Chapter 136 Does Rosalie Know Your Plan?

**Georgia’s POV

Smoke settled in the air, causing an eerie feeling to cross the land we had just battled upon. Priest Cerina had agreed to offer help to the northern villages by fighting off the rogues. However, that was only the very first step for the displaced people to re-build their homes.

With the advancements our forces had made in the war, the rogue leader had no choice but to move back and lie low.

But even with the pleasant progress we’d made, there was still so much to be done.

“Georgia!” a warrior yelled, catching my attention and causing me to turn.

“Yes?” I asked with a smile, pleased that he was addressing me by my name, and not adding a f*cking useless prefix of “miss” in front of it.

It took days for me to get it through to them. I wasn't the snooty lady they were expecting. I wanted to be seen as any other person in the army.

“I was sent to inform you that the council is meeting. With the battle done, they are looking to go over our next move.”