Chapter 56 The 21st Generation of King Lycaon

Cedrick wanted to say something but my mother raised her hand to stop him.

“I suppressed your mate sense,” she answered my question instead. Her voice wasn’t loud, but shock settled into my bones.

“How could you….”

“If you cannot find your mate, then you will not have to worry about losing control around her.”

All I could do was stare at her from across the room.

So what was I? A crazy, heartless freak who was cursed to live in this world all alone until the end of his pathetic life? I was not allowed to love, nor was I allowed to hate. No emotions, no friends, and no… hope.

“Why me?” I murmured.

“I do not know. But what I do know is that you’re the 21st generation of King Lycaon’s bloodline and your power is unparalleled. Whether you like it or not, it’s a blessing from the Moon Goddess herself.”

I’d never asked for it! I never wanted this damn power!