
The machine's body slowly moved, raising its legs. Seimei ignored the danger and charged straight at the angel. The soldiers were still trying to use rockets to shoot him, everyone around felt that this madman was weird, didn't like to live but liked to die.

Seleva: Hey Kevin, are all your friends this weird?

Kevin: Not only those guys, so what do we do now?

Seleva: The New Government's air force is coming.

Kevin: Touching those guys again?

Seleva: Yeah, this involves angels, so of course, we can't do it alone.

Nyam: So are you going to help him?

Kevin: Do you want to help?

Nyam: It's not free but it's not expensive either, do you want it?

Kevin: Hey, how much money do you have in your pocket?

Seleva: Are you going to do it?

Kevin: But what else! Let's go fast. Okay, "white death", please help that crazy guy help me.

Nyam: Okay.

Meanwhile, Seimei had gotten close to the angel, but getting closer to the air-control system made the sandstorm phenomenon in this area even more chaotic. He had reached this point and it was too late to run, he decided to stay conservative and cling on, the metal sand shards left him with microscopic cuts all over his body. It is not fatal, but it will cause bleeding or damage to the endothelium when sand is blown into it.

Seimei: got it!

He managed to get up the stairs at the angel's feet, and the power of this machine radiated from the outside was nothing short of ordinary. It made him work as fast as he could or he would probably burn to ashes.

Meanwhile, Kevin's group was approaching from a helicopter of the Adventurer's Association headquarters.

Seleva: Hey Kevin, are you sure there'll be a helipad up there?

Nyam: Are you crazy? Of course not, he tricked you.

Kevin: Don't say it so soon.

Seleva: Huh!? So what are you going to do! Kevin: The angels that I've seen all have a place for the planes to land, which isn't specialized, but it's fine.

Seleva: I have to send you to the west side.

Kevin: You're joking with the ruins of the black sea, how are you going to save me?

Nyam: Are you going to shut up, I'll give each of you a bullet for now, drive away. there's the airport on top of it!

Seleva: Yes, I see it.

Nyam: Hey catch the gun!

Kevin: Thanks.

They had already reached the top of the angel's head, but the temperature was also slowly increasing. The sandstorms swept the ash from the engine, resulting in a tornado filled with liquid glass and red-hot metal above the angel.

Seleva: Damn, everyone pull up your scarves! Try to find someplace to hide! I'll be right down!

Kevin: Not me-

Nyam: That's it!

The girl pulled Kevin's neck and pulled it down, although it was released, it was immediately cut when it caught fire in just a moment. After landing, they frantically rushed into the warehouse above, the helicopter was parked above, and Seleva immediately rushed out.

Seleva: Damn, it's in the skin!

Nyam: Leave it alone, you have other things to do, take it.

Seleva: ShAK-75 Rifle? Rare item.

Nyam: Whatever- take care of ours.

She directly shot in the middle of the head of an enemy who had just come to check.

Kevin: The door is open, should we come down?

Nyam: It's the command room, it shouldn't be. We can go into the storage room.

She threw a grenade at the side of her head, which was blown by the wind into a part of a joint in her neck. After the explosion on that armor, there was a small hole but just enough for a person to get in.

Nyam: That's the direction in. Remember to go one by one and as fast as you can. Oh and remember to pay attention to the edges of the steel plate too, they are very sharp

Right in the center of an angel.

?: Commander, those flies are climbing up your perfect body. Please allow me to destroy them.

Commander: Let's destroy them, don't let them contaminate my body.

?: Yes sir, did you hear anything! Hurry up and pick up your guns and go hunting them.

The army of terrorists had lined up and marched out of the command room, remaining in the room where there was still a Platoon to guard. Kevin's men had successfully climbed down that room. It was a guard containing long metal rods, it was metal rods used to use electromagnetic guns and railguns.

Kevin: What is this room?

"The room contains highly magnetic items."-Seleva said while checking the trinkets in it.

Nyam: Then is there a magnetic reverser?

Seleva: Huh? What is that?

Nyam: A type of machine that reverses the magnetism of all objects to neutralize those magnetic bullets. Do you guys not know what it is? Damn, I have to do it myself.