Wings And Chains

After several hours of continuous flight, they reached the sea, they parked on an aircraft carrier at a narrow seaport. The two of them were put in a cage and Nyam and William's men entered the bridge, the officers dressed in dark green military suits, wearing a high-ranking soldier's hat. . They all bowed before them. At last, they reached the front of the innermost room and he knocked lightly on the door.

"Hey Dr. Malley, open the door."

"Sir William?"

"Yes, I'm here."

"Is something wrong?"

"Can you at least let me in?"

"Okay, coming out."

The sound of things falling and the sound of grumbling were constantly being said. Finally, there was a click, the door was flung open, and inside was an old middle-aged man, his eyes were dull and tired. Messy, messy black hair. His skin was as pale as a sick man's, his figure was thin with a gaunt face.

"Oh Miss Nyam?"

"Hello, Dr. Malley! How are you these days?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"Looking at him, he's like an addict who needs to be far away."

"Hey hey, I only 'occasionally', and simply use it to get creative. My opinion is blasphemy,"

"Whatever, by the way, do you have a problem with Seimei?"

"Oh, that thing..."


"Sorry, you're my boss but I believe I have the right to say no, right?"

"Sorry, but that's not the case."

"So what if my answer is no?"

The emotions in the room were suddenly pushed to a tension. William's face clearly showed his displeasure when the doctor refused to answer the question.

"So you decided not to answer, right?"

"Yes, I think I don't have a reason."

"You do look like him, doc."

"Hey, can you punch or torture him?"-Nyam asked William quietly to avoid the doctor could hear.

"Please, you go and wake up the other two and our 'guest'."


"She still has that weird hobby, doesn't she?"

"Well, at least it won't be as 'missing' as last time, after all, this is the son of my number one ally."

"With flattery or not, the answer is always no, what to do?"

"Damn it, whatever. So where's the preparation of the weapon?"

"The lack of a fair amount of iron is not a big deal. What matters is the lack of three thermalium cores."

"Three? I should have continued to make them launch 'God's army."

In a small compartment of the ship, inside a small iron cage, Kevin and Seimei were still sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, the sound of the door being kicked open with such force that the whole room seemed to wake up. It was Nyam in a typical Ouroboros outfit. It was a pale yellow suit, inside was a white vest. Something that is not too rare when radiation does a very good job of its bleaching 'role'. She wears an ocher helmet with a red stripe along the hem. She was wearing pants the same color as the virtual one, and on her belt was also a Walther P99 antique pistol. Her eyes were not at all pleased with the work she was assigned. She grabbed the bucket of salty seawater beside her and threw it at the two of them.

"Ugh, what the fuck?!"

"Where the fuck is this?"

"Wake up you two. Time to get up."

"You're a white man... Nyam?"

"May I ask why am I here?"

"Shut up, I'll explain slowly.

Then silence filled the room, her gaze filled with sweeping scrutiny over the two of them. The body was soaked and the saltwater was dripping into the wounds, the pain from that was just a grain of sand compared to the surprise of being suddenly dragged to such a completely foreign place. this.


"So do I need to explain?"

"Stupid question, of course-"

I was about to curse her when suddenly a bright light flew through my hair.

"Sorry but I don't get orders to respect you guys right now so remember it's COMPLETELY RIGHT TO KILL you guys, so please be reasonable."


"Yes, ma'am, could you please explain what's going on to me?"

Before I could open my mouth, Kevin spoke. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut when it's obvious that I have a talent for negotiation. A guy who is mostly alone with occasional encounters with a few acquaintances, it is clear that my communication skills are very bad.

"Okay, I'm Nyam Elmes, the prime minister, the highest rank in the Ouroboros guild. I'm in charge of you guys from now on. And one or two more prisoners. Looking forward to your cooperation. happy. Join the Ouroboros guild, you don't have the right to refuse, so there's no need to refuse, have a good time."


"Ah yes, you were forcibly joined."

"What did you say?!"

"What ?!"
