Chapter 27: Josh's Help

It’s been… long enough, since they fought, that Beth has given up. It doesn’t really matter, in the long run, that Sean can’t give her what she needs. It’s just sad that they were so… so compatible, and yet, too different to make anything work between them. Anything other than the occasional friendly gesture, and really great sex.

She doesn’t think about it too often, anymore. She doesn’t work directly with him anyway, now that she’s in a show at the theater across town from where he works. She dreads the day he gets pulled as a sub to play opposite her. There’s no way she could keep it together, switching violently between showing him exactly how she feels about him in character, and then completely detaching offstage. Possibly twice in one day. She’d die.

Beth doesn’t realize how long it’s been until the itch starts. Her muscles ache, her skin feels too tight for her body, and she just wants to sleep for a year— but her womb aches, too, and she knows it’s not the flu.