Chapter 23: Trespassing

Chef Benjamin had prepared a special dinner to welcome Anna back, and the whole team was excited to see Anna and Ethan back together. The team members were close friends of Ethan, and they had watched him care for so many others over the years while never taking care of his own needs, so they were excited to see him finding love. They had never seen him this way, with a measurable spring in his step and a sparkle in his eyes that told the world that he had finally found the one woman for him.

For Anna, all those feelings of uncertainty had washed away when she discovered the true reason behind Ethan’s secret underground mansion, that it was a place for a team of dedicated people - with Ethan at the helm - who worked quietly to make the world a better place. None of them asked for recognition. They did it with a sense of duty and responsibility, and the team was a true reflection of its leader, Ethan.

“This is amazing,” said Anna.