai energy.

It didn't do anything unfortunately and Tilie just shook her head. "Hmm, a lost cause. We will shut down this project." But she remembered that herrschers turn when they're put through trauma or emotional highs.

So she used her Fenghuang down and installed memories to the clone that it was a loving family with Cecilia. And then they were torn away from her suddenly when she was just a little child.

"It did not do anything as I've thought. I guess it's time to stop now with desperate measures." The blonde turned her head and ordered the clone to be dispatched. But it twitched suddenly and honkai energy started to converge.

The will of the honkai had been trying to find a suitable host for the 2nd herrscher. And the previous host, Sirin. Lacked the body to compete with the numerous enemies. So it got interested on the clone and put the gem of the void inside it.

'Mom, what's a mom? I do not know, but I want to see her again. That woman, she radiated warmth and kindness with her words. Ich Liebe Dich. I want to feel it again, hear it. Those loving words.'

Sirin's personality inside the herrscher core that was starved for a mother became alive once more. The herrscher core pulsed as the clone opened its eyes. The gem started to try and take over the blank slate. But with the Schariac and Kaslana genes it had. The herrscher personality could not take over the host without it being mentally unstable.

"Ich... Liebe... Dich." K423 spoke as she came to the land of the living.

"Marvelous... Is god on my side? Go and run tests immediately! This would accelerate my plan massively." Tilie barked orders and looked at the clone with delight. As she just had a massive step to realize her plans.

Cheng that noticed the abnormal amounts of honkai energy in the lab went there and saw the identical clone in the capsule. Making her gasp as she thought the overseer really was insane.

Cheng was still in Schicksal as she was the acting commander of the valkyrie order right now. And Ottilie was trying to delay her from going to St. Freya with excuses.

'I need to tell Cecilia and Siegfried about this. They need to know.' She calmly went outside to not be suspicious, even though the blonde did not notice her from being too delighted at completing one of her projects.

Adelheid received the news from Cheng and immediately face palmed. "Fuck, she still managed to do it? What a crazy bitch, but how?" Adelheid's mind raced and quickly contacted Cecilia, Siegfried, and Theresa.


Siegfried was outraged and Cecilia could not stomach that a clone of her baby girl was going to be used by Schicksal. So they immediately had a meeting and Theresa asked for help with Anti-Entropy.

"So? You want our help to break in there and get the Kiana clone? Couldn't you do it with Adelheid with you? She could defeat the herrscher with multiple cores you know?" Tesla asked with confusion as they could just storm in and take her by force.

"It's not that simple Tesla, you forgot that we're dealing with Schicksal here. And the overseer must have already taken the girl hostage to have an advantage." Nancy said with a frown and the Kaslana couple nodded.

"You want our cooperation and in exchange you guys will also be part of Anti-Entropy. Well, it was expected that Helixcraft's support would be limited." Erwin said as she thought it might be one of Vill-v's whims.

"We need to save her, she might not be my daughter. But she for sure hell will not be in Schicksal's grubby hands." Siegfried was getting angrier by the minute and Cecilia nodded.

"She's basically Kiana. It would be a crime to let her be a guinea pig of Schicksal like me and Adelheid." Cecilia frowned and Theresa nodded.

"Alright, we'll do this operation at night then. We would keep them busy once you've taken the target. Schicksal might've lost their paladin and Cheng wouldn't fight for them. But they're still immensely powerful." Emma replied and looked at Joachim for approval.

"I agree, Schicksal would probably use her as a superweapon to replace Adelheid. We need to get her out of there immediately." Joachim started to make some plans and their operation was set in stone.

Adelheid clenched her fists and thought that she managed to get Cecilia out of her fate, she would surely get K423 out of Schicksal's hands too. As Sirin was a worldwide threat and Schicksal would be much easier. But she didn't factor in that Aesir have contributed to that greatly. As she got narrow sighted to her goal again.


Kiana woke up and noticed that her parents and aunty Adelheid wasn't there. "Mom, dad? Where are they?" She roamed around the house and didn't notice anyone. She saw a VTOL outside as AE went to them and their house was closer to Schicksal HQ rather than Yellowstone.

So she went up to it with curiosity and thought they're having a mission that Siegfried always brags about. "Hehe~ I'll be coming with their little missions then! Kiana Kaslana will be a hero too." She entered the VTOL and found a hiding spot.

And because of her desire to hide to come with. Her little reserve of honkai energy hid her and the ambient honkai of the weapons in storage masked her even more.

"Hehehe~ They're in for a surprise. I can finally see what aunt Adelheid and dad does for their missions." She waited patiently and thought it would be her greatest achievement.

As the meeting got adjourned and it was treated as an emergency. They immediately went on to go with the plan.

Kiana yawned and it was past her bedtime. So she fell asleep in the aircraft and started to breathe slowly. "They'll arrive there later, I'll just take a nap, Munya." She fell asleep and the operatives for the mission started.


Thanks for reading, Rita has arrived and she will become the ultimate maid of course. K423 has finally awoken and will be making a little switcheroo. Anyways, ciao.