Chapter 21: Clearing Things Up

After Kelly and Anna ate, Kelly encouraged her to get dressed and head over to Ethan’s house to clear the air.

“This kind of conversation is best done in person. You need to go see him,” Kelly had advised.

As soon as she was dressed and ready, she got in her car and pulled out of her driveway. Kelly waved to her from Anna’s porch, smiling. She stayed behind to make sure everything was locked up securely, since Anna had been through such an emotional time lately and might forget something. Kelly worried for her friend’s safety after hearing how Alan had been acting.


Anna pulled up to the farmhouse, parked her car, and headed up to the door. She had a whole new perspective on the small, charming home knowing what was hidden underneath.

Her knock on the door went unanswered, and she assumed Ethan was downstairs and would take some time to answer, so she wandered around back into his garden.