Chapter 28 : Give Me Eliza


I ran the back of my knuckles over her exposed ankle and she didn’t even flinch. She was sprawled out on her bed, face down, her arms and legs splayed with a pillow over her head. I slowly lifted the pillow to make sure she was still breathing and hadn’t suffocated herself, but she was fine, out cold.

Eliza slept like a rock. I was more than impressed by it, and slightly jealous if I was being honest. I let the pillow fall back over her head and crossed the room to pull the curtains closed, blocking out the late afternoon sunlight. Papers were strewn across the desk and the floor, all of them covered in ink blots and rough sketches of the Cryptex.

I picked up the discarded papers as I walked through the room, flipping through each page. She had terrible handwriting, almost illegible, but she was a historian, after all. I’m sure she was writing as quickly as her mind was moving.