Where am I?

"Everything is going to change!"

"A new world is waiting for you!"

"Could I finally make it this time?"

(???) : Hey!

The voice sounded as if it was coming from the bottom of the sea.Through closed eyelashes, I could make out a person in a uniform but I felt too weak to take a closer look.All of a sudden, ice-cold water poured over me leaving me wet from head to toe and quickly bringing me back to my senses.

(???) : "Don't pretend to be deaf!"

I opened my eyes and was forced to narrow my eyelids right away. The binding light from the lamp was smiting right into my face and wouldn't let me get a good look at anything but....a lad in uniform,The gaze of absolutely black eyes rooted me to the spot for a moment. I noticed that my hands are tied and legs too.

"What's going on? Where am I?" I thought as I looked around.

There were four other people in military uniform They were...staring at me in tease silence

In my left stood a black hair guy who had a joyful smile at his face, Drops of water in the empty bucket in his hands were still shining brightly.

Next to him stood is an angry girl with a white long hair.

I was about to open my mouth but I couldn't say anything in the end.

It hard for me to concentrate ; it seemed like that I would start panicking at any moment because I couldn't understand what was going on at all.

"what kind of obscure room is this? Where am I? who are all of this people?" I thought as someone talks again

(???) : "Who are you and what are you sniffing around here for?"

Who am I that's the question I couldn't answer myself.

For a moment, the soldier took his eyes off me and glanced at his comrades.

Only on that moment i could take a deep breath without feeling their hard looks on me.

(???) : "Who are you?!"

He was persistent and it seemed like he could see right into my soul with his black eyes,That scared me even more and even though I have nothing to hide, my intuition told me to not give away my feelings.

(???) : "What is the purpose of your visit?"

...I didn't answer.

(???) : "Where are you from?"

(Me) : "..."

The soldier slapped me hard with his all strength, which made my head spin to the side and my cheek burn with pain.

(???) : "How long do you plan to give us this silent treatment?"

(Black hair guy) : "He is not going to talk. Perhaps, some more water will help after all."

The black haired guy raised the bucket and it started shining in the light of the lamp even brighter.

The girl who had been silent this whole time shoved me in my shoulder will all her sight.

(Girl) : "Answer who you are, immediately! You are not mute after all! or would you like to test some harder interrogation techniques on yourself?"

She showed an iron tool in her hands, which she had brought with her. I'd never seen it before so I couldn't understand what it is for.

Seemed like the girl understood that was the case so she smirked.

(Girl) : "I'll show you how to use it."

She made a step towards me.

(???) : "Wait, Xi. He's about to start talking.

So her name is Xi. Perhaps, I should remember that.Despite her readiness to use brutal force, I continued to keep silent.What should I tell them? I don't remember anything but they are not likely to believe that I don't even understand where I am and what is going on.What should I do now?

(???) : "Well are you going to talk or not?"

(Me) : "I don't remember anything"

(Xi) : "He's lying!"

Right after I closed my mouth Xi poked me with her pointy fingers.

(Xi) : "Those are just some stupid excuses! No one is going to believe such nonsense when we're at war!"

(Black hair guy) : "Perhaps he is shell-shocked?"

(???) : "Xi is right, you do remember what he said when we found him, don't you?"

(???) : "He said "Could I finally make it this time""

Did I say something like that? It can't be! I don't remember anything like that at all!

(Xi) : "That's right, Alex remind us how it happened"

The soldier who was persistently writing down something throught our conversation looked up from his notebook.I better remember Alex's name, too.

He quickly started through the pages and then burrowed his face into his notes once again.

(Alex) : "I didn't sleep well last night. Must have been in the meat sauce that have a bad effect on my stomach."

(Xi) : "Huh?!, Not that! Tells us about about the moment when we found this guy!"

Alex looked up from his notebook and gazed at Xi with a slight hint of irritation and then he burrowed his face into the notes once again.

(Alex) : "I watched a missile flash over my head. The sky was dark and the rain just as full of loneliness and sorrow was about to pour from heavy clouds at any moment-"

(Alex) : "-The battlefield was littered with corpses of the fallen who were fighting for what is right. However, neither of the aggrieved parties wanted to throw in the towel"

(Xi) : "Wait wait wait did you really write it down like that?"

Xi quickly approached Alex and snatched the notebook from his grasp. Then she looked through it with a sour and frustrated expression on her face, she gave it back to its owner.

Alex tightly pressed the diary to his chest and turned away.

(Xi) : " What a crying shaame "

(Black hair guy) : " I like it actually. It's so exuberant that your mind starts drawing the scene out of it right away. "

(???) : " Ahem "

There was a quiet sound of someone clearing his throat. Another person in uniform was reminding everyone about his presence.

The interrogator touched his forehead with tips of his fingers.

(???) : " Alex, Continue reading. "

Alex was still standing with his back to us he nodded feebly and continued straining his voice.

(Alex) : " Amids this whole outrage. Xi gently put her arms around Sasha's waist and drew her close trying to hide her most precious person from the mercilles bullets. "

(Xi) : " Whaaaaaat? When did I do that, huh?!! "

(???) : " Please Continue. "

(Alex) : " Come here, Quickly , Yelled Sofie. We rapidly dashed towards her and she pointed at one of the wounded who was wearing our uniform. "

(Alex) : " Who is that? we asked in astonishment as we had never met the person who was helplessly spread on the ground in front of our eyes. He is not from our military unit, noted Sam but then where did he come from? He shouldn't be here. "

(Alex) : " Perhaps, he's a spy. Xi happily rubbed her hands at those words. He is still alive which means he might be able to tell as something interesting. Shall we torture him?,Sam? "

(Alex) : " She playfully shoved him with her elbow; However Sam did not share her enthusiasm. Focused, he got down to the suspicious person we found and checked the pulse for a few minutes, we were making assumptions but at some point the injured slightly opened his eyes and looked into the endless sky heavy with clouds. "

(Alex) : " Suddenly. His lips moved and Sam drew his sound-sensitive ear to his mouth and attentively heeded his words while staying fully concentrated. Could I finally make it this time?... Whispered the stranger as if delirious and then he closed his eyelids and sank deep into the black abyss of unconsciousness. "

Alex fell quiet and in a few seconds. The room sank into silence.

(Xi) : " Well, What a story, Mr.Spy. what will you have to say to that? "

(Me) : " I don't remember that "

(Black hair guy) : " Some more water perhaps? "

(Xi) : " Yes, do that. It should help him get his memory back. "

At the very same moment, ice water poured all over my body. My teeth started chattering from cold and my skin got covered with goosebumps.

(???) : " Well, Mr. Nemo, would you prefer a more brutal interrogation? "

(Black hair guy) : " How did you learn his name? "

(???) : " Are you serious, Felix? Do you not know what the Latin word " nemo " means? I thought it's a common concept "

(Xi) : " Hey you, Nemo. Are you going to talk? "

I looked up Xi.

(Nemo) : " I I think I have amnesia "

(Xi) : " I thought people with amnesia can't talk. Can they? Does it really work this way? "

(Alex) : " Perhaps. His skills are still with him,its just that he doesn't have the memories. "

The nameless soldier didn't believe that.

(???) : " Hmm.. Don't you think it's way too convenient, Mr Nemo? Just tell people that you have amnesia and right away you will be clear of all suspicion. Is it that what you're thinking. "

(???) : " And No, it doesn't work that way. You are lying "

(Xi) : "Felix! What the hell are you doing?"

(???) : "Why did you do that?"

(Felix) : "Well, our boy Nemo is lying after all. And according to the manual rules. there should be punishment. for disobedience and withholding information."

(??) : "Enough! I will deal with this from here."

(Commander) : "Amnesia you say- interesting"

He was mumbling those words under his breath. I wouldn't even hear them if he wasn't so disturbingly close.

(Commander) : "Do not look at me with a menacing gaze; I was just trying to understand whether I've seen you before or not."

(Sancho) : "My name is Sancho Daichi. I am not sure, but does this name tell you anything?"


(Sancho) : "Well judging from your reaction it means absolutely nothing to you. I am the Commander of this unit"

(Sancho) : "First of all, I wouldn't like to clarify some things to understand whether you can be trusted. what's your favorite meal?"

(Nemo) : "I don't remember.."

(Sancho) : "Well, in that case perhaps you will be able to answer the next question? Seven times eight?"

(Nemo) : "fifty-six"

(Sancho) : "Not bad, This seems like you still have the core knowledge. Do you know anything about your parents?"

(Nemo) : "No"

(Sancho) : "The date of birth?"

(Nemo) : "No, I don't remember that either."

(Sancho) : "If you then share the memories you can remember."

(Nemo) : "The only thing I remember is waking up here, from ice water."

(Sancho) : "That means you do not understand what is going on here at all. Is that right?"

I nodded.

(Sancho) : "And do you have any idea that there is a war going on?"

(???) : "Commander do you really believe him? "

(Sancho) : "And why should I not? "

(???) : "But he is not from our unit and he couldn't have been sent to us from another one without a report from superior officials! "

(Sancho) : "But we cannot disbelieve him either, can we? He wears our uniform which means he is our ally, is that not what you were taught during training? We cannot kill him without finding out who he is and where he comes from."

(???) : "What about his amnesia, Doesn't it seems suspicious to you? "

(Sancho) : "it is indeed strange but do not forget that we are at war, anything can happen here...-or this could be just a side effect from shock. Very well, it's time to end this; we have better things to do. Xi and Felix, untie him."

(Sancho) : "Now...hm.. Nemo will come with me. I will need to call somebody and we will decide what to do with him, and in one hour, You, Felix, come visit me at my office from this moment fourth ,you will be taking care of this lad "

(Felix) : "Yes, sir! "
