Chapter 130 : He's Back


Two Months Later

Mom turned a letter over in her hands, peering down at the return address with a skeptical eye. I looked up from the pile of letters scattered in front of me on the long table in the library at the Castle of Drogomor, situated on the outskirts of Mirage.

“Who is that one from?” I asked, extending a hand.

She wordlessly handed me the letter, but I didn’t recognize the name.

“Who is Warren?” I asked before ripping it open. I unfurled the paper and then set it down on the table.

Mom arched her brow at me. “What?”

“This isn’t for us,” I said, sliding the letter to the side. “It’s for Grandpa, I think.”

“Well, what does it say?”

“He’ll kill us if we read his mail!”