Chapter 61 : Ever After

Vika's POV

"Asher!" I screamed. My mouth formed the words, but I never heard them.

Darkness crept into my eyes. My arms and legs were too heavy… I couldn't stand up and go after him. ‘Come on, Vika, get up…’

My mind was numb. Then, there was nothing.


"I think she's waking up," I heard Magda say. Her voice sounded like it was underwater.

"Wha…" I groaned. My head pounded like someone was jumping on it. My chest felt like someone was sitting on it.

What the hell were they doing to me?

"Vika, honey, can you hear me?" my mother asked.

I blinked. Blurred colors became shapes… Shapes became people… I was in the castle. I'd cleaned enough of these rooms to know what they looked like.

"What happened?" I tried again.

"We found you by the waterfall passed out," Magda explained.

"The waterfall?" I sat up quickly. Ugh, that was a mistake. My head throbbed. I held my head with my hands.