Chapter 37: Contentment

Chef Benjamin and his team had prepared a special dinner to welcome Anna and Ethan home, and several team members joined in the feast.

“Ethan,” said Cliff, who was stirring the dressing into his salad.

“Yes?” answered Ethan, pushing around pieces of his own salad with his fork, purposefully not looking at Cliff.

“I got a call yesterday,” Cliff said matter-of-factly.

“I imagine you get several calls per day,” Ethan said, still not looking up from his plate.

Anna was giggling.

“This particular call was a person who asked for me by name,” Cliff said.

“Well, you’re a pretty popular guy. Good looks and all….” Ethan said while chasing a golden grape tomato around his bowl.

Cliff laughed. “I’m not mad, actually. Dave’s a nice guy and he seems to have some good ideas for his start up. We can probably help him out.”

Finally, Ethan looked up. “I knew it all along,” he said with a confident smile.