Chapter 30 : If You Can't Help, No One Can

I stared at the hole where Soren disappeared. Blood rushed in my ears and I felt numb. I couldn’t hear anything or feel anything. All I could do was stare at the chasm.

Worry crept into my veins. Was it only seconds that passed or had hours gone by? Time stood still completely and I held my breath, waiting for him to emerge.

I didn’t expect to be worried about him but it felt like too much time had passed. No sounds or movement came from the darkness.

“Screw it,” I muttered. I was going to go in after him and find out what happened!

I slipped away from Ashley, vaulting over a nearby piece of rubble, and launched myself straight toward the chasm.

A strong arm looped around my waist and pulled me to a halt. I lurched, the wind getting knocked out of me again.

Gasping and heaving, I tried to catch my breath. All I could do was glare at the person that stopped me.

It was Payne this time.