The Man From Yesterday

Seimei: Hmmm delicious.

Kevin: After eating like that, it's not good, I'll knock you on the head!

Seimei: I wonder why the New Government doesn't spread this model?

Kevin: Do you know how much a city like this costs? Even if they held the supercontinent of Eurasia in their hands, they wouldn't be able to turn a resource-depleted world like this back to prosperity in just ten or fifty or a hundred years.

Seimei: Well, if you had to choose, would you choose to stay here or continue?

Kevin: Of course, it's my job.

Seimei: Yeah that's right...

Kevin: Looks like an autistic guy thinking about life.

Seimei: Haha... At least I'm not autistic alone.

Kevin: Yeah, you're the best.

We continued to eat but then Kevin got a call from the New Government, probably about some assassination. Well, I have to go for a walk alone. I kept walking around this city and then the sky gradually turned to night, maybe I should find a proper restaurant to eat. If they eat junk like this, it's bad if they give up drugs. Overall, it's not bad, but to choose from, it's better to eat cereal.

The street lights have also appeared, it is the lights that float during the day, charged by batteries, and at night, when using propellers to hover, there are small propellers to partially absorb wasted kinetic energy. It only saves a bit of money, but it's not very durable but at least it won't hurt if there's some kind of comparison.

"Hi, buddy!"

"Huh, that's… William?"

"Yeah, what's up with you?"

"Well, it's not just that I don't know what to do."

"So do you want to go somewhere to eat?"

It sounds crazy, who would ever invite like that?

"Oh come on, I'm not that hungry."

"So where to go for fun?"

It sounds shadier, why invite me somewhere when this is only the third time? It's honestly so absurd that anyone can tell but why does this guy continue? Probably related to the "White Death" case. They even hang out together. Looks like it's not all "curiosity".

"Sorry, maybe I need to go to the center building."

"Hey, Seimei..."

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh, it's just that you realize this isn't normal, right?"


"Then I'll be blunt, we'd love to invite you to join our group."

"Why? there are people who would be better candidates than me?"

"Why do you think so?"

"It's simply that we've met each other less than five times and only known each other for only three days, it's almost impossible to get to know one of them. I don't have the stamina you guys deserve. At the risk of me betraying, there's going to be a better choice than me. "Haha... That's pretty cool, it's never going to be like that. Not only that. What we're interested in is the interest in knowledge of the past era."


"Obviously if you want to cooperate with the New Government, you will have to give up your past and present personality, so you won't lean towards that. Besides, we have a more important reason. .."


"In general, answer us, will you join?"

"Wait a minute..."

Is this guy crazy? But why did he know himself after only 3 days? Even if I was interested, at least how wide would I have to have an intelligence system to know if I was interested in the knowledge of the previous era? But now they have all my information, now if they just refuse, they will likely kill me to cover up the clue.

"So Seimei, yes or no? "

"I will..."


"Answer later, I can't make such a decision in such a short amount of time, you understand that?"


Did he ever think about how to kill me?

"Okay, it was really hard for me to choose in such a short time."

"Thanks for understanding me."

"Well then bye."

"Yes, goodbye."

He continued walking but naturally turned around and spoke.

"By the way, your father is looking forward to it!"

"Huh !?"

"Haha... I knew you'd be surprised, I wish you a good night's sleep!"

This time he turned and walked into a small alley.

"What the fuck is that easy? Damn it."

My father? Why can he survive? Didn't they say he was dead? Dammit. Obviously that day he left me and my mom and then... NEVER came back, in all that time we and my mom struggled and where did he go. But why is he suddenly showing up now, it's clear that he is plotting something that needs the technologies of the previous era. He also knew about that hobby of mine so he was probably the one who suggested inviting me, that's for sure! At least... That's the most logical thing.

Then know how to refuse here...