Chapter 8 : Seeing Green


While Sasha’s gaze was averted, I let my eyes roam over her profile and tried not to think about how we were both nearly killed by that rogue, how she almost got hurt. My heart squeezed in on itself at the thought.

She was so close to me. I could feel her warmth radiating off her body. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to pull her into my arms and make sure that nothing ever hurt her again. But I knew that wasn't an option. Not right now, at least.

I couldn't deny that my feelings for Sasha were growing stronger with each passing moment. It wasn't just a physical attraction anymore; I genuinely cared about her. But I also knew that I couldn't act on those feelings.

I calmed my anxiety at almost losing her by reminding myself that she was there, she was alright. But then she was moving away.