Chapter 34: Not Welcome

Work hands Beth her own backside more often than not, but she can’t pretend not to love it. Hearing the audience cheer at the end of a double-show day is so worth the exhaustion she feels when she all but limps out of the green room at the end of the night.

“You get used to it,” Nico tells her, dark eyes glinting with the same mix of delight and exhaustion Beth can feel down to her bones. “Though I highly recommend using some of that nice juicy equity pay to get a massage, once in a while.”

Beth groans, her muscles collectively straining at the word ‘massage.’ “If I get a massage, I won’t be able to stand long enough to come to work.” She holds the door for Nico, bracing against the cooling autumn air. She wishes she’d brought a thicker coat. “I’ll just turn into a puddle on the floor and stay there.”

“That sounds glorious. Sign me up.”