Chapter 98: SILLA

I wonder where he went and why I felt so restless when he was out of my sight. Chantal and I had shut ourselves away in her room, but I was feeling closed in and out of sorts; plus, Bella needed to go outside for her morning romp in the little patch of grass in the yard. I was hiding from Emma and Nikki because I didn’t want another run-in with either of them.

I’ve never been in this kind of situation before, one where I wanted to run as far and as fast as I could while still longing to be here. This was nothing like home, and still, there were too many similarities to ignore. Home, I always wanted to escape, but there was mom to worry about, and that had held me back.

Now it’s my feelings for Gabriel that are holding me hostage, while at the same time, they’re the reason for my angst. I hate this feeling of having lost without even trying, of having given up without putting up much of a fight, like I’d already accepted defeat.