Helina held her breath. She didn’t know how Chase would react, but she’d expected him to either run from the room or chase her out of it. He did neither of those things. Chase studied her calmly across the table. She let out a breath when a few seconds passed by them.
“A wolf shifter,” he said.
It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. Chase used the technique of repeating what the person said to give himself time to formulate a response. Or to make the other person wait and squirm. She wished she knew which one it was this time. She would have to let him process what she said so she didn’t say anything else.
“Let me get the bacon,” Chase said.
He rose and put the food on plates and then put them down in front of them. As much as the meal smelled good, Helina wouldn’t be able to eat until she knew what Chase was thinking, so she waited.