Chapter 157: Love and Hate

Ein, along with the gang returned to the base and Kate, was still just staring at MEI. Making the scientist feel slightly bad as she thought that her counterpart also left her behind after doing everything to fight the honkai. Especially if Ein wasn't there, and she would be correct.

"Hey, tell me something. What happened at your universe? Did the herrscher of the end succeed? Why does Krishna want to take over Su?" MEI asked and the white haired woman frowned heavily.

"We... We were unsuccessful, the herrscher of the end succeed in destroying humanity. We were powerless to stop it, the 13th herrscher. Our comrade in arms had enough of Krishna and your counterpart's ideals. And took matters to his own hands, striking a deal with the will of the honkai. But she was betrayed, just like how we did." Kate said grimly and Ein nodded in understanding with MEI.

Elysian then returned with Su and Kevin with her. Unconscious and beaten up again as they struggled getting through her crystal. Kate stiffened immediately when she felt the 13th herrscher's aura. But Elysia was just curious and beamed at them.

"Hi~ I'm Elysia you know? Do I have a counterpart? Do I? Do I? Hmmm?" Elysia pestered her and she got more uncomfortable by the second, feeling regret that she didn't saw Elysia's counterpart's efforts to save humanity and branded her as a traitor.

"Elysia, stop bugging the poor woman. She doesn't need stress, she looks like she needs some therapy for god's sake." Ein sighed and Kate looked at the unfamiliar person inside the room.

"Um, who are you? Are you a scientist from the previous era as well?" Kate asked as she has never seen him before. Even in the thousands of bubble universes they have traversed, there wasn't someone that remotely even looked like him.

"Ohhh! You! Does he have a female counterpart as well!? I wanna see, got any pictures on you? I'll trade in this embarrassing video of Kevin being awkward on a date with MEI!" Elysia took out her phone and showed Kate MEI's date with Kevin when they were in highschool.

"Shush, Elysia. Me? You could say I'm a scientist in the previous era. But you haven't seen me in any bubble universe right? Well, that's because I'm a little special you see?" Ein smirked at her and Kate did not understand, confused by the situation and Ein's mysterious appearance in their particular universe.

"He's the leader of the Myrmidons. The Imperator, rank 0 of the flame chasers." Eden explained and Kate was surprised, as most of the time. Her version was the leader of the flame chasers, and MEI would always be the uncrowned leader of MOTH.

So she looked at MEI and the scientist nodded. "He beat the herrscher of the end. He might look pretty, but this guy is a goddamned monster. He killed 3 herrschers by himself, without honkai genes." MEI commented and Ein pouted at her.

"I prefer the term, amazing MEI-chan. And you know I couldn't do it without you guys." He patted her head and she got embarrassed.

"W-what? He defeated the 14th!?" Kate was flabbergasted and couldn't even imagine how strong he was. She started thinking that if he was in their universe, they would've won.

"Well, we know what you're thinking. You guys would still lose either way, the honkai didn't disappear in this universe either. And it has something to do with this bad man over here, he's an anomaly. We fought the 14th who was in full power, the divine keys can't even scratch her skin." Mobius patted Ein's shoulder and he pinched her cheeks.

"You guys keep on making me look like a bad guy in Kate's eyes here. Why? You jealous that I'll go after her?" He smirked and MEI squinted her eyes at him.

"Yes, honestly. You philanderer, I have a feeling that the moment we leave her with you, you'll make her fall in love with you and bend her over your table along with Krishna. Hmph!" MEI said and he smiled wryly at her. Thinking that women really are unreasonable.

"W-what? You would!?" Kate and Kevin said at the same time. She put her hands on her body as to hide her voluptuous form and Ein sighed at their antics.

"I would not. Or would I? Anyways, wouldn't you think that I would've already did that to you if I was a savage like that MEI? You think I don't know that I'm your crush in the past?" Ein face palmed and MEI started panicking while Kevin nodded and thought that was understandable.

"Awawawa! Don't tell people that you bad man!" She blushed hard, making Elysia and Eden chuckle as he outed her to everyone that didn't meet her before everything all went to crap with the 3rd honkai eruption.

"Okay, you... You aren't hostile now, but that's because we are strong. If we weren't, you would've done everything you wanted in this parallel universe. So what should I do to you? Hmmm?" Ein said to Kate and she flinched, as he was right on the money and Krishna would've taken Su's body, along with his memories so they could find a way to fight the will of the honkai.

"I... I know I can't even ask you of this, but. Can we please have solace in this universe? I beg of you, me and Krishna have traveled for thousands of years. She's the only one I have left, even though she has become like that. Please..." Kate groveled to the ground as her forehead touched the ground.

Ein sighed and Elysia was staring holes at his back, as she wanted them to stay for more selfish reasons obviously. "Hah, this is gonna be a pain. I just have one question. Did the captain of squad 7 went off peacefully?" Ein asked and Kate was confused.

"Uhhh, she did. We fought her brother who turned into the 7th herrscher, and when the 14th descended. Krishna put the entire world in an illusion to let them live their lives peacefully until the end." Kate answered which surprised him a bit. But he nodded and went up to Krishna. Ein then poked her head, scrubbing her mind clean until she turned just like Su. Albeit, female.

"You may stay here, but don't do anything funny or I'll let her do things to you." Ein pointed at Mobius and the green haired scientist licked her lips. Making Kate tremble, as Mobius was easily one of the worst people that could decide your fate along with Aponia.


Meanwhile, at England. "Overseer, so it was your plan all along huh? Indeed, it was impressive. You have even fooled me with your great acting as Susannah." Rita nodded in satisfaction at Tilie's masterful acting.

"That's right, it was a ploy to get our enemies' guard down. And they took the bait quite easily." Tilie puffed up her small chest and was proud that Ein's maid was impressed by her plan and acting.

"Tilie told me that the enemy might have sprung a trap on us. So I followed you guys, though they were already doomed to fail when Ein-nii suddenly came out of nowhere." Bianka added and Rita raised a brow.

"I see, thank you for your concern Bianka-san. But I could've taken care of this vile honkai creature by myself." Rita took out her scythe and aimed it at Stan, terrifying him as Rita's pride took a blow from their plans. Making her quite angry as her honkai energy started creating tremors in the surroundings.

"M-meow!" (Y-you were just lucky you evil biped! My silly human told me to retreat...) Stan coped, but he was shaking like an earthquake.

"Do let me terminate this devious, ill-begotten little fiend Bianka-san." Rita said with a smile, but Bianka and the other two knew she was seething.

"Meow!" (You think I'm scared of you human! I'll beat you in my normal form and poop on your face, round 2 let's go!) Stan got a bit more confident as Bianka was holding him. Like an aggressive dog with a leash, but was meek when released.

"This smelly unwashed furball must be disposed of, I shall end its noisome existence for good." Rita was getting impatient and gestured Bianka to put it down.

"Uhhh, I think we can deal with kitty in another way. Tilie, you did say that you wanted to take him to Schicksal for some research right?" Bianka looked at the other blonde and she scoffed.

"Huh? That poorly bioengineered beast, I have no use for it." Tilie said with a shrug, but Bianka really liked the cat and she stared at her, menacingly.

"Ahem, unless I unlock its secrets. It's incredible if you ask me, a fine, lovely thing." Tilie quickly reasoned as she thought Bianka would pummel her to the ground.

"Hah. If you so wish Bianka-san, overseer." Rita bowed and let it go, while Stan sighed in relief.

They then returned to their posh hotel and Tilie was making a presentation as she climbed up a stool. "Okay, our bait might not be fully successful. But we were able to get valuable information about the 2nd key. In Jackal's words, it was just in plain sight and I have an idea where the key is." Tilie said as she showed them her robot scanners.

"My state of the art scanners will release EM waves throughout London. And we will pinpoint the location of the key using it as a sort of echolocation. If it hits a pocket dimension, then the EM wave will be released at the other side a bit faster. Then we will just measure it and take it after we find it." Tilie explained their plan and Bianka had a question.

"Wait, won't that be too obvious? High tech scanners and robots would attract a lot of attention. What if we get attacked and they are apparently waiting for us to do this?" Bianka raised and Tilie nodded in satisfaction at her question.

"That's where you and Rita come in. Obviously, we are short staffed, but you guys are the ace of the Valkyrie order. If you can't protect key points, then Ein would be disappointed in your skills no?" Tilie said provocatively and the two nodded when they thought of it.


Schicksal's scanners already arrived and they have started locating the 2nd key. In just a few minutes, they have found an abnormal cube at the top of river Thames.

"A spacetime anomaly 50 meters above river Thames was found overseer. Please do advise." Command asked and Tilie gave orders for the mechs to fire high powered honkai lasers at a pinpoint location to puncture the container of the 2nd key and the rest will unravel.

The mechs did their work and the container of the 2nd key shattered. While Jackal fumed as she watched at a top of a building with binoculars. "Tch, I didn't expect that they would shatter the container of the 2nd key this easily... No matter, there is still one failsafe. He will not let them do whatever they want." Jackal then left as Tilie cheered, finally obtaining another piece for her grand plan.

"Yes! Finally! A step closer to success." Tilie was ecstatic, but something wearing a cape was on top of the ship. Holding a burning blade that was eerily similar to Shamash's 0th power.

"What in the world is that? An ELF? And it's still functioning after all these years?" Tilie was surprised and she didn't like where this was going at all. So she immediately called upon Rita and Bianka as World Serpent didn't really do anything.

The ELF's cape then got unravel by the wind and it was revealed. The protector of the 2nd key is an ELF of Kevin that wielded an imitation of The Judgement of Shamash. Its blade burning and the temperature around the water started to rise as steam escaped from the river. (pic)

"That looks like a challenge..." Bianka's blood started pumping and her battle junkie tendencies were taking over her. As she has never met an enemy that can take more than one punch except Rita and Aesir members.

"It does Bianka-san, allow me to be your support. Please have fun." Rita bowed and let Bianka take the battle herself.

She nodded with a wide smile and equipped her battlesuit. (pic) "We're going to have a blast, you and me. Come at me!" Bianka didn't forget to lure the ELF away as they would surely have a battle that would damage the 2nd key.

Kevin ELF nodded and started levitating. He then brandished Shamash Jr. And went to Bianka at breakneck speeds. Bianka coated her fist with honkai energy and punched the incoming slash at her. Creating a tsunami of flames that threatened to burn London down to the ground.

"Hah, please do be more mindful Bianka-san. You owe me one for this." Rita froze the flames and stood atop the ice as she observed the battle with interest.

"Hehe~ HAHAHA! You are strong! Worthy to be my sparring partner, but we're just starting little one!" Bianka gave a roundhouse and the ELF got hit on the side. Though it blocked with its weapon, but he flew like a bullet and crashed into the river.

Bianka waited for it to resurface, and moments later. The water boiled, she was then hit by an energy blade of pure heat as the sky was set ablaze. Causing panic in London, the flames looking to engulf the city in its entirety.

"Damnit! Schicksal would be responsible for the damages here. Amber! Evacuate everyone from London to the closes city possible, STAT!" Tilie ordered as Bianka and the ELF exchanged blows that gave off shockwaves, making windows shatter and stray flames bathe the city. Thankfully, Rita was protecting it with the powers of her battlesuit.

"King!" Bianka shouted as one of her stands created a shield. Blocking the strike of the elf and with its broadsword, smacked it away.

The ELF didn't like that and squinted its eyes at Bianka. In a burst of speed, it appeared behind her and kicked her on the abdomen. Making her the one flying now, impacting at Southwark with a resounding explosion and tremors.

"That was a good one!" Bianka stood up and took her lance. She then started to sprint and threw it at the speeding ELF like a javelin. The ELF dodged and her lance tore through multiple buildings like a 50 caliber through paper.

Rita deflected the lance before it could cause much more damage. Bianka had enough foresight to aim it where Rita was, but it still destroyed multiple buildings where Aesir operatives had to interfere and save the possible casualties. And a report was on its way to Ein as of this moment.

"Yare, yare. Bianka-san, you must have forgot that goshujin-sama will know of this later." Rita shook her head and massaged her temples at Bianka's recklessness.

The ELF capitalized on her opening as its blade glowed a bright orange. As if the sun has been summoned right at the middle of the city. But Bianka smirked. "Kallen-nee taught me this, I hope you like it! Royal guard!" Bianka overloaded her body with honkai energy and hardened it to the max. She deflected the blow right as it hit her and she stomped on the ground to anchor herself. "Take this! Royal release!" Her fist crashed onto the ELF's face and like a bomb was dropped at the city. A shockwave was created from the impact, parting the clouds and toppling buildings like they were paper mache.

The ELF was damaged and it spit out a Soulium tooth. But it had other plans as it deemed Bianka strong enough to have the 2nd key. And it knew that he wouldn't be able to beat her with her strength.

It flew to the 2nd key and there was an indent at the top of it. The ELF put its sword inside and twisted it like a keyhole. Cosmic Juggernaut then whirred and started to open a portal to the sea of quanta. Making Bianka gasp as she noticed that the ELF was sending it there so they won't get it. The last test of the ELF for her.

"Oh no you don't! I'll be damned, I worked through my holiday for that!" Bianka sped up at maximum and reached the vessel. But Cosmic Juggernaut still entered the sea and they were swallowed up by the null energy.

"Ara~ it seems we have a situation. I will await your return Bianka-san. Now, now, how should we clean up this mess?" Rita said with a sigh as she looked at the heavily damaged city.

The Kevin ELF lost power as it jump started the key with its power source. And Bianka was in a pickle, if she didn't do anything. They will be lost in the abyss.

"Damn, I guess I have to use that huh?" She concentrated and started to reach out to one of Ein's gift to her. The universe he created to get out of the depths of the sea. It served as a battery and gave her nigh limitless honkai energy.

Her eyes turned golden and armor started morphing onto her body piece by piece. She didn't know how to use Null energy, but the overwhelming amount of honkai energy that even strained her body was enough. And the universe inside of her was also anchored to theirs and she forcefully pulled the Cosmic Juggernaut, along with the ELF with ropes of honkai energy and telekinesis.

"Uwoogh! Damn, this is heavy!" She pulled the items with her at a portal that her sudden burst of energy created and entered with her spoils. She then arrived at river Thames again and sat on top of the 2nd key as she got exhausted by the strain.

"Hah, hah, that was dangerous. I could've lost the 2nd key with this little midget's antics." She pantrd and waited for back up. Rita and Tilie arrived and listened to her report, they then started to move the 2nd key back to Schicksal.


And while Schicksal took the 2nd key, at the Kaslana house. Things were getting intense. "Baby doll, what's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" Siegfried knocked at Kiana's door as she has shut herself off for multiple days now.

"Shut up old man! Leave me alone!" Kiana replied, making Cecilia and Siegfried frown heavily as she has become unnecessarily aggressive towards Siegfried the last couple of months.

"Honey, this is a problem. Whenever you're here, she would become like that, are you sure you didn't do anything to her?" Cecilia was worried and Kiana would have a massive change in attitude whenever Siegfried was around.

"I don't know Cecilia, is she having her rebellious period? She's a teen after all, but this is different. It's sudden and not prompted by anything in particular at all." Siegfried wondered why and he didn't have any clues. It also happens whenever Adelheid would come to visit.

*Why don't you let it all out? He is right there, defenseless, clueless, just like the idiot he is. Let us kill him for defying us!* The herrscher inside the 2nd core kept on whispering like the devil and Kiana was sweating buckets.

"No... No! Leave me alone!" She fought off the temptations of the herrscher persona. But whenever Siegfried enters her mind, or even hears his voice. She feels indescribable rage, wanting to tear him apart.

*You want it don't you? Tear him limb from limb, kill him so he won't be a nuisance anymore. Kekeke~ I am you girl, I know what you want. You just have to take action, I'll help you.* The herrscher continued and struck where it was effective.

Kiana then remembered the times she got neglected, it was burned into her mind. Her memory turning into a catalyst for her baseless rage that amplified day by day.

"He, he was sad... I don't know why. But it wasn't because he hated me! Stop talking inside my head!" Kiana retorted, but she was tensing up. Her heart rate rising, it was like she was hallucinating. Imagining the death of Siegfried as she started to feel good about the scenarios.

*Look at you, it feels nice right? It would feel nice too if it would become true. And killing him would be a trifle matter, he doesn't have the judgement of Shamash. And mom's blood isn't as strong as that accursed sister of hers. Do it.* The herrscher hissed and Kiana's eyes started to turn orange.

"Kiana! Who are you talking to in there! Are you okay? We're going in alright!" Siegfried shouted behind the door.

*It's your chance! Don't you want to see our lances skewering him!? It would be exquisite! Let me out, we will have all the power we need to impress him. Ahhh, won't he be proud of our newfound strength when you release your power?* The herrscher capitalized once more on Kiana's deepest insecurities. And it was Ein's approval, as she was just a lowly B-ranker while her friends in St. Freya were A-rank now. Even the younger Rozaliya and Lilia.

She went to HQ as she vowed that she'll become an S-ranker by her own strength. Making her achievement more impressive. To gain his approval, but Bronya and the others have left her in the dust.

Her eyes that were flashing blue and orange stopped changing. Her pupils changing to the 2nd herrscher's unique ones as she smirked. Kiana's voice became distorted. "You're right. Hehehe~ I need power. And the worm Siegfried will be a fine testing dummy."

Siegfried then broke the door down and saw Kiana that was hunched over. Not noticing her eyes that have changed.

"Kiana, baby girl. You alright? What's happening to you? Tell mom and dad okay?" Siegfried was about to touch her shoulders, but she laughed.

"Fufufu~ Siegfried do you want to know, worm? My problem is you! You and that accursed Adelheid!" Kiana used telekinesis and Siegfried flew out of the house from the force. "Hehehehehe, HAHAHAHA! I have returned! And you will be my first test oh daddy." Kiana laughed like a maniac and Cecilia immediately contacted Adelheid, she then started to use her blood to try and contain her. But she was prepared.

"Stay out of this mother, we will reunite later. Once I show Ein-nii how I'll rule this world with him." HOV put her inside the infinite corridor and Cecilia didn't have enough firepower to break out of it without Abyss Flower or her battlesuit.

"Damn! You again? And I think nobody's going to come for help for some time." Siegfried had a grim face on as he knew that Rita and The Golden Paragon of Schicksal were in a mission in London. Via the information network of Anti-Entropy.

"Kukuku~ Shall we start human? Taste the power of a god!" HOV summoned subspace lances and aimed it right at Siegfried as he gulped. Thinking of ways on how to contain her. He looked at the last vial of ICHOR activators and his trembling hands that are cascading.


Thank you for reading everyone, my phone broke and my PC and laptop was far away. So I wasn't able to write. Anyways, the Nagazora arc will now begin and the 3rd herrscher will appear. Kick-starting the main story. Tilie now has her hands on the 2nd key as well, making her plan viable. Anyways, ciao.