Chapter 13: Helping You to Help Myself

All in all, four weeks to heal a broken collarbone was not bad. Shifters always did heal a bit faster than regular humans.

While she was still a bit tender, and too many hits could re-break it, Jamie was feeling rather good.

She had to get the bone rechecked by Andy and had to bite her tongue so she didn’t bite his prodding fingers off instead, but she’d been cleared to remove her sling and was allowed to partake in light exercise.

Valerie had even believed her when she said that she no longer needed the pills to deal with the pain–not like she was using them in the first place but still. It was nice to no longer have to carry on that ruse.

Gathering dirt on Andy had been less successful than her healing bones though.

The man was smart, or at least had a lot of practice on avoiding detection, discovery, and skirting the Territory Laws.