Chapter 16 : Don't Come any Closer


The fog closed around me like a blanket. I had to admit, thick fog was the best way to stay hidden and move unnoticed through a creepy village like Miltern.

My feet seemed to know exactly where to go as I moved closer to the center of the village and the Central Temple.

I hesitated and glanced back toward the hotel. It was completely hidden in the fog.

I snuck off again. I couldn’t help but feel uncertain about neglecting to tell Soren I was leaving.

Soren had been nice to me and saved my life. What if he could help me?

Shaking my head, I kept forging through the fog.

“Get a grip, Mila,” I muttered to myself.

Soren could play the “nice guy” all he wanted but he had secrets and ulterior motives.

I sniffed. And he accused me of being the secretive one! Hadn’t he made some big deal with his men about not prying into anyone’s past? Why did he feel the need to pry into mine?