Chapter 53 : Following Destiny


Duck was bounding up the beach ahead of us, his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth and slapping his snout as he ran. Robbie was sulking behind me, his feet shuffling in the sand.

“Come on, man. We have to go back for the girls, you know,” I said, looking at him over my shoulder. He huffed audibly, like an animal, but refused to keep in step with me. Robbie hadn’t wanted to leave Dianny. He had met someone, but refused to talk about it to anyone, which was probably because Myla would tease him relentlessly if she found out.

Oh, Keaton was going to have my head over the Myla situation.

I could already see him storming down the beach towards us, his face twisted in anger.

“Where is she?!” he bellowed from several yards away, his voice booming over the sound of the waves lapping against the sand. I waved at him.

“Nice to see you too!”