Chapter 15: What More Could I Want?

“Alright,” Josh says, ushering Beth into a booth at the niche little barbeque place between their respective apartments. It’s not their usual outing to Taco Bell, but it’s a welcome change. “Tell me everything about the audition.”

Beth does a Tony-award-winning impression of someone who isn’t dying of anxiety, and manages to smile up at him over their food. “I think it went well. They had me sing two songs.”

“Good start, good start,” he says. He passes her plate and drink to her, takes his own, and then shoves the tray to the side, out of their way.

“And I got a callback again.” Which doesn’t feel particularly like a win, all things considered. It’s her third callback for the same show.

“That’s great!” Josh toasts her with his root beer. “Proud of you, kiddo.”