Chapter 3 : It's My Order

Vika's POV

Still asleep, the prince pulled me against him. The hardened muscles of his chest and shoulders pressed against my body. I feared for what would happen when he realized what was going on, yet I longed to enjoy the safety of his arms around me.

The last traces of pain from my whipping and beating faded away with the prince holding me. With his arms around me, I felt like nothing in the world could harm me.

He continued to thrash and call for water for a moment before he lifted my face to his, and his warm, dry mouth came down on mine.

The prince wasn't kissing me though, not exactly. I wanted to enjoy it like a kiss since it was my first, but as his tongue probed my mouth, he wasn't searching for love or comfort.

No, he was searching for... Water.

But his tongue was so soft and hot. It was like he was sprinkling my body with fire through my mouth.

I didn't want him to stop.

‘Vika, what are you thinking?’

My inner voice alarmed me.

‘Leave him right now! Prince Asher is engaged to Princess Devi!’

Devi had turned eighteen a few days ago. Everyone in the pack castle discussed how Prince Regent Asher and Princess Devi were fated mates.

"Prince Regent Asher is definitely… No, he must be my mate." I had been hearing Princess Devi repeat these words at least three times per day since her birthday. These words were engraved in my memory like a curse.

I shouldn't have had any kind of lustful or desirable feelings toward him, but I couldn't help it.

At that time, the prince searched aimlessly in every cavity of my mouth with his tongue. He came up short and released me as if he were discarding an empty glass and called out for water once more.

As soon as his arms let me go, I scrambled to my feet, not wanting to be caught by anyone in the prince's bed, including him. Who knew what he might think if that happened?

Without thinking, I reached for the glass of water I had just poured and drank it down in an attempt to rinse the incident from my mind and body. I knew it wouldn't work though.

How could I ever forget what had just happened between the prince and me?

Asher's POV

At first, I was confused by the tall, thin woman standing next to my bed. She had her back turned to me, but I was certain she was not Mary, my regular maid.

My eyes wandered over her lean and athletic shape. I didn't mean to stare, but even without seeing her face, I knew she was a lovely creature. Even the way that she lifted the glass of water to her lips and drank was full of an innate grace that I found intriguing.

Until it occurred to me that she was drinking my water.

I almost laughed as I sat up. "How's my water taste?"

She sputtered, droplets of water coming out of her mouth as she pulled the glass away. She turned to look at me, her green eyes wide with fear or concern, maybe both.

She was so nervous that she backed up to the window. A gasp escaped her parted cherry red lips. "I'm so sorry."

Her cheeks were flushed. She looked embarrassed, but I had to admit it was oddly adorable.

I tried to get her to relax. "Don't be nervous. I am not going to bite..."

She sighed and relaxed, but she still kept her distance. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Who are you? Where's Mary?" I asked her, intrigued. I ran a hand through my hair, suddenly aware that I was only wearing my underwear. Mary was older, and I didn't care so much if she saw me undressed. But this was different.

"Mary is sick today. I'm Vika," she murmured softly.

"I apologize for drinking your water, Sir. I heard you were shouting water, so..." she explained to me. Her voice croaking slightly.

"So, you just broke down the door and came in to drink my water?" I finished her sentence in a joking way.

She ignored my joke and asked suddenly, "Do you need help, Sir? You seemed to be having a nightmare just now."

I chuckled, pushing the sheets back. The maid turned away from me. I grinned to myself as I got up and found a pair of pants.

"I'm good. I don't even remember what I was dreaming." I hadn't intended to talk about those horrible nightmares to others.

"Your Majesty, would you like your breakfast here in your bed?" she asked, lifting her eyes slightly to peer at me through her long eyelashes.

I was about to tell her that I could handle it by myself when I suddenly caught a familiar scent in the air.

It was blood.

Without thinking, I quickly grabbed the maid's right wrist.

"What are you doing?"

She was shocked and tried to twist away from me, but I didn't miss the blood seeping from her sleeve.

"Hold still," I said firmly.

Immediately, she stopped struggling. I pushed her sleeve up to her elbow. She winced again.

On her forearm, I saw four little half-moon cuts. They were shallow, but fresh blood had surfaced.

I pushed the sleeve up a little further and found several more bruises purpling her skin.

"I've got something for you." I went to the living area and quickly got the container of healing cream for her.

She looked down quickly as she saw me come back.

"It's useful. Take it." I held out that container.

"Th-thanks, my prince," she said softly, still not raising her head.

I nodded and grabbed my clothes, moving to the living room to change. It would be better to leave her there to apply for the cream.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" she suddenly asked before I moved. "I'm just a maid, an Omega."

Obviously, she was an Omega with strong curiosity.

"Leave the breakfast. You can go back to rest." I changed my mind. If I left her to stay here, I would never stop hearing the word "why.”

That maid named Vika didn't pursue me any further but chose to bring in my breakfast.

"It is my job, Prince Asher," she insisted.

I shook my head a chuckled, waving off her statement. "Look, you've clearly had a busy morning. I can take care of myself. I'm not a baby," I said.

"I can finish my job." I heard a note of defiance in her voice.

For a moment, I was a little impressed with this Omega taking on that tone in my presence. It was subtle enough that I could have been mistaken.

"I'm not saying you can't," I assured her.

The maid didn't look at me, but she crossed her arms. I watched, and she almost instantly uncrossed them.

Again, it was a hint of rebelliousness that I didn't normally see in Omegas.

I was a little intrigued by her unusual defiant streak—intrigued, but also a little irritated by her stubbornness.

I was trying to do her a favor. I rolled my eyes.

"Go back. Take the rest of the day off. It's my order. I'll be fine." I usually wouldn't force maids or other servants to do something, but it seemed this special maid required my order.

"Thank you." The maid sighed, bowed her head, and left.

I watched her go, still tickled by how adorable she was.

The room turned silent. My nightmare started to come back to me, nightmares of the accident from eighteen years ago. The night had been an immense tragedy. I had been only nine when it all happened. As I got older, I stopped remembering the tragedy's events and details clearly.

The whole kingdom held the anniversary every year. I had heard pack members talking about that terrible accident a million times.

I sat at the breakfast table, staring at the toast without any appetite as my nightmare resurfaced into my mind.

The castle had been on fire. My dreams swarmed with the sounds of screaming. I envisioned injured pack members fleeing from the burning castle.

I was taken to King Magnus's room by someone, and I saw them die in front of me.

I didn't rescue anyone because I'd been too young and weak.

Ever since I shifted at 18, the same nightmare had haunted me occasionally for eight years. Whether I took sleeping pills or not, the nightmares always caught me with precision. Until it ended, I couldn't wake up.

Groaning, I put down my knife and fork and stared up at the ceiling.

Though the other memories I had about that night were blurry, I had seen many injured pack members and dead bodies after the tragedy.

My father, the hero rescuing the whole kingdom, took many he-wolves to fight back against the Lanem Kingdom for revenge. However, we lost a few members in that revenge war.

So, I swore I could never ignore an injured pack member, no matter their rank or status. I never wanted to feel that helpless again.

That Omega maid who had bruises and cuts on her arms… I had my suspicions about where she'd gotten them, and I wasn't just going to stand there and do nothing.

I'd never do that again.

Omegas were also a part of the pack. My duty was to the pack, the entire pack, no matter how low ranking a member was.

I was strong and powerful now. I could protect everyone.

My phone started vibrating next to my plate. I sighed as I grabbed my phone.

My lovely sister, Amina, had texted me. She was my little recorder, always keeping me up to date on what she heard around the castle and reminding me of important things.

[Don't forget about Master Rutfus's history class.]

I smiled when reading that message. I always enjoyed going back to my history lessons.