Chapter 6: Teeth and Fangs and Claws

Inexplicable rage was not usually the emotion Jamie felt herself swamped with. Normal rage? Sure. Irritation? Oh, almost a day couldn’t go by back home without someone doing something stupid. But inexplicable rage?

Or, maybe not so inexplicable, but Jamie was finding it rather hard to put into words just how p*ssed she was at the sight before her.

Not at the packs shifted forms. No, she’d never judge that when she was reproachable enough to have a toy poodle as her form.

She would never scorn another for being a Malamute, beagle, Schnauzer, Pomeranian or otherwise.

What had her seething was the absolutely gigantic WOLF standing where Logan had just been.

Not a Shiba Inu, not a Husky, but a true-blue blood wolf.

It made no sense. Why was Logan the alpha when he most certainly didn’t have Canis Syndrome? Why was he the alpha when he couldn’t possibly understand?

Questions without answers and Jamie realized with a sinking feeling that made the anger burn hotter that Logan still hadn’t answered any of her questions.

Andy and Valerie did. Helping a stranger settle the new pack member in was part of the alpha’s job so the pack would better accept them, but did he do that?

It was simple why he didn’t, and Jamie felt dumb for not realizing it when she was raised by an alpha. Even here, she wasn’t pack.

A Dachshund came over, barking softly as if in question. Valerie. It took only a moment for her to shift, and then Jamie was staring into worried brown eyes.

“Hey, you need to breathe.” The tone was soft, like Jamie was glass.

She wasn’t, but that didn’t change the fact that something was about to give, like something was about to snap or shatter.

“Hey, are you okay? Why aren’t you shifting?”

“Logan, I don’t think now’s a good time,” winced Valerie.

“No, no, now is a GREAT time,” Jamie gritted out, fists trembling with rage as she forced herself to keep them by her sides. She had always had a temper, but it used to be easier to control.

Logan looked at her curiously, no longer in wolf form, but by God did seeing his confused expression enrage her like nothing else.

“Look, you’re the alpha. You have duties. I get it, but since meeting you, you have done the bare minimum of introducing yourself and your pack. You have dragged me along with your wants, shoved me onto other people, and I have behaved, but I am getting real sick and tired of not knowing anything. Of you springing everything up on me without so much as a forewarning. You say welcome into the pack, that I’ll get used to it all, like being here, but what have you been doing but ignoring me?” she demanded.

“I’ve been busy–I am busy. I don’t have the time,” he scowled.

Something didn’t give. Something didn’t shatter, but something definitely snapped, and with a snarl, Jamie jumped forward too fast for anyone to stop.

She lunged and slammed her fist into Logan’s face.

He didn’t take it though. No, Jamie didn’t expect an alpha to. He wasn’t even knocked over but swung back around, snarling, and then they were fighting.

Fists flying, limbs swinging. Logan might’ve managed to get a good punch to her ribs in, but her own flying kick to the face would’ve laid lesser shifters out flat.

“Do you have the time now to deal with me?!” she screamed, but instead of replying he decided to cheat.

Jamie screeched in rage when he shifted into his wolf form, which was twice the size of a regular wolf, and looked five times stronger.

He leapt, pinning her to the ground, and something snapped, but less in an emotional sense and more in a physical sense.

Jamie cried out, but no, she refused to be treated like this. To be treated like nothing, for the fight to be so bitterly twisted that he wouldn’t even play by the rules. You didn’t just shift to end it like a coward.

You stuck to one form in a fight no matter how it was instigated. You didn’t shift mid fight to use weapons like a human when you were fighting as wolves. You didn’t shift to bite out a throat when you’d been fighting as humans. That he didn't have the decency to play by the rules stung, that she wasn’t worth enough to do so.

So, she punched his wolf form in the throat, hard enough to make him wheeze and gag before rolling off of her, shifting back to cough while Jamie raised a hand to her shoulder, pressing around lightly before hissing.

Yep, that was her collarbone. Her ribs ached something fierce too, but she still got up on shaky legs, baring her teeth to Logan who was glaring at her, stumbling to his feet.

“ENOUGH!” Logan growled at her, and she snarled right back, refusing to be cowed by an alpha like this, a guy like this.

“Yeah, I’ve definitely had enough of you! Stop wasting my time–stop acting like I’m just some annoying gnat to shoo away to bother someone else! If you don’t want me in your pack then stop treating me like sh*t already and just say it to my face you COWARD!”

Logan stared at her with wide eyes, and Jamie viciously thought ‘good.’ She was dangerous, she was a threat, and at least now he was actually acknowledging she existed.

He sobered up quickly though, straightening back up and rubbing his throat.

“Valerie, Andy, bring her to the medical ward. Take care of her wounds. I pinned you, so start behaving.”

At that, Jamie couldn’t help but scoff.

“I don’t know about your pack’s rules, seeing as you’ve so kindly told me nothing about anything, but in a fight, you don’t just shift forms, especially when you’re the d*mn alpha. Not unless you’re a cowardly cheat or think your opponent isn’t worth the honor. Which are you? Honorless, or a coward?”

A hand was placed on her shoulder, and it was only because Jamie was keyed up and keeping aware of the rest of the Northeastern pack’s movements that she knew who it was. She would’ve bitten that hand off otherwise.

“Come on,” muttered Valerie, tugging her gently.

Jamie gave one last glare at Logan before spinning around and letting Valerie lead her away.