Chapter 25: Living in Fear

“He was here,” Anna told Ethan when he answered the phone. He instantly knew who the “he” was.

“What?! I can be there in five minutes,” Ethan said, panicking and running toward the parking garage.

“I’m okay. It’s okay. He wandered off and he’s not here anymore. I’m locked inside.”

He slowed to a walk. “I can still come over and make sure he stays away. Or you can come over here, where I can protect you.”

“I’ll be over later for dinner, but I’m not going to let Alan Shangle run me out of my own home. I’ve worked too hard for everything I have.”

“I can respect that. I’m just worried about you. Will you let me at least send some security people over to keep an eye on things? No one will even know they’re around, but they’ll confront him if he comes back,” suggested Ethan.

“Okay. That would actually make me feel better. I don’t want him doing anything to my house, or to Sammy.”