Why did those words come out of her mouth, Helina thought. She’d lied to Chase and she was going to have to stick to this lie. There were ramifications she hadn’t thought about and ones she could think off of the top of her head. He wouldn’t let her out of his sight if he thought she was in danger. This was going to spiral out of control, and she had no method of getting it back under her control.
Chase bolted to his feet. “You were attacked?”
She swallowed. “Yes. It was nothing. I can defend myself.”
He strode over to her turning on another light as he went. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“No, it wasn’t exactly an attack. I got away before anything happened.”
That was partially true. She might have been attacked if the pack moving through that park had found her. She’d escaped, but she didn’t know how close a call it was.
“I hadn’t thought this was an unsafe place for you, Helina. If I’d known, I might not have brought you.”