Chapter 14: Different Powers

Garrett's mother walked up to the young people and observed them all with an expression which made them feel as if she could see right through them and knew their very thoughts. Raul wished that he could also sprout wings and flee the situation.

"I knew where you were and so I had to keep an eye on you in between taking council meeting notes out here in the pergola this evening," Garrett's mother said.

"Oh, sorry Mom, I forgot that you had your garden meeting tonight," Garett said quickly, trying to quench the fire.

"Some of the people missed you, but at least Melinda attended her meeting out in Tesla today," Garrett's mother, Theresa Maine continued. She was the head of the local branch of the eagles' council for creative arts and charity. When they had a meeting at her home once a month, Garett was also supposed to be there, so that he could meet new members. He had never missed a meeting before.

"Melinda has a council homework project to attend to, as far as I know, isn't that so?" she asked Melinda with a stern expression on her face still.

"Yes, Ma'am, I am going home now," Melinda responded with her eyes averted from the local matriarch.

"I don't understand why Raul would go to such a dangerous place," Theresa commented.

"I had no idea what was going on there," Raul responded before he realized that he was betraying his friends.

"I told you to be gentle with Raul with regards to everything you want to teach him," Theresa said to Garett, who was just staring straight ahead of himself.

"Come into the house," she then commanded. "You cannot sit in Raul's Jeep all night while I talk to you."

"All night Mom?" Garett asked, with a worried expression on his face.

"Well, then that's my cue for heading home," Melinda announced. "Goodnight everyone," she said, before she walked off into the garden and flew away.

Raul had an irrational urge to join her. He knew that Garrett's mother was strict sometimes, but he had never seen her this worked up before.

Once inside the castle-like house, Raul and Garett sat in the study, where they were joined by Garrett's parents.

"Do you boys know that your mother and I were aware of the fact that you attended a place of compromise, while I was at a business conference and your mother attended an important meeting here?" Garrett's father asked in a solemn, but even tone.

"Mom told us," Garett responded.

"You have to be very responsible about the people you take under your wing when you want to guide them," Garrett's father said seriously. "And don't think that Raul's father does not know about that place."

Raul sat upright in alarm. "My father knows about that night club?" he asked with wide-stretched eyes.

"There are many things which your father knows about, in the same way that we as eagles know about them," Garrett's father responded, as he sipped at a glass of wine.

"You have known all along that my dad was a member of the wolf clan?" Raul asked in total disbelief.

"Yes, we did, but that does not make him a personal enemy of ours," Theresa said, while she looked Raul straight in the eyes.

"But then you have all betrayed me by making me believe that I was normal," he said with indignant tears in his eyes.

"We cannot take the place of parents by informing you about something so important," Garrett's father said with a sincere expression on his face.

"And yet, I always looked upon you as family," Raul countered. He felt betrayed by everyone tonight. It felt as if this night of continuous betrayal would never end. He held his head in his hands and looked down at the thick, burgundy Turkish rug under him.

"We have also always regarded you as family, that's why you know such intimate details about our family life," Garrett's father tried to console him. "And we will never see you as any different, no matter what happens to you in the future."

"What do you mean? What could happen to me?" Raul asked in sudden panic.

"Nothing specific might happen to you, my boy," Theresa said reassuringly. "Just know that we are always here for you."

Raul felt sick and weak. He wanted to lay down before he vomited.

"Oh, but I did see you all tonight, from the moment you entered that place called Club Ethereal," Theresa commented in a serious tone again.

Raul was shocked out of his feelings of self pity.

"From where, Mom?" Garett asked with immediate interest.

"I sat on the roof and kept my senses open so that I could respond if anything happened down below," Theresa answered.

"The name of the place is Club Ethereal?" Raul asked.

"Yes, does it ring a bell?" Garrett's father asked with concern as he studied Raul's face.

"No, it's just an interesting name, that's all." Raul responded and then leaned back on his chair reflectively.

"While I sat on the roof, that eagle called Graham sat on a rock, watching from a distance as well," Theresa added.

"He was there?" Garett asked, very alert now.

"You see son," Theresa began. "When you go to places which dull your senses with all that diverse music you will be less receptive to what's going on around you. That's why I had to travel to and fro, while attending to my meeting as well," she added.

"I only went there because I wanted to find out whether Percival had anything to do with the disappearance of those girls last year," Raul commented thoughtfully. "So, I left too soon actually."

"No, you did not leave to soon," Theresa said sharply. Raul sat up straight in alarm.

"You just might have left too late," she added, before she left the room to attend to something else in the house because she was too upset to talk any further.

Garett knew what his mother was referring to. In the past, there had been young people who had mysteriously disappeared after a night out at that club.

"Do you see why we are so strict with Garett?" Robert Maine asked.

"Because you want him to be safe," Raul responded.

"That and also because he has to develop his senses of awareness. He went on a secret pilgrimage recently for that same purpose," Robert explained seriously.

Raul looked at Garett as if he was seeing him for the first time.

"Is there no end to all the betrayal?" he asked looking straight into Garrett's eyes.

"It wasn't betrayal, Raul," Garett countered. "It is part of training. Melinda is also going to do some projects entirely on her own soon," he added.

"Garett had to go on a mission so that he could complete a prophecy upon his personal life and live according to his calling," Robert said carefully.

"That's why I am the one who became aware of some birds at Percival's bird sanctuary as being actual humans who were charmed into birds," Garett said as he looked steadily at Raul.

"Where exactly did you go?" Raul asked, still angry.

"That's not so important now," Robert said with a sudden change in attitude. He got up from his chair and stood in front of Raul. "You yourself may discover significant secrets and develop your talents, just by participating in the school trip towards the north."

"Isn't that where there is a maximum security prison and a big castle on the opposite end?" Raul asked.

"Yes, indeed," Robert confirmed.

"What could happen there exactly?" Raul asked, with waning interest.

"Anything can happen if you are soul searching," Garett said, as he handed a glass of pineapple juice to Raul.

"For instance, I also discovered the true identity of your friend, Lexi," he commented with a proud expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" Raul asked in alarm. He also suddenly wondered where Lexi was tonight, when he needed him so much.