Chapter 44: The Meeting

After the group had paid their respects by ringing the bell, offering a 5 yen coin and bowing, they entered through the main gate and walked through the courtyard towards the main palace. A few men at the back of the group whispered among themselves.

“I think that we have severely underestimated our colleague here, and it is time to take what he says much more seriously.”

“I know we consider him the black sheep of the group, but it seems we are at a distinct disadvantage.”

“I whole-heartedly agree. I cannot go along with everything that he proposes, but I promise to hear him out.”

“Kumotsuki?” Amelia asked, completely unsure of what to think of the situation.

“Yes, my dear?” Kumotsuki asked quizzically.

“What exactly have you dragged me into and how are you doing all of this?” Amelia asked with great concern in her voice.