Chapter 23: Helina Approaches Chase

Helina entered their shared kitchen to find Chase reading papers and drinking a cup of coffee. She sat across from him at the small table they ate at. She wasn’t sure how to start this conversation. He’d given her the green light to let Harlan stay, but her brother’s presence impacted Chase also. That was why she wanted to make sure he was okay that Harlan would be there for a month.

It was a long time for a house guest.

If Chase didn’t agree, she didn’t know what she would do. She couldn't throw out her own brother, but she didn’t own the apartment. She didn’t pay rent on it. Chase had the final say in who lived there and who didn’t.

Chase finally looked up at her. “I can hear you thinking.”

Could he really?

“No, Helina. From the horrified look on your face, you think I can hear your thoughts. No, I can’t, but you have tension wafting off of you. Just say whatever you need to say. You should know by now that you can trust me.”

“Harlan needs to stay here for a while.”