
on a helicopter marked with three triangles interlaced, inside was a small squad with submachine guns firmly in hand when it saw any terrorist group intending to advance any further. will be showered with rain to help "wash" sins. There was one guy who also had red hair but had a tag with the name 'sergeant Kevin C. Belfort'. He cast a glance down at the suburbs that were tinged with a scarlet color of smoke and fire. It could be the blood of the new government soldiers or the blood of innocent people lying on the cold ground.

"Looks like they haven't made a definitive decision yet, sergeant?"

"Yeah, they say it's just an ambush with one goal in mind, so as long as you fish it out long enough, it'll be self-destructive."

"Then will more citizens die?"

"Yeah, but just to help talented people like us live."

"Senior Sergeant... If you don't mind, isn't this the act of carrying a snake and biting your chicken?"

"Yes, but this is an order from a superior."

"But didn't they make the law themselves not to waste lives?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then why do they let civilians continue to DIE!"

"Calm down Alan. We're doing the best we can, aren't we, sergeant?"

"Yes, I understand the feeling of helplessness when seeing our compatriots die. But the scary thing is not only that, every day without war, we still have to face dangers like the AshVirus, the Aliens, and the whole world. pollution is slowly creeping into us. Obviously, like it or not, we're going to have to deal with things that can help us beat the other 8 billion people faster, so keep calm Alan, you're not weak. It's not that hot."

"Yes... Thank you sir."



From the holes in the wall, strange beasts have gradually entered. Each one has a different shape, some have a back so arched that it looks like they could be broken with a single touch, but there are also other species with the form of an eel that keeps winding through the streets. a series of gulps of gastric juice to decompose prey. They were already the third force involved in the war, but simply and instinctively, they were so predictable that they were easily hunted if there was a clear plan. Because of the fact that they were able to hunt, the rebels were able to stay in the city for another day or two, but at the same time, it was gradually taking care of the health of both sides. The situation of the city is becoming more and more stalemate as the soldiers need to be weakened by the attack of strange beasts, but the recovery ability is getting slower and slower as the necessities are gradually scarce. What's worse is that the surviving inhabitants are only three-quarters of the original population. Small groups have gradually gathered into larger groups. Meanwhile, air strikes have also decreased in effectiveness as they have been used for too long.


Agh is so hungry, maybe it's time to get out. Maybe the war has already passed its climax? Maybe things have calmed down enough now that I can go out, so now I just need to go out and eat? But perhaps taking these shards of clear glass off and attaching them to the layers of fabric would probably create a weapon enough for me to be able to defend myself with. Just smash this helmet, what is it? Is it like a VR headset?

"Request Confirmation of Decision."

"Huh ?!"

"Accepting the Identity of Dr. Mellio."

"Why him?"

"Define Action."

"What the fuck is this?"

"Project List Access Confirmation."

"You're a lousy project. Turn it off."

"Audio noise is auto-translating..."

"Confirm sentence: Start now."

"Aww, don't convince me! let me go!"

/C/ Accessing...

/B/ Opening...

/A/ Finish...

Project: New Elta.

Purpose: Generate more energy.

Process: Create 'Residential' zones, with Alfa cores attached underneath. Use the garbage to use the radioactive decay reaction.

Fortune: 15,000,000-25,000,000 Sacs

Limit: >40,000,000 Sacs

Weaknesses: Less secure, wastes resources when not in use.

Strengths: Leverage Useless instances. Wasted resources can be reused.

What is that? Haven't they given up on radioactive decay? It is the phenomenon when supercritical materials are compressed by rotational acceleration that causes electrons to rush at speeds that can be considered as light, but it is also because of such a terrifying force that matter. would all be destroyed by those subatomic particles from the atomic level, It would turn the whole thing into an extremely dangerous pile of dust when inhaled. It's the same radioactive reaction that was in the old Elta project. IT is the very thing that has nearly eradicated human achievement.

"Looks like you're done watching, huh?"

"Huh ?!"

"Calm down, I'm here."


"Yeah it's me, my sister was supposed to come pick you up but-"

"The identity confirmation thing just now was a fake, right?"

"Huh.. no one knows anything."

"There's no such thing as the original security system of an entire empire that can easily identify the wrong person like this, even father and son have completely different genetic makeup and appearance and voice."

"Well it's true that we have 'a little' effect, then Seimei I'll ask you again, Will you cooperate with us?"


"Come on, Seimei."

"I will...