Chapter 77 She Sold The Necklace

As I looked through other colors of yarn, Seraphine leaned in toward my ear and whispered, “Elliott is kind of cute, isn’t he? ”

I wanted to make sure I had enough yellow yarn to finish the baby blanket I’d started crocheting without having to come back to the store, so I grabbed several skeins and put the guards who Soren had insisted come with me to use.

Their names were Elliott and Duke—I’d asked. They’d looked surprised that I’d wanted to know, but I wasn’t about to walk around town with two men and not even know their names.

Raising an eyebrow, I looked back over my shoulder. He was tall with dark, curly hair that sort of did its own thing. Duke was shorter with blond hair. Both of them were muscular, as one would expect bodyguards to be.

I was honest. “I hadn’t noticed. Frankly, I’m surprised you did.” Seraphine was much older than me, definitely not the type of woman one would expect to be giggling over young cute boys.