Chapter 9: The Dead and the Living

“That’s just the tip of the iceberg,” her father said as he concluded his story. “The legends of ancient Egypt touch on some of the most eloquent symbols and archetypes. This means they speak to us on a conscious and subconscious level. It’s almost like with their writing, paintings, and legends their voices call to us from over 5 to 6,000 years ago.”

Cassandra nodded thoughtfully as her father closed the story. Maybe there was some kind of technology in that crown which made it cause her to have that hallucination? Or, maybe she was just hallucinating because of the heat yesterday. Either way, it seemed like there was something weird going on. Knowing more about the goddess was helpful though.

“Father,” she asked as she stood to leave, “do you think it’s true? Do you think Isis is real and all that?”

Her father seemed a little perplexed at first. He leaned back in his chair and shifted his glasses up his nose, which was what he always seemed to do when he was thinking.