Omake: The Boys Developing a Taste

Every week Ein takes Kalpas, Kosma, Su, and Kevin to the world of Ishuzoku reviewers. MEI even gave permission to Kevin, except he needed to be a girl and had to go to the genderswap inn only. Or he will be sleeping on the couch again, he can't escape too as it needed to be on video. Not that he minded, but options were limited.

"Yosh, sing with me! Sukube ga daisuki! Let's go to heaven~" Ein started and they all cheered. "be energetic!" Everyone followed up.

"Empty it~" "It's time to use it!"

"Empty it~" "Your own tool~"

"Empty it~" Now it's time to use it."

"Let's go to, paradise!"

"Fufufu~ You won't be using your tool Kevin~ Or you'll be sleeping on the couch for months, remember that okay?" Elysia snickered from the side and Kevin's spirit got dampened a bit.

"Worry not, Kevin. You just have to defeat MEI until she gets taken down! Rut her like a horny ass rabbit until she submits! You're getting shagged by Ein, learn from him damnit." Vill-v said with frustration and Kevin gave an orz. As Kosma's chatty streak spread in the base.

"I might be strong as hell now everyone, but Ein's stamina is just infinite. I'm not like that, he's built different!" Kevin shouted with jealousy and everybody laughed.

"Ohh, I did hear from MEI that she has some pretty mad skills. Using science to suck you dry she said, so you won't go out and use your tool on others. Kyahahaha!" Mobius revealed, and it got Aponia thinking.

"Kevin. Why don't you ask help from Ein-sama? If you can't think of it, then he could just turn into a woman and make her submit. He is actually insatiable as a woman too, it's good for first timers as well. He's much more gentle and supple as a female." Aponia suggested and Kevin frowned at first. But he squinted his eyes, calculating the scene in his mind using his ridiculous stats to imagine it.

"T-that's not a bad idea... Ein, c-can I ask you of that? Please?" He bowed and Ein shrugged. "Well, it's fine I guess. Just ask MEI-chan for permission beforehand. Mei is the spitting image of her too, so it won't be awkward for me."

Kevin then got determination in his eyes and would surely talk it over with her when they return. Ein teleported them to the world of culture, but he went to visit the goddess first and foremost as she was getting a little bit too tense with an outer god in her realm.

He entered heaven there and saw angels that froze instantly when they saw him. There was a 10 meter tall woman that was tense in front of him and she was shivering with fright when she saw him.

"P-please, don't eat my domain. I-I'll do whatever you want!" Her voice cracked and tears started to form on her eyes.

"Woah, calm down lady. I'm not a devourer of universes you know? Relax, breathe." He took out a chair and sat down. The goddess was still wary of him, but outer gods don't give a damn to anybody and she thought that he came in peace.

"I'm Einheri, girl. But you're probably older than me." He shrugged and the goddess frowned at his words. As all women wants to be called young, thinking that he must be lying, as outer gods are existences that persisted since the dawn of time and space.

"Don't believe me eh? Well, I just recently ascended. But enough of that, I was going to thank you because of your wonderful system here." He gave her a box of treats and the goddess looked at it with curiosity.

"How do I know that these won't do terrible things to me?" She raised a brow and Ein shrugged. "Well, I could've just done it regardless? Don't worry gorgeous, I won't do anything here. I'm just a tourist you know?" He smirked and upsized himself to her height. Going behind her and gave her ear a little nibble.

"W-what are you doing?" She froze because of the foreign stimulus. "Hmmm, nothing really. Why? You curious? You make your angels create magic circles for succujoints, but you don't know a thing about the pleasures of the flesh? How about I show you a new world? As thanks for introducing my boys to culture?" He kissed her neck and she moaned loudly.

"I... I don't know." She fidgeted as she has never felt something like that for millions of years. "Hmm, it's a yes or no question. Do you want to experience it, or no? You'll be the one I'm going to gobble up~" He whispered in her ears and she blushed heavily. His devilish charm and power making her submit.

"Y-yes please." She faced him and he summoned a huge bed. "Don't mind the audience, let them watch you drown in pleasure~" He pushed her on to the bed and she fidgeted.

Ein then slowly took off her robes and they started. The angels watched their goddess getting railed to high heaven. Her expression, full of life as she was in ecstasy.

Unfortunately for one angel that came a little too close, they got blown away by the goddess who finished a little too hard and the angel's source of power got damaged. Getting yeeted out of heaven, not able to access most of their powers and unable to return.

"Ohhh? Is that Crimvael? Kevin, Su, there's an angel that fell out of heaven. Please take care of her, uhhh him. Whatever, Crim is a hermaphrodite anyway so both counts." He shrugged and gave the goddess a little kiss.

"My dear little goddess, don't think we're done here just yet." He smirked and someone broke through the realm. It was Elysia in her herrscher form.

"I knew it, I felt like something interesting was happening~ Ein, you bad man. You didn't tell me that you'll be bagging the goddess here." Elysia pouted at him and wanted in on the fun.

"Hmmm, I guess two is better than one no? How about we teach this cute goddess the pleasures of the flesh?" Ein smirked and the goddess gulped, seeing Elysia that broke in her realm nonchalantly.


Meanwhile, the boys went to a forest and saw an angel that was being chased by some monsters. Kosma immediately brought them down and started munching on them. Scaring the hell out of Crimvael that was injured. (pic)

"Oi, you're the angel named Crimvael right?" Kalpas asked and his aggressive tone made the angel back up onto a tree.

"Let me handle this, Kalpas. Hey, you're Crim right? Ein told us that you fell out of heaven and your halo is broken. Come with us, I don't know how I'll restore your halo. But we will take care of you for now." Su gave a smile and his calm personality made Crim relax.

"T-thank you, but how did you know that I fell out of heaven?" He asked, as they were clearly not angels. And Crim didn't know who Ein was.

"It's because of that guy that came to heaven earlier. He told us that the goddess came too hard and released her powers a bit too hard. Along with other things, but that isn't important right now. Let's get you patched up, Su. Do your thing." Kevin explained and Su healed him up well.

"Come on, why'd we have to take care of this shrimp? He's an angel, right? Can't he take care of himself?" Kalpas got annoyed as time was getting wasted.

"Shut up Kalpas, it's Ein's fault why he fell out of heaven. We can just take him with us anyway." Kevin shrugged and Kosma nodded.

"Okay, sheesh. Damned Ein, causing us trouble." Kalpas grumbled and they went back to the city.

They roamed around and looked for a place that was open even though it was morning. "Umm, can I know where we're going?" Crim asked nervously as he didn't know where they will be going.

"Ahhh, this guy's an angel. He must be a virgin right? Kid, we'll let you pop your cherry!" Kalpas shouted and Crim went an atomic red.

"Awawawa! W-what are you saying out loud in broad daylight Kalpas-san!?" Crim's halo spun and turned red as well, fascinating Su.

"Well, that's our goal here kid. Don't worry, we'll start with a pretty good one." Kalpas gave a thumbs up and they arrived at meow meow paradise. Their very 1st establishment.

"Ahhh, this place reminds me of good memories." Kosma nodded in satisfaction and they entered the place. "Welcome, nya! Ohhh? You guys are early this week huh?" The receptionist smiled at them and looked at her favorite customer, Su.

"Heya~ We've got a newbie over here, we'd like someone to show him the ropes." Kevin pushed Crim to the front and he was looking on the ground, embarrassed and nervous.

"Y-you know... I thought this lascivious behavior was... Frowned upon. And s-shouldn't you be doing this with the one you l-love?" He said while fidgeting and they laughed at him.

"Such an innocent virgin boy, nya~ Don't worry guys, I'll let Mii take care of him." The receptionist rung a bell and a cat girl with long hair appeared. Purring at Crim that was the designated customer.

"Nya~ So you're a first timer huh? Don't worry~ This onee-san will teach you everything nya." The cat girl pulled Crim into a room and the boys nodded in satisfaction, roping in another comrade for their cause.

"Now, how about we start with 5?" Kalpas took out a bag of gold and put it on the counter. "Thank you for your patronage! You guys are the best nya~" The receptionist was delighted as their group always took almost everyone and pays a lot as the girls get exhausted after.


Ein just finished off the goddess with a double whammy from him and Elysia. "Ahhh, that was satisfying. Big girls are cute too, she has ginormous tits!" Elysia excitedly said, looking at the twitching goddess that has a look of bliss on her face.

"Umu, it was. Too bad she doesn't have much stamina and is pretty much done." Ein nodded in satisfaction and Elysia agreed.

"We can just train her to have more~ anyways, go and invite us next time okay? I think Aponia would love to do this." Elysia then returned to earth and Ein went to the mortal realm.

"Hmmm, they're having some good fun in meow meow paradise. Some things don't change I guess, at least Crim wouldn't have a bad time there." Ein went to ale and eats. Sending a message to them that he'll be right there waiting.

"Meidri-chan, how are you doing little lady?" He smiled at her and she greeted him. "Ohhh, Ein-san! You're back huh? We aren't that busy today, but with you here. I doubt that will be for too long." She chuckled and remembered that whenever they go there, things would get hectic as they always empty their stock of food and alcohol.

"I'll make you prop up a bit Meidri, the others are still busy, but they'll return soon." Ein poked her forehead and she had a rush of energy.

"Ahhh, that's always amazing Ein-san. I wonder how you do that? Is it some kind of special buffing magic? Anyways, thanks! I'll be having an easier time thanks to you." She thanked him and he started slow with a pint.

While Ein was enjoying his nice little pint. Somebody went up to him, it was an elf and a human. "Hey man, are you Ein?" The human asked with squinted eyes and he nodded.

"That's right." Ein then looked at them with a smirk. "Yo! I'm Stunk, this little elf here is Zel. Come on man, give us some details. How the hell can you exhaust thousands of succubi in that tower?" Stunk asked in exasperation as that was surely impossible.

"Yeah, that's super amazing, man. What the hell? You some kind of god or something?" Zel confirmed the legend that a god amongst men took down the succubus tower in a single night.

"Kukuku~ I just rut them until they are satisfied, just get good, scrubs." Ein snickered and they both took out a pen and some paper.

"Can we get your autograph? Shit, you're the man, the myth, the legend. The pussy slayer." Stunk said, impressed in awe by his prowess.

Ein nodded in satisfaction at his moniker and signed their paper. He even took out some panties that he took from the succubi in the tower.

"Hell yeah! This is gonna be a limited edition!" Stunk and Zel cheered and they started drinking. The news then quickly came that Ein was at Ale and Eats for their weekly retreat. The pub was filled to the brim and the party started strong.

The others then finished and went to the pub. With Crim following behind them, blushing like a tomato as steam came out of his halo.

"I've done it. I've done it now, in every sense of the word." He mumbled and Kalpas patted him on the back. "Hahaha! You've done well kid! I heard your girl purring quite nicely! BWAHAHAHA!" Kalpas embarrassed him further and Crim looked like he just committed a cardinal sin.

"Yo, you guys had your fun?" Ein handed them some alcohol and they drank it in one gulp. "Meidri-chan! Can I speak to the owner?" Ein called for the owner who was a mandrake who took care of all the cooking.

"Yes, Ein-san?" Ivy, the owner of the tavern spoke with him through a mouth on her vines. "You've been awfully busy here. I can't just make Meidri prop up everytime you know? I'm even paying here, so how about you get another employee? Crim, come over here." He beckoned to the angel and he introduced himself.

"He's Crimvael, he fell out of heaven and can't return because his halo got damaged. He's a hard worker, I promise. He also has a hard and towering dick, hahahaha!" Ein laughed and all the thirsty ladies looked at the cute Crim like they saw prey.

"Ein-san!" Crim shouted and got awkward, as a lot of people stared at him. "Yo! Stunk, Zel. This little angel, I leave him on your hands okay? Show him the wonders of the world whenever we aren't here." Ein beckoned to the two and they saluted.

"Ein, can we go somewhere where the girls are aggressive? I want to go at it hard if you catch my drift. Besides, Kosma is made by god to be submissive and breedable, so he can benefit from hard girls." Kalpas requested and Ein nodded.

"I know just the place." He patted their backs while Kosma squinted his eyes at Kalpas. "What? You probably don't speak and just let them do their thing." Kalpas hit him right on the money and Kosma couldn't retort.

They then went to a pretty shady looking place. And the store's sign was The Lilim's frenzied frolic. "Woah, this place looks shady as hell." Su commented and everybody nodded.

"That means it's going to be crazy as hell!" Kalpas shouted in excitement as he started getting heated up.

They then entered the establishment and the receptionist smirked at them. "Hi, welcome to this place, dear customers." She thought they would die with just 5 people and everybody saw a glass display. Containing tons of Lilim's, low class succubus who are horny savages.

"What's the hold up!? Come in here and make your dicks hard! I'll fucking kill you if you're a quick shot!" One of them commented and Su immediately frowned, deciding to not commit to this.

"Ahhh~ some hot guys came! You better not be limp dicks or I will fucking beat your pretty faces!" Another commented while drooling.

"As you can see, this is why we only charge 500 gold and you have unlimited time. The lilim inside also pay to keep the shop running, honestly. We don't even need to charge you. But that would be problematic you see?" The receptionist explained and they agreed.

"Now, please sign these wavers. I won't be taking you out of there even if you die, not that I can anyways." Ein patted Kalpas and Kosma's back. Su then got surprised by one of the Lilims as it started humping the glass display. She was already sopping wet.

"D-damn, I leave this to you Kalpas, Kosma." Su can take them on, but he didn't have that kind of kink.

"Kekeke~ I'm all fired up! Listen here you bitches! I'll run you all to the ground! Suck me dry, if you can!" Kalpas' clothes burned and Kosma sighed at his antics. The receptionist then opened the heavy set doors and the two of them entered.

The Lilims squealed in delight and they immediately mobbed them. Kosma just let them do their thing, but Kalpas started going ham and Ein nodded in satisfaction at his energy.

"We've raised them well. Look at them go, they grow up so fast." Ein shed a year with Kevin and Su sighed at them.

"Su, how about you lead Kevin to the genderswap inn? I'll look things over here for now." Ein patted them on the back and they exited the establishment.

"Yes! Yes! Come on! Fuck me harder! You're so hot!" Kalpas' increased his temperature and he was limit testing himself.

"Hehehe, HAHAHAHA! You like that you bitch! Come on! Swing your hips harder! Grandmas at our place are more energetic than you!" Kalpas shot back and he was having the time of his life.

"Go on, do your worst." Kosma said plainly and just stood there. The lilim then feasted on him, but they couldn't take him down.

"KYAHAHAHA! Come on you fucking sluts! How am I gonna finish with your weak ass fucking!" Kalpas laughed as he slapped their asses, pulling their hair and was having a good time.

"W-woah. That guy's insane, I think this is the first time I ever saw someone dominate them." The receptionist was both impressed and scared.

"Well, he is kinda crazy. But don't worry, he's holding back. A lot." Ein thought that Kalpas was good for not losing himself and held back on the girls.

After some time, they finished the whole myriad of lilims and every single one of them were on the ground while Kalpas and Kosma stood tall.

"Hah, that was a nice time. I think I have a favorite place now. But they're still not enough, Ein." Kalpas sighed as the Lilims definitely gave him a good time, but they couldn't beat him in the end. He wanted to fight someone who could go toe to toe with him.

"Kalpas, you know. There is one person that can go toe to toe with you." Kevin looked at Ein and Su also looked at him. "Seriously? Are you pimping Kalpas to me right now?" Ein said with a raised brow and Kalpas went silent.

"Well, obviously. Kate won't really get it on with anyone but you and MEI, Krishna might be playful. But she won't do it too, she'll probably be disappointed anyways if we compare. And we won't too, even if he turned. I don't know, you're just. Different." Su explained and Ein sighed.

He then looked at Kalpas that was just staring at him through his mask. "Are you okay with that Kalpas? I mean, it's fine with me." Ein shrugged and Kalpas nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I can't hope to ever beat you in combat anyways. But maybe, this where I can go toe to toe with you at least." Kalpas was resolute and Ein snapped his fingers. Kalpas turned into a wild looking woman with shoulder length hair and a curvy body. (pic)

Kevin and Su whistled as Kalpas has some pretty serious cake on her. "Hmmm, this feels kind of weird. Let's get it on then!" Kalpas prepared herself and Ein teleported them into a volcanic area where eruptions and earthquakes won't matter. As it was really far away from civilization.

"Take off your mask Kalpas, it's just us here anyway." Ein took it off and Kalpas' orange, fiery eyes burned with determination.

"Ohh! Come on, Ein! Give it to me and give it to me good!" She shouted and burned her clothes off. Ein sighed as she was still a meathead.

"I can't do it when you're so dry down here you know?" He went behind her and grasped her neck tightly. Slamming her down on the ground as the ground trembled, magma deposits being disturbed as the volcanoes around them exploded.

"O-ooh... T-that was nice and rough." Kalpas fidgeted and she started getting slick. "That's right, you want it rough, right? I won't be going easy on you." Ein slapped her thick cake and a shockwave exploded from the impact of his hand and her cheeks.

"This is what I'm looking for!" She struggled with all her might as the ground cracked, the rocks on the surroundings melting from her high temperature.

"Prepare yourself, we're just getting started!"


After a couple of hours. Kevin, Su, and Kosma were just drinking in the pub while they waited for them to come back.

"Damn, they're taking their sweet ass time. Kalpas must be getting a beating right now." Kevin swirled his drink and was getting bored.

"Well, you know Ein. Kalpas is also someone that doesn't give up until the job is done. They're probably causing natural disasters while they go at it." Su commented and drank some beer.

An earthquake then made the city shake, it was approximately magnitude 7 and everybody held on in a panic. "Fucking hell, they're going at it alright. That was intense." Kevin knew it was them because he just felt a massive pulse of destructive energy. And it felt burning hot, 100% coming from Kalpas.

And after a few minutes, the two arrived at the tavern. Kalpas was walking funny and looked like she just came from the battlefield.

"What the hell are you guys doing? We felt strong earthquakes even from here." Su squinted his eyes at them and Ein gave a chuckle. "Sorry, sorry. Kalpas was a little bit too into it and she wanted me to bury her to the ground. Her words, not mine." He shrugged.

"I... I lost, terribly. But it was the best, I can still feel my blood boiling. Hehehe~ Hahahaha!" Kalpas laughed in glee, feeling all nice and tingly, still.

"I'm not going back, I can't. Ein ruined it for me, so I'm a woman now." Kalpas laughed and they thought it was understandable.

"Ohhh! Let's give a toast to my friend here who has become a truly cultured individual!" Ein raised a mug of ale and they partied again.


Thanks for reading everyone. Mei and Kiana will go straight to St. Freya after the 3rd eruption. And after HOV's arc, the will of the honkai will start interfering. Or captain verse for a bit so it won't suddenly go to the final saga. Anyways, ciao.