Bronze And Silver

He walked along the rows of rows. Here, half like a support area and like a residential area, the stalls span the entire 10-hectare site. In the middle is a neighborhood for people to live in. The roof in some places has been replaced with glass. Since this place is quite safe compared to just wandering outside, it's crowded with almost overpopulated people. But that's not a big deal as the number of people born is getting smaller and smaller. And the death toll is increasing. Small gardens on the roof give the place an old look. Everyone wears an old mantle, expressionless masks. He just walked quietly through the crowded crowd. On the outer edge near the wall of the market, there was a fairly new camp. Seimei entered gently, rolling his eyes as if out of habit.

"What do you want?"-A tall guy with blond hair said as he slowly walked out.

Seimei: Hello! I'm Seimei Kosuto. I heard you wanted to buy some of that stuff.

?: Japanese? I'm William Elmes. What do you want to sell?

Seimei: I heard you buy copper, right?

William: Yes, you have copper?

Seimei: I have some copper wire, do you want to buy it?

William: Of course. So do you want to cooperate with me for a short time?

Seimei: Cooperation? In a short time?

William: You can sell me copper or gunpowder in bulk, and I'll guarantee you that it'll be a good deal!

Seimei: That's fine, but when you go remember to let me know, I don't like to suddenly have a bunch of copper or gunpowder.

William: Haha what a sure person, isn't he? I also have a sister with a difficult little sister just like you!

Seimei: Then don't let me fold it or you'll have 2 tough guys on the side watching what you do.

William: So let's get started, shall we?

Seimei: Okay.

He handed William a bag of copper wire that had had its insulation removed. After buying and selling, he immediately went to the center of the building to go to the restaurant to buy something. Although the price is quite expensive, to calculate it, it is not too bad when in this world food like a bowl of porridge or a bowl of noodles is considered quite expensive, because most of the creatures have changed.

In the shop, after greeting the owner, he immediately ordered a bowl of noodles to eat, looking at him as if he had been waiting for it for a long time. He sat down on the only empty chair, it was the closest one, inside of him was a girl with a robe that could tell if it was new. Has long silvery-white hair that falls. Everyone in the bar seemed to be afraid and did not dare to sit near. Shopkeeper: Hey Seimei!

Seimei: what is it?

Shopkeeper: Are you going to sit next to her?

Seimei: Well, I don't know her so what's wrong?

Shopkeeper: no, it has that problem. She is Nyma the rebel. she belongs to that Chaos Revolution. If you're not careful, it's like playing now.

Seimei: Never mind, I'm starving to death anyway so come in and cook me a bowl of noodles.

Shopkeeper: I told you! What kind of fate is there to bear?

Seimei: Okay, I heard that.

So he sat down as if he was right. Everyone looked at him as if he were a lunatic in a group of other madmen. He sat like that for 3 minutes, then the bowl of noodles came out.

Seimei: Hey what girl? Can you get me some chopsticks? The shopkeeper keeps the chopsticks too far away.


She didn't say anything but still gave the whole box of chopsticks to him.

Seimei: Thank you.

He continued to eat leisurely, after a while she got up and Seimei stayed to eat of course.

Maybe I should go buy a shovel or a trophy? Let's see I have 40 Sac now (Sac is the new currency of this world used in the western range of the globe) if mu, there are also 5 sacs left, that's enough for me to eat another meal. But I have to admit that the guy bought it at a really good price. Normally people buy copper for 13 Sac / 1 kg but this guy buys up to 15 Sac. Luckily, I listened to Kevin, maybe I'll have to give him a thank you gift later. But maybe I should go buy it.

Seimei: Hey shopkeeper! how much?

Shopkeeper: 4 Sacs

Seimei: Here. See you later

Shopkeeper: Thank you, see you later.