shadow lukers

shadow lukers

Quinn, 15 years old blue eyes and blonde hair, is Germanic Caucasian, weighs 120, and is 5'6. Petite is late for school. Typically, she was always late anyway. What difference would it be today? Her friends assumed four besties were always there for her, yet clueless as usual Haley Winston, age 15, brown hair, blue eyes, germanic Caucasian tall 5'7, weight 135, muscular build.

Waiting for her outside, Quinn always leaves with her arriving at her house. Next was Reilly Chase, age 14, with black hair, left hazel, right red, and a green spot. It's called Heterochromia. They say she is Italian Caucasian, 5'4, weighs 112 and has an average thin build.

She is the most normal of the group, very clever, highly intelligent, and never swears; she always has cigarettes she has been smoking since she was 12 when she hid a carton from her mother, who smokes non-menthol organic volterra bolds. To everyone's surprise, she is healthy—even her mom, who smoked for 37 years. Haley shrieks with laughter, " Hey Reilly, what are you doing? We were supposed to meet at the Dell's diner for breakfast!" "I wasn't going to miss out seeing Frankie streak down Vincent's ally; he will be caught off guard when he sees her naked from his window," Reilly smirked. Meanwhile, Quinn walked out over hearing Reilly talking "*blows raspberry type cackle*" said Haley. "What, that's today?" "I thought we were over Vincent," Haley responded with a strange smile. " Nope, he is going to be naked too. We had a friend install the window at an angle we could see better. When I broke his window, I found out he sleeps with nothing on. He won't know, and neither will Frankie." Quinn laughed. "You two are ahead of our time, I swear. why not tell me sooner?" "Oh!", "This is gonna be great." giving in to a snorting laugh. Quinn, Reilly, and Haley start pacing themselves on the way to get Frankie.

Frankie is 17 years old with red hair, gray eyes, slightly tan Irish Caucasian, 5'7, weight 127, lean build. "There she is!" exclaimed Reilly and Haley. Quinn was giddy with excitement. " Is this gonna work?" "what will we do if we get caught?" exclaimed Quinn. Reilly quips. "Run! Don't get caught. I will deny everything just like the libtards in office." Haley laughs. "Seriously, Reilly. " oh!" shit, here she comes. Hey Frankie, ready for the run or walk of your life." Frankie Responds, "What do you mean?'' Quinn, Haley yells, "You know the Vincent challenge" "That's today. Fuck! I'm unprepared for this" Come on, you knew it was today. we're waiting to see him in beast boy form." Reilly replied. "Let's go not far, just three more blocks before the dinner. We are only going to be 18 minutes late." Frankie anxiously retorted. "No, we'll not be late for a change, fall back. Remember, that's why we're doing this today. We are early for once," Reilly smirked. They were walking past, taking a detour through his back street alley.

Vincent's the only viewer here, all but trees and power lines. Frankie gets ready to wait for him to wake up and go past his window to shower when they see a shadow of someone going by. Quinn, Haley, and Reilly shout." Hey Vincent!" Frankie panics when someone comes by the window, Vincent's grandpa Eddie Hearthstone. He was moved in shortly after the window repair and needed space because he forgot to wear his clothes, and the shower was accessible for him to look out at them. He panicked and fell from a heart attack. Quinn, Reilly, Haley, and Frankie decided to go streaking in solidarity for loyalty's sake to their worst and unforgettable living nightmare, having seen an old guy in beastman form run to put clothes on, freaking out. Haley cried, "Is he dead?"Reilly questioned, "That was not Vincent's room!?." Quinn sobbed, "I saw old guy junk. Never going to unsee it." Frankie responded, "That's it. I'm never doing this again." While struggling to get their clothes, Vincent runs out, thinking he is late, utterly oblivious to his grandfather passing out dead rushes by the girls knocking them all over each other getting up, he notices, "Wait, hold up a moment." and screams, "What the hell!"

Afraid, he ran awkwardly, looking at them. He headed to the dinner and hid in a corner seat, shaken from fear of arrest. These days, everything seems out of context, and well, let's face a fact boys and men are more likely to face charges than girls. While he orders a coffee with Irish cream and hazelnut drizzle iced and hot, he likes to slowly pour them into a separate cup making a weird hot and cold mix you would have to drink asap, or it would just be warm. He was sitting there looking puzzled at the clock asking the waiter when the clock was off. She tells him it's correct. He realizes DST DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME.

Meanwhile, the girls gathered and did their faces up so no one could see. They were red from crying. They don't know if the old man is dead. They used a pay phone, still operating, a rarity for 2030. Reilly called for an ambulance. "It's better this way. She said we should go. We don't want to take too long." They wanted so badly to ditch school forever, but their attendance and GPA were outstanding to forsake this, hoping everything would get better and never see him again. The sight of the old man was forever engraved in their eyes, like Staring at the sun. While entering the dinner quickly and quietly, Reilly said, "We should find a corner space that's usually dimmer." Agreeing, they found an empty corner not far from a seat taken by someone else, but feeling safe, they ordered iced coffee And adjusted their clothes. "I'm your waiter, Jenna. What would you like this morning other than iced coffee? Of course," Reilly replied rhetorically. "A time machine." Quinn and Haley didn't think that was funny. Frankie, however, laughed hysterically. "Yeah, agreed." Haley heavily voiced, "Not funny.'' Sitting there talking, they thought of nothing they wanted other than the coffee. Vincent could barely hear over their wispy tone. He lifted his head, looking up from the newspaper he reads at least twice daily. Gasping, he mistakenly inhaled some of his drink while the girls looked over to see who was choking. It seemed they were only side by side, angled in a v shape. The three near panic attacks are hyperventilating. Reilly quickly reached over, grabbing Vincent to plead a deal so he kept her friend's sanity. He responded, " It was an accident. I thought I was late. Please just let me go. I'm turning 18 this year. I'm almost in college. Please, I can't lose my scholarship. Reilly told him to be silent, or else while hearing her, his heart sank. She continued, "You saw nothing; you felt nothing unless we say so. You are ours now. Do as we say, or we will ruin you." Vincent was at a loss for words being blackmailed by a freshman, let alone a 14-year-old girl who managed it. Reilly told him to keep shut about it. He didn't want to say a thing, but she needed him to think she was under a false sense of security. Quinn said, "Let me guess it's to make him think we think of him as just another gross nerd or horny jockey jerk," Reilly said with a sour grin. "Yep, he will think we were afraid of him telling his friends about how naked we four were. We don't need him making up crap about us is not what with our records. Haley responds, "That was the dumbest crap we ever did." Haley wondered what she whispered in Vincent's ear she asked. Reilly told her she would give him orders, and he would bark like a little puppy at their every call. Relieved, they ate and drank just enough not to get full and puke from a random panic attack playing it smart for now. Before they knew what was happening, someone said an old guy was outside gumming what looked like a half-eaten cat slowly to them another. " what the fuck!?" exclaimed Frankie.

Dell, the owner, walked up to the glass window. "Must be a tweaker." Locking the doors, by that time, three people had shown up with flesh in their mouths, blood dripping from a woman with a half-eaten torso and an empty cavity where her gut should be. Pacing to the window. Slapping it, she said, "Let me in. I need." She garbled, "She just ate her fingers." said Jenna. Reilly responded quietly, telling the others, "If it's drugs, we're fine; cops can handle it. but if it's what I'm thinking. we have a fucked up situation here. We may be at Dell's dinner, but food won't last, and the adults will probably get killed trying to protect us, or in the worst case, use us as bait or food when they can no longer go without, and we are girls. plus, the side over there is glass others will come scouting for what they can scavenge." Hale laughed with Quinn and Frankie. "You are hilarious." Quinn stopped laughing while Reilly lit up a smoke. Frankie said, " Reilly never swears nor smokes in front of adults." At that time, five more show up, smearing themselves across the glass. Reilly said, "It's time." Jenna, shocked at her, asked her where she got those and why is she even smoking, to which she just said, "If you want to live, come with us. I look like a kid, but I have a brain that won't stop. Let's go now. whistles, "Here boy, come on, doggie, where is my good little boy." Jenna: "What's the matter with you?" a puzzled Vincent came right out of the restroom, his head soaked in water, pale from talking to himself in the mirror, still shaking from Reilly's command. He barks hesitantly, "Woof." Jenna replied, "I don't know what's going on here, but I'm putting an end to the nonsense. Give me those smokes and your mom's number.!" by that time, the glass in the door broke, making Jenna jump. "What now." Haley responded, "Don't!" "We think it's a group of zombies; trust me, it's better just to leave them at a distance." Vincent said, "Zombies, seriously" Down boy, they exclaimed while he turned to look at the girls, grabbed him, and Jenna shouted at Dell to stay back and go up the ladder to the roof. Jenna did not have it; letting her go and pushing her off, Jenna realized what those people were doing outside. it wasn't from drugs, that's for sure she took them to the back and said she would go and help Dell. They have been friends for a while, platonic, of course. they took Vincent. He was unsure of anything due to his fear of being blackmailed and went with them anyway as they ordered, or else, behind the fence; they noticed eight more on the other side creeping up. They went to the school to ask if anyone else knew yet or if they were the only ones. Their classmates on the volleyball team were playing fenced the field, not noticing the zombies climbing the fence. They had to be quick and smart. Vincent suggests, "If I were to ask about the blackmail, let me go, please." Reilly said with haste, " No, you will come in handy, and if we need you to fight as a decoy, it might happen, but if you cross us in safe zones or places with people, we will use it against you." he boldly said no I'm out I know what happened there are zombies now we don't have time for this." as he was leaving Haley said "all we have to do is point you out with the audio we recorded you out of luck." turning back Vincent upset stayed. At the same time, they found a way around a cop lying on the ground writhing in pain and choking on his blood. Vincent took his gun before Frankie could get to it. Looking awkwardly at each other, he said, "I may not be trustworthy to you, but you are the ones who showed up, broke my window, and then again three and a half months later nude I need this. Let me have it, Quinn questioned "can we trust you not to leave us alone." Reilly, Haley, and Frankie." started suspiciously clinging to Quinn trying not to give away their plan. they let him keep it while Reilly and Frankie searched the patrol car. Frankie equipped the shotgun while Quinn grabbed the AR-15 Haley stated I guess I'm the gear guy looking up the ammo in her bag. Vincent said they wait. Don't they have armor? Moving as fast as he could put on the vest? They ran across the officer's partner. Haley was the only one who could equip the cop's vest. The other girls did not want it anyway and ran to the court. They found the remains of two boys. They knew they were chill but dead for a while, which tells Reilly that it happened around five. They got there early to practice music before music class, then got killed. The girls and Vincent made their way around to the girl's volley team, hearing screams. Vincent made his move to save them from on-campus forestry sparing his ammo. He attacked the zombies that got over with a cricket bat. Knocking the zombies down and bashing open their skulls. While Haley and Frankie gather their classmates from the field, they now have fourteen girls to teach about zombie killing. Quinn replies, "Hey everyone when we get here, we notice other corpses and three dead cops. Of course, they're not zombies yet. Reilly spoke up and said. " So it may be a slow process which may give us time. I think we shouldn't waste it." Taking a clue from the others, Frankie decided to help lead the new crew, telling them, "We have others here that may be zombies, so don't get too close until you examine each other for cuts, scratches, and bite marks. It could be anything or even airborne. We don't know yet, but better safe than sorry." Reilly and Quinn called Haley over with Vincent and had them inspect the girls for any signs of infection.

They had an objection to him being an old guy. Haley responded," he may be 20 or, as you say, old he's 17, and we don't have time to complain. Our lives are at stake if we stay too long in one spot and don't move cautiously, so if you have any objection to him touching or looking at you, stay here. We have to get a move on. Vincent was surprised and nervous. Luckily for him, he has a very mature and respectful nature. After all of them had been exposed and examined, only three had cuts from falling on the net, scrambling over each other, so they were part of the quarantine scouts now. Finally, all put their clothes on inside the outside gym. They were distressed by it all, wondering where the teachers and other students were when Wesley came around; he was the class nerd always somewhere in the school. Mostly He likes the library, but today he went a new route and heard screams. Upon his investigation, Wesley found the field with dead people's heads bashed in. He thought it was a terrorist, so he hid, slowly, creeping around, seeing Vincent in police gear and two others armed to the teeth. He ran around and smacked right into the wall after falling downstairs. When they happened to Wesley, he was terrified, thinking about if he was about to die; Haley, who he thought was his friend, turned to the girls and asked him, "Where are the teachers and others." Wesley, afraid, said. "It's not a good day for a school shooting. You lose terrorist scum! It's just me at school today. didn't you see the morning news that the teachers are on strike in Glenn County?" Haley cackling at him, said, "Seriously, we didn't see it." Vincent replied, "Yeah, I wonder why?" Looking at Quinn, Reilly, and Frankie. They have a mischievous grins and awkwardly pose, hinting not to give them away or else. He quickly silenced Vincent. Wesley was a great addition to their group. Each had their assigned duties baffled. Wesley asked Vincent, "What was happening? and "Why aren't they bashing his head in?" Vincent replied, "Why do you want to die?" "It would be a shame to lose a friend during the zombie hell we may be going through." Wesley was in denial. They all told him what was next and what he would do to benefit the group. They seem to have everything figured out, from the armored soldiers class to the scouts and scavenger groups. They even had a quarantine unit, though highly needed for educational instruction about procedures and required radiation and medical care devices. Wesley may even become a field medic, if anything, knowledgeable in botany and medicines. Still in denial, they took him to the roof and showed him the lurkers in the shadows and the dead ones they killed getting there. No way, thought Wesley. There was no way to flee from the group. He went to the science lab and gathered radio equipment on a trolley.

Getting back to the top floor with the group, he made suggestions to better the defenses. After all, he is a nerd and a gamer who always wondered what he would do if zombie attacks ever happened. Reilly And Quinn talked to each other about how this seemed to work with his strategy, and Vincent was with Haley and Frankie in the teacher's lounge. At the same time, the separate groups wanted to move the nurse's office equipment and drugs to a better location. As luck would have it, they had five nurse offices on campus when Quinn asked Reilly, "If the teachers were not coming due to being on strike, and nearly all the students except for those of us here did not show up., why was the school not locked, and unattended?" prompting Reilly to call back every one due quickly telling them over the walkie-talkies there may be others lurking in the building leaving the stuff they gathered until they can sweep through in a larger unit. And collect at the same time.
Wesley stopped at the cafeteria for food inventory, different from what he expected to run into dead animals and a cougar strolling by the vendors backing up, mistaking the door path, and entering the janitor's closet. By then, it was too late to escape. He had to seal the door quietly and hide trapped. Noon was over; before they could sweep through. It would be their luck the power went down. The gas generators needed fuel and the last person to stock up on it was a cheapskate named Horus Finigan they had an even bigger problem. when they noticed the food supply would rot without it, Plotting their next course of action the volley girls stayed on guard duty while the remaining with guns and ammunition would be the scouting party. Reilly stated the nearby gas station should have what they need for a long-term overhaul. But it won't be accessible if they had no transportation and would have to make several trips. They decided to leave immediately to determine how long the city would be safe. Outside, they ran into a horde of zombies, forcing them to take refuge at a gas station. At least for the meantime until they could find a weak point. It took two days until they heard the undead start to silence. Haley and the girls quickly realized that going outside was the only way to get rescued. and rush through Vincent turns out to be the perfect candidate for the distraction. As they huddled together, trying to make themselves heard above the sounds of the hordes of undead that surrounded them, they realized that there was nothing they could do. They were hopelessly outnumbered and running out of food and water. Finally, the girls gave up hope and crawled into a small storage room behind a gas station. As they waited for their target to appear, Quinn couldn't help but feel guilty for being a part of this plan. She knew it was wrong and didn't want to be a part of something that could hurt someone. Finally, Vincent appeared at the rear exit, They watched him scramble to find cover. But as they watched, Haley noticed something strange. Vincent struggled to breathe, and his chest heaved with each breath. While they are still trapped. They started to panic, realizing that they needed to find a way to get to him he was their only chance to get free. All they could do was hold out just long enough for Vincent to save himself there was nothing they could do other choice was deadly. Frankie grabbed her phone without hesitation, hoping she would hear a ringtone. Telling him to throw it as far as he could he has the option of retrieving it later. Vincent knew immediately what the plan was when he saw the name on his phone and launched it as far as he could. when it was clear enough he rushed to the girls laughed and joked with each other like nothing was wrong. It was raining, but none of the girls cared. They took shelter under the roof of Dell's Dinner. Taking the moment to appreciate the little things in life.back at where they first saw the zombies. They worried about Jenna. And Dell if they were alive and where they too had gone. Praying they didn't end up in the hoard. " They certainly were not on the roof, some of the supplies had been taken as well. It looks like they left enough behind for others. A very generous notion indeed." said Vincent. All around them were people who had lost their humanity to the dead. Strangers turned on each other in search of food or weapons.
Reilly and the others looked at one another, shocked by what they saw. At that moment, they realized just how much worse things could get. And they knew that if the world continued as it did, they might soon suffer a fate far worse than death. Looking out, a flash of light hit the ground and felt like a massive earthquake glass shattered towards them. Half the campus was caved in, leaving an enormous gap in security. Haley said, "Did they just bomb the city." The girls sobbed. Everyone they knew may have just died, family and friends; watched the world burn from inside their makeshift encampment. They had to climb to the roof with fire retardant blankets, and a tarp to cover from the rain that slowly came to a halt. Then came a blast of heat, making them nauseous passing out. It would be two days later, they awake at 6 pm. Wesley was still trapped. Haley was surprised to see that the girls had come looking for them. She hadn't expected them to come so quickly after that night. Afraid they would have been abandoned. She figured they would stay away for a while. But the girls had to report news about Wesley.
They were relieved when the girls told them he had been rescued. He had sustained some wounds, but he seemed okay. He had a few cuts on his forehead and several bruises, but overall he was fine. The undead wildcat had it the worst said Molly Jenson one of the quarantine girls. She is sixteen next week not that it matters now she thought.
After talking with the girls, Molly realized she wanted to start living again. She needed to focus on life and forget about death. She remembered the first time she saw Vincent and wondered if he was thinking about her too.
She spent most of the day staring at the ceiling, wondering if he would ever call. She hoped that he would even look her way. Even though she had no idea where to begin, she knew she needed to try. Life was getting shorter as time moved on and she may never get the chance to express her feelings. Unfortunately, she tried too hard and came out desperate. Vincent was completely caught off guard by her advancement. Yet it seemed like she had gone crazy to him. Frankie was not pleased while Reilly laughed hysterically. Calmly Vincent told her even though things are different they still had to have appropriate behavior and obey the laws to the best they can he told her he is eighteen and she would have to wait. "What? You mean I could have just acted like a love-sick loony and you would have been, well ok in two years La dee Dah Freakin Doo," Shouted Frankie. Vincent, Molly, Reilly, Haley, and Quinn jumped back in shock at Frankie. Prompting a furious rant from Vincent. "Now was not the time to quibble over immature notions of romance." He declared. Vincent continued in anger. I bet any dollar amount you all did not realize. I nearly died trying to help you escape the gas station." To him being nearly covered in dead people was the one thing he never thought could happen to him. "I tell you it felt like murder, I did not know all of you seemed to think this is ok. I am not a puppy on a leash, nor am I some plaything you can prank whenever it pleases you the window you broke cost me nine hundred to replace and I lost my room to my grandpa because of it. My mom thought I was irresponsible my dad assumed I was rebellious breaking it myself, As if I was attempting to sneak out, or sneak a girl in and took it from me. You have all the time in the world to ask me out. This is nor was the right time you girls claim to be smart and intelligent. Here you are arguing over a man while we are in an open free for all battle against the clock. Get over yourselves, I am a gentleman and I obey the laws and rules the best I can. please do think because im yelling at you I don't like you. your too immature and think this is a game a relationship is a lifetime commitment. How do you think I would feel when I found out? It just wasn't the way you wanted well move on we may not be alive tomorrow it doesn't mean we need to hook up how do you think it will go without responsibility."

Chapter II

The horror of the fallen.

The horror of the fallen had changed everything. There were now zombies everywhere. The girls had to use all their wits and bravery to survive.

help SOS