Chapter 46 : It Was Over

The men all froze, Chandler stopped near the door, just before leaving.

“What the hell was that!?” he snarled, looking at the others.

They all shrugged and looked at each other in confusion.

For the moment, I was free of their torture and I took a few deep breaths, trying to settle myself. I still felt so much pain but my body was running on adrenaline. Whatever was going on, this was my chance to escape while they were distracted.

I started working on the knots that had me bound.

“Get out there! See what the fuck is going on!” Chandler demanded, pointing to the door. He stepped out of their way.

One-eye, tattoo-face, and the others rushed to the door. Just as they reached it, the door flew inward with a huge blast. It crashed into Single Eye and the other wolves. They all fell to the ground like dominos, groaning and writhing in pain.

Chandler was far away from the attack and just stood there, staring.