Chapter 8: Madman or a Genius? The Panel's Verdict

The debate continues to engulf everyone, and people who were just sitting silently before are now being dragged into the conversation. No one can make sense of what is going on anymore. The chamber is in such a tussle that there is nothing but chaos.

Professor Thelete was left alone on the stage, just staring into the audience. Unsure of what to do in this situation, he just stood there, unsure of what to feel or what to think about the chaos that had erupted in front of him. The chaos that he had caused.

Eventually, a loud blaring sound, namely that of horn, was heard coming from the speakers in the chamber. It was loud enough to get everyone’s attention, and they realized just how out of control they all were behaving. Slowly, the crowd regained composure and sat back down in their seats.

A deep, gravely male voice came over the speakers, “Thank you for your attention. Clearly this is a heated topic and based upon the reaction not just from the audience but also from the members of the panel themselves, it is an unprecedented situation that we find ourselves in.”

A slight murmur and nods of agreement could be seen and heard throughout the entire auditorium.

“With this in mind, we will do something that has never been done before and seek the general mood of the audience. When asked to please write down your thoughts on the presentation.” The announcer said.

“The first group will be those that think that this is complete hogwash and has no bearing on reality, the second group will be for those who think that this is a potentially life alternating discovery worthy of recognition, and finally the last group will be those who are unsure what to think and are torn by the evidence submitted here.” The announcer continued.

“Before we begin, the panel wants it to be clear that we are only looking for your input but will make the final determination. We also want to clarify that we will take note of how many have voted and will not allow abstention in this particular incidence.”

“Please, make any and all arguments brief and to the point. Once you have written your thoughts down, please come up to the panel and place it into the designated box marked with the corresponding number that your general feelings about the presentation fit.”

“You will have maximally half an hour and then we will review them all and then make our final determination after that. I suggest that you all get comfortable. It is going to be a long night. Professor Thelete, if you would be so kind as to step outside, we will call you back in when we have finished.”

Professor Thelete reluctantly left the auditorium. His mind was buzzing with so many thoughts right now that he was getting lightheaded and feel a bit dizzy. He did not know what was going on right now, only that it was unprecedented in the over 100 years in the organization’s history.


(I wonder how the Professor’s proposal is going? I am certain that he is causing quite the commotion right about now. No matter, everything will work out in the end regardless of if he gets institutional support or not… Hmm? What is that noise coming from outside?) Zenobi thought to herself.

Zenobi got up from the couch that she was sitting on and went to the front door, and opened it. There was no one in sight, but she could hear a rustling coming from above her.

(So, they are on the roof. No doubt they work for the secret society and are here to destroy the professor’s research or at least steal it. I should head back in immediately and go into his office. They could break in at any moment now. Based upon what I have heard, there are probably three of them.)

Zenobi quickly, but quietly, made her way back into the house and headed straight to the study that Professor Thelete told her not to go into earlier. When she got to the door, she tugged on it.

(Damn, I forgot that he locked it. Oh well, can’t be help I guess I will have to get creative. I will just have to hope I get in before they do or else this will be very annoying to explain.)

With that, Zenobi’s energy level spiked massively, and she became translucent and suddenly walked through the door as if it didn’t exist.

(I haven’t had to do that in a while, glad it was as easy as I recalled. And look at this, they are just now breaking in and haven’t noticed my presence. I got here in just in time).


“Professor Thelete, will please come and join us back on stage?”

After waiting a grueling three hours, it was time for the professor to find out what his fate would be. The Professor quickly got up and made his way back to center stage with high anticipation and a fair about of nervousness in the pit of his stomach.

“After much deliberation and debate among ourselves and the community here as a whole, we have come to a verdict, but one that we have never given out in the history of our organization’s existence. We could not come to a consensus and thus have had come up with a comprise that no one here is happy with.”

“You will get full institutional support for your research. We will help smooth things over with the local governments and will help establish a team for you to work with.”

“However, as you know, such endeavors cost a lot of money, and this is where our support ends. We will not be giving you a single penny to help fund this expedition of yours. You will have to procure the funding from another source.”

“I understand,” Professor Thelete said with mixed feelings. On the one hand, he was getting help. On the other hand, it was ostensibly and empty gesture without millions of dollars worth of money. Money was something that he was struggling with, only being an adjunct lecturer. He was only making around twenty dollars an hour, but was nearly one hundred thousand dollars in student loan debt.

“We will now begin the banquet, albeit hours later than expected. Please head over to the other side of the hallway, where food and beverages will be provided. Honored guests, thank you for your patience tonight. The festivities will now begin as planned and you will finally get to speak with the presenters here tonight if you so desire.”

(Honored guests? Just who was he speaking of?)

“Professor Thelete, if I might have word, before you head over to the banquet.” The voice was from the head of the panel.