Blood and Chaos.

Seimei: A bandit?

?: You guys seem pretty smart, do you? You know it, give it all.

He slowly put his hand behind his back.

?: bastard! He lunged forward, knife still in his hand.

Kevin and Seimei still don't understand what happened. He had a mad look in his eyes, disgusted with it.


Kevin: Calm down! If you want, we'll give it to you.

Seimei: Calm down! If you don't want to be "abandoned"!

The "abandoned" are those who violate the "laws of the world". It is a set of laws made by those in power. Simply minimizing the death, all violators are not executed but are considered as living tools. Those people have to work to death, without rest, without treatment, without hope. The only thing that awaited them was simply certain death.

?: You think it can make me scary? F*ck no, no one can live in this messed-up shit

Kevin sighed and then. Throw a punch straight in the face. That's right, without hesitation. If they hesitated, they would not be able to survive in the slums or the battlegrounds flooded with bullets. He almost lost his senses. Seimei pulled out a shovel and hit him on the back, his previous expression disappearing. Instead, there was an expressionless, cold expression.

Seimei: I already said calm down.

?: damn b*tch!

He fastened the man with fused rubber bands, his arms stuck together in layers of molten rubber. It is a polymer mixed with carbon powders. It's free to play every month to catch names like this. He brought it to the adventurers' department's headquarters here. This place is no different from the other side.

Seimei: Is it this place?

Kevin: Yes, I work here so I don't know what they do.

Seimei: Okay, whatever.

Kevin: There he is!

It was a middle-aged man, his eyes sharp as if he could cut into an immature soul. He was wearing a fairly new suit. On it was an identification board, on which it was written Seleva Kilakhoft.

Seleva: Hi Kevin!

Kevin: Hi boss!

Seleva: What's your business? and this guy is?

Kevin: This is my friend, we caught a robmour yesterday.

Seimei: Hi Mr. Seleva. I'm Seimei Kosuto.

Seleva:Hi my name is Seleva KilaKhoft. I am the leader of the adventurers' group here. As for this guy... He bent down to check, the guy's gaze remained unchanged. He examined it closely, his expression getting worse and worse. It is not intoxication but fear accompanied by sudden despair. He raised his voice trembling.

Seleva: Are you... The Hier?

The Hier is an extremist group, they use knowledge from the old world to create fighting machines. These guys are crazy, most of Seimei's books are also bought from their black market. Suddenly the ground shook, Seleva's eyes couldn't keep her composure and spoke "The crowd is here." Then straight to the gun.

Seimei: What are you doing?!

Seleva: Kevin! ready to have a battle.

Kevin: For what?

Seleva: the angel!

Seimei: what! an angel?

Kevin: yeah but Seleva how?

Seleva: But can you think of anything that would cause this vibration?

Seimei: That's right...

?: Haha... I told you... I told you, the god of dreams is coming! they will save me.

Seimei: Are you still alive?

Kevin: You act like you've been rescued! Let's go Seimei!- Just as he said that he fired another shot in the middle of his head, this time for sure dead.

A huge noise came from the outside with one beat at a time. Everything shook violently. We rushed down as fast as we could and suddenly a flash of light hit the red light district, it was destroyed, the flames were already burning. Looks like he's a high-ranking guy or something, enough for them to dispatch an entire super machine of destruction.

The sandstorm outside was blown into this place by the strong wind, small pieces of metal flew in, it tore flesh, pieces of cloth, pierced glass panels, tons of steel. We ran outside, the tremors growing louder, the sound of a huge engine roaring outside. There were corpses on the way, not those who were hit by the light, of course. The door was opened, there were a few people already standing there, some running, some standing there. It is about anguish, despair, disappointment, fear, and perhaps even admiration for the ancient engineers.

That "Angel" was a giant machine, humanoid up to 115 meters tall, the legs compared to the human body was a 19-story building. On the arm is an Ion gun that beams hydrogen atoms with isotope 7. That causes the radioactive decay reaction to be enhanced by Ion radiation. In the other hand was a dazzling plasma sword. In the middle of that "god's" dungeon was a giant iron frame, the rays of light from it were red with a bit of blue, from which the sound of the hooks echoed out. On his back were rocket launchers, it was really a weapon not worthy of his appearance at all, it was blasphemy. On that face is a super resistant glass, glossy with ARP (anti-radioactive plastic) looks like a crown. On the top 4 are 4 LiDAR and Radar sensors. It was a flawless work that was blasphemed.