Chapter 9: Pride and Pack

It hadn’t changed, the way the Northeastern pack treated her that is.

Jamie had thought it might after what had happened, but they were still nice. They still welcomed her into their territory, their home.

They asked about how she was, if she was doing okay after being injured, and it left her reeling.

In her father’s pack, if someone had challenged him like that out of nowhere and lost, let alone a member of his pack doing that? They’d be treated more than just a little coldly if not outright punished for the improper conduct.

Here though? Despite how poorly Jamie acted, they still treated her with kindness, and it made her feel…guilty, over how things had gone down.

They both could’ve handled all of this better, but it wasn’t all on them…that they didn’t know. Logan had no one to teach him, and Jamie had no one willing to tell her. Tell her she was leaving, how the new pack worked, what was expected of her, if anything was at all.

Was it fair? Oh, God no. None of this was fair. This is what they had though; this is what they were stuck with.

Jamie could imagine it, in another life where she’d be content with no responsibilities. Where the loss of her parents would force her to take up the mantle, the leadership of the pack so she’d still have that connection to them.

So that the legacy of what was built wouldn’t fade away. Their Western pack could’ve survived with their beta, Gabriel, taking over for a while. Could’ve survived going without an alpha for a time before trouble came around.

The Northeastern group didn’t have that. They were already small and looked down upon. Without someone strong looking out for them, they’d be torn apart. It didn’t matter that Logan had been young. He was the only one who could’ve stepped up that would’ve been shown respect, that the other packs would’ve taken seriously as a threat.

Because unlike the rest of the pack he was still a wolf.

That was why Jamie was currently standing outside of the door to Logan’s office, hesitating to knock.

Last time she saw him, she’d punched him in the throat, and that wasn’t what she was feeling guilty about.

Jerk deserved it for not even having the decency to explain when he KNEW her parents hadn’t explained anything, let alone him.

A punch was the least of what she could’ve done. Besides, he broke her collarbone. They were even.

Jamie took a breath, scolding herself for being a coward and just going for it. Knocking against the door.

“Oh, hey.”

Then she whirled around, almost punching Logan in the face. He was NOT in his office because of course he wasn’t. No, why would the alpha have a schedule to do work? How could that possibly help him in any way?

He was in another suit, sans tie, the buttons popped and showing off the bruise from her knuckles.

Jamie forced herself to calm down. She would not get mad and punch Logan, she promised herself. Making a fool of herself once was enough.

“It’s 2:00 PM. Valerie said you’d be in your office,” she managed to say evenly, without any irritation.

She wasn’t here to yell about tradition or how to run his pack, even if it looked like he could use some help.

“Ah, yeah, that happens sometimes. I get work done when I can but—yeah…was there something you wanted?”

“Yeah, I did.” Jamie straightened up, turning to face him.

“Before you say anything let me say something first,” he cut her off before looking her right in the eyes. “I’m sorry.”

…What the hell just happened?

Jamie blinked a few times, but no, she hadn’t accidentally taken Andy’s medicine and started to hallucinate.

“Yeah, that’s kind of how I thought you’d react,” he winced. “But I mean it. I’m sorry. I didn’t even do the bare minimum of what I know how to do as an alpha. You deserved better than that, deserved MORE than that so…I’m sorry.”

“I’m not sorry for punching you,” Jamie started.

“That’s fair. I didn't think you would be. Good punch by the way.”

“What I’m sorry about is that I reacted so poorly–no, look,” Logan almost looked like he was about to protest, so she cut him off. “Yeah, everything sucked, and I was having a really, really bad time, but that does not give me the right to take it out on other people. Could you have done better? Yes, I could’ve done better too though, so…I’m sorry.”

Logan chuckled softly, shaking his head.

“Seems like we both have no idea what we’re doing.”

They both shared a small, tired smile.

“Sorry about breaking your arm.”

“My collarbone actually, and don’t worry about that,” she waved off. “We’re even since I disgracefully started that fight and punched you in the throat.”

“Not for slugging me in the face?” he asked in amusement and Jamie just grinned.

“Oh, you deserved that one.”

“Ha!...Listen, in my pack, I really don’t know what I’m doing, so when I took over, it was more about building a community and family then building a pack and knowing all the dynamics and traditions.”

“Well, if you ever wanna learn, I guess I’m here to help. My dad IS the alpha of my pack.”

“I might just take you up on that offer but…later. I’ll let you get settled in first, properly this time.”

Logan walked past her, opening the door to his office and slipping inside.

“Hey,” Jamie stopped him, waiting till he looked at her. “You’re unconventional, and by God do you need a crash course in pack dynamics and decorum, but you’re a good alpha where it matters,” she admitted.

“Thanks, I…thanks. Well, better get started on the paperwork,” grimaced Logan before waving goodbye and closing the door.

Jamie stood there for a moment before heading back to the cabin. She needed to get back and start slowly emptying the pill bottles. Save some for evidence at the very least.

No need for Valerie to get suspicious. Jamie could take a little pain.

This might not be her pack yet, but if Andy thought she’d just take whatever he was doing lying down, if he was doing it to other members of the pack?

Then the least of what she was going to do was punch him in the throat.