Casandra was given stale bread by the boatman, and fed it to Anubis. She would not eat. The ferry led past many stranded souls, phantoms of people, who clung to rocks on the shores of the river who faded in and out from being and not being. She shuddered. She wondered what Hades was like. She saw the Disney movie he was in years and years ago, but could not remember anything much except that he was blue.
At last, she felt the ferry run aground as the ferry fell about the sands of another shore. Great, massive black gates towered before her, and before them, perched high upon an outcropping of rock, rested Cerberus. He lay, gazing downwards menacingly, his eyes red and his body like that of fire. She shuddered. She had a feeling that Hades was not a soft guy.