Chapter 3: Paranoid

“What in the hell are talking about? How do you know about my talk? Who are you and who is this ‘we’ that you speak of?” the professor blurted out, completely confused about the situation. To the professor's surprise, the unknown brunette decided to actually answer his questions.

“I will not be telling you my name for reasons that will become obvious in a moment. I am a representative of a secret society that has existed for thousands of years with the sole purpose of making everyone believe that Atlantis is just a myth in order to protect its physical location and the remnants of their technology,” the unknown brunette said as a matter of fact.

“We know about your work because we make sure to follow the careers of any and all individuals that believe that myths have any truth to them. Beyond that would be to divulge too much,” she added.

(A secret society that exists for the sole purpose of protecting the physical location of Atlantis? Is such a thing possible? It most certainly isn’t impossible. History has proven that many secret organizations have existed and surely some exist now that go unnoticed too. If so, then this person who is here in front of me is basically confirming that my research and theories into if not correct, are close enough to reveal the truth!)

“You know what you are saying would sound absolutely crazy to most people. Why should I believe anything that you are telling me?” Professor Thelete was testing her and baiting the unknown brunette to get more information from her.

The brunette sighs and shakes her head dejectedly, realizing that if she has any chance of convincing him not to go to the proposal meeting tonight that she would have to throw him a bone.

“I know that two governmental agents have contacted you today. One from Russia and one from Greece. I already know about your proposal meeting and that the topic for discussion is the discovery of the actual physical location of Atlantis. That should be proof enough for you to realize that I speak the truth,” the young unknown brunette said with confidence.

(Damn! She even knows about the two governmental agents who contacted and who they represent. This is terrible! Just what the hell have I stumbled upon?)

As if reading his thoughts, the young brunette responded, “You are in over your head, Professor. You have no idea how out of your depth you currently are. I have said my peace and you will have to decide. I suggest you heed my advice not just for our aims professor but for your own wellbeing.”

(Did she just obliquely threaten me?)

The young brunette turned around and started to walk away. Before she could get too far, the Professor shouted at her, “Wait! I have more questions!”

The unknown brunette, completely ignoring him, states flatly while continuing to walk away, “One final piece of advice Professor Thelete, if you continue down this path, don’t trust anyone.” With that, she was gone.

(Damn it! What the hell is going on? What do I do now? I am being watched, that is for sure. Who else is watching me? How much does everyone know? Am I even safe...?)

As more and more thoughts poured into the Professor’s mind at an astonishing speed, his heart rate climbed, his blood pressure rose, his breathing became more labored and he began to perspire.

(How long have they been following me? If they know where I work, they most certainly know where I live! Home! I need to get home right now!... Calm down... breathe deeply... think rationally.)

After a few minutes of breathing deeply, his vital signs normalized and his thoughts became clearer. The Professor knew the next steps that needed to be taken.

Professor Thelete rushes home but does not drive recklessly and heads into his office, where all of his research is located. The professor owns a special desk that was made by a master puzzle maker designed so when you pull the desk drawers out, it functions to a specific length. It works as a lock combination.

Four drawers, thus a four-digit combination that can only be seen when lying on the ground looking up at the bottom side of the desk drawers. He quickly pulls the drawers to the correct positions and a secret chamber opens up. He places all of his most important notes inside of the compartment and then puts everything back into place.

Realizing that not everything is going to fit, he moves onto the false bottom drawers for important research, but not vital research. The key here for accessing it was a small hole in the bottom of the drawers that can be opened with the inner tubing of a ball-point pen. Studying history had taught the professor the best place to hide anything was in plain sight.

(There, now that all of my most important effects are secured, I feel a bit better and no one would be wiser. I will not live in fear. I spent my entire adult life working towards something like this. I need to at least try. At this point all they are doing is watching me and the governments will need me so they won’t kill me and as for the secret society they could have killed me tonight, so I do not think that I am in any immediate danger.)

The professor pulls out his phone and calls a house-sitting service that he has used before when he is away on his travels to conduct his research or give lectures.

“Hello. Yes, I need someone here for tonight, preferably within the next hour or two,” Professor Thelete said in a calm voice.

“Hello. That is not how our service normally works. Usually, you have to book us in advance,” said a warm female voice on the other end.

“I realize it is brief notice, but something unexpected has happened. I am willing to pay double the normal rate for the inconvenience,” the professor said a bit urgently.

“We should be able to find someone for you that will be willing to get paid twice the normal rate on such short notice. How many days do you require? Do you have any special needs, such as pets or anything of that nature?” The warm female voice said.

“That will be perfect and it should only be one day. Nothing special, all the sitter has to do is watch the house until I get back later tonight. Worst-case scenario, they will spend one night here and I will be back before the sun gets up the next day,” Professor Thelete said with a hint of relief in his voice.

“Okay, your usual sitter is unavailable, but we will send someone in their place,” the female voice stated.

“I understand completely. No worries. Take care.”

“Thank you for your patronage and have a good day.”
