Promotion/Marriage Contracts/Tayu-Chan and Kin-Chan

Vergil walked through the streets of Konoha to the Hokage Tower, as he was expected to speak to the Councils regarding his "transformation", and his name change all in one. Of course the Councils were going to dispute the claim of him being a Namikaze, as they had no intention of the boy getting his hands on the vast knowledge, and wealth that was in the large Estate.

However, what the Councils wanted, they couldn't always get, as they would soon find out, and learn the hard way when they discovered he was the Son of the Yondaime. He walked by the chestnut haired secretary, who shot him a glare, but Vergil ignored the dumb woman, and "accidently" hit the woman in the side of the head with the butt end of his sheathed sword hard enough to give her a killer headache for a good while.

When Vergil entered the room, he saw the Councils sitting on various sides to indicate what part of Konoha's government they represented with the Hokage in the middle of this quite literally considered 3 ring circus. On the Hokage's left were all the Clan Heads of Konoha with the exception of the Uchiha Clan, to the right was the Civilian Council that dealt with all matters with the civilians of the Leaf, and in the center of it all sitting next to the Hokage was his "esteemed" Shinobi Council.

"You asked for my presence Hokage-sama?" said Vergil, as he saw the Civilian Council members glaring at him with their main voice being Danzo, who looked at him with one calculating eye, and the Shinobi Council members that were the old man's old teammates doing the same.

The Clan Heads kept their faces unreadable like Naruto's.

"You were summoned here. You come here because we command you to," said Koharu, as she was not going to be ignored by this creature before her, and wanted the demon to know that he belonged to her so long as she was on the Shinobi Council.

Vergil simply tilted his head to look in her direction with a bored look on his face before looking back at the Hokage like the old woman was unimportant. Inwardly however, the half-devil smirked at sensing the woman become irritated by his apparent disrespect, and had to keep his mouth from betraying him.

"As I said before, you asked for my presence Hokage-sama?" said Vergil, as he further felt Koharu become angered by his disrespect towards her, and in truth the entire Shinobi Council.

"Yes Vergil-san, as it seems several members of nearly each section of government of the Leaf currently in this room are questioning your claim to the Namikaze line," said the old Sandaime, as he had to hold back his smirk, and he knew Vergil was doing the same.

"Questioning? The mere mentioning of this thing being of Namikaze blood is an insult to the Yondaime and is blasphemy!" said Homura, as he was not about to acknowledged that Vergil was the Son of the Yondaime, and even if the boy was...he was nothing more then a bastard child sired with some Whirlpool whore that spread her legs for the Fourth just to be given a safe place to live.

"Really? Well, what if I told you that you insulted my Father's memory the moment you let the villagers learn of the Kyuubi sealed inside of me, and made my life miserable from the start? I believe my Father wanted to have me seen as a hero, but you go around, and do the exact opposite. Why?" said Vergil, as he saw the old man next to the Hokage look like he was about to blow a gasket, and the Civilian Council looked like they were about to do the same.

"Simple. You needed to be taught a lesson on who is the superior species in this world you abomination," said Danzo, though inwardly he was cursing at not getting the boy for himself to put in his secret Root program, and molding him into the perfect weapon.

"So you think humans are the superior species in this world? What a poor joke you are in believing that," said Vergil, as he saw Danzo frown at that, and so did the others around him.

"Vergil, were not here to talk such semantics with you, but the claim that you are the Yondaime's Son, and I have the means to prove it," said the Sandaime pulled out a scroll that had the Hokage's Seal on it before breaking it open to reveal a marriage certificate for the boy's parents and birth certificate that was signed by them before the Kyuubi had attacked.

"This is...," said Hiashi, as he looked at the certificates showing that Minato had indeed married Kushina, and the signatures below their own for witnesses was none other then Jiraiya of the Sannin.

"Yes. I wed the two in secret with one of the witnesses being the Yondaime's own sensei with the other being the Yondaime's own student Inuzuka Rin," said Sarutobi, as he had the Councils beat, and the Clan Heads on his side since the laws of Konoha were quite clear on this with them now being in Vergil's favor.

"I will not accept these documents to be genuine! I demand we vote on this matter on whether or not the boy is allowed to have the Namikaze name. If it goes against the so called Namikaze, then he must renounce all claims to the clan, and have his mind wiped before being banished from the Leaf forever!" said a man on the Civilian Council, who was in charge of the merchant district, and had made sure none of the shops welcomed the demon into their stores.

"I agree," said Koharu, as she knew that the Civilian Council, and the Shinobi Council would remove this thing's claim to the Namikaze line, and remove the beast from the Leaf forever.

"So do I," said Homura, as he believed the same thing as Koharu, and knew they had the demon beat.

"You forget that under Konoha Laws for such an occasion, the voting can only be done by the Clan Heads since this is a clan based matter, and it is up to them to decide if Vergil is worthy of being considered a Namikaze Heir," said the Sandaime, as he knew the Civilian Council, and the Shinobi Council would move against his surrogate Grandson in this way.

'Damn it!' thought Koharu and Homura, as they saw Vergil smirk at them before looking at the Clan Heads, and saw them smirking too.

"I say the boy's lineage is genuine," said Hiashi, as he raised a thumbs up to indicate his vote, and made a mental note to have Hinata spend more time with Vergil.

"So do I," said Inoichi, as he raised his thumb up, and saw his old teammate Chouza do the same with his right thumb, and Shikaku next to him also giving a very lazy thumb upward since it was too troublesome to go against the current flow of things.

"The information before us clearly shows Vergil is the rightful Heir to the Namikaze Clan and therefore it is only logical that the Aburame Clan shows its support too," said Shibi, as he raised his hand, and gave a thumbs up.

"I agree with Shibi here. This pup has a lot of potential that he got from both sides of his parents and the documents before us show he's not some illegitimate child. Even if by chance he was, I would still favor the kid, and say let him have what's his," said Tsume, as she aimed her thumb upward too, and mentally noted to have Hana get to know this kid since he looked like strong Alpha male material.

"Very well. It's decided then. Vergil is allowed to have the Namikaze Clan name, all of his inheritance, and the Estate that holds everything within it. Another matter that I have been meaning to take care of is to immediately end the Kyuubi Festival that is always held on Vergil's birthday. I hereby announce that the Festival will now end and to restart it for any reason will result in the punishment of all responsible parties, including the people in this room," said Hiruzen, as he saw the Councils protest this, and were silenced by the Vergil walking towards the center of the table before slamming his now demonic fist through it to shut them all up.

"I know why you protest this action concerning the Kyuubi Festival being ended by the Sandaime, as it means that the people will no longer have a chance to hate me like they do every year, and make attempts to end my life like they did when I was younger. So, I will tell you this right now, if anyone comes after me on my birthday with the intent to do me harm, I will destroy them, and anyone in this room responsible for it," said Vergil, as he took the documents of his parents union, and his birth certificate before leaving the room.

"Hokage-sama, surely you can't be serious in giving that...that creature the last name of Namikaze, and removing the Kyuubi Festival from Konoha! What would the Yondaime say if he heard your decision," said a Civilian Councilman, as he was going to make a formal protest, and make sure the people of Konoha rally against this decision.

"I think my late successor would say 'what took you so long to do this Sarutobi?' before killing every single person in this room that had a hand in some way of disrupting the boy's development into being a formidable Shinobi," said the Sandaime, as he smirked at the people in the room shift uneasily at that, and knew that they wouldn't do anything because of what happened at the Chuunin Exam Arena with Orochimaru.

Even now clients were requesting Vergil for certain missions they felt only a Namikaze could handle.

After most the meeting was over Vergil was approached by Inoichi, Hiashi, and Tsume.

"Can we please talk to you Lord Namikaze?" Asked all three together

"About" asked Vergil

"Marriage contracts with our daughters" said all three

"I'll agree to the contracts as long as they are okay with it because I'm not going to force anyone to loveless marriage. I would love to get to know all your daughters." Stated Vergil

As they were walking away Vergil quickly pulled Tsume towards him and whispered I hope you know what your daughter is getting into because I'm packing some serious heat. Grabs her hand without anyone noticing makes her hand run along his 18 inch monster. Making her blush red and really wet.

(Konoha Hospital-2 Hours Later)

Vergil walked through the halls of the hospital towards several choice rooms to see a few people regarding Orochimaru and what they knew of his operations. As he walked to his intended destination, Vergil ignored the looks from doctors, and the nurses looking at him with the occasional glare. Even with the fact that he was the Son of the Yondaime being made known in record time throughout Konoha, it apparently didn't remove the hate the people still had for him, and only seemed to aggravate them more. No doubt, they felt that he being alive was an insult the Yondaime, as the son should have died like his Father to protect them from the Kyuubi, and make their lives easier.

How stupid could these people be?

Deciding to stave off that line of thought for another time, Vergil entered room #345, and saw one Tsuchi Kin in restraints with an ANBU watching her to make sure she didn't have the strength to escape unnoticed. Standard procedure of course when an enemy Shinobi is too injured for interrogation, and needs to be placed in the hospital until they were healthy enough for interrogation later on.

"Leave us," said Vergil, as he looked at the ANBU with a hawk mask on his face, and saw the man walk out of the room before shutting the door fully.

"You were the one who saved me," said Kin, as she saw this handsome man before her walk to the side of her bed, and she felt her face heating up at seeing him for the first time without blurry vision.

"That is correct. My name is Namikaze Vergil, but in another point in time of my life, I was known too all as Uzumaki Naruto, and the jail of the Kyuubi. Though the people in the Leaf don't really care for the difference between the jail and the jailor itself," said Vergil, as he saw Kin look at him with a shocked look on her face, and remembering how he was back during the written test.

"That was you? What happened to you?" said Kin, as she wondered how such a short, badly dressed Leaf Shinobi could turn into his hunk of a man that had every woman hot on his heels to have their way with him.

"Let's just say not all deals made with the Devil are bad ones. Especially, when you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain from such things that would make others hesitant to take it. Speaking of deals, I am here to make you one, as I spoke with the Hokage some time ago after the end of a meeting I had with him, the rest of the internal government of the Leaf. What I require, is all the knowledge of Orochimaru's bases, contacts, and anything else you may know about the Sannin's dealings in great detail to bring to the old man before I head out to track down his successor. Now before you become hesitant in this, I must tell you that if you say no, the Head of the Torture Department Morino Ibiki will take over in getting the information, and in case you don't know who that is...he was the Head Proctor for the written test of the Chuunin Exam," said Vergil, as he saw Kin look at him with wide eyes, and then they went further at the fact in learning who Ibiki was.

"I can hold out. The Hokage is a sweet old man from what Orochimaru told us. Surely he won't let a pawn in the Sannin's scheme suffer for the crimes for the snake," said Kin, as her resolve was slowly crumbling, but it was noticeable to even a rookie interrogator, and Vergil could see the fear in her eyes regardless of her words.

Time to move in for the kill.

"True. The current Hokage is a sweet old man that can't do this job anymore, but at the same time that sweet old man is retiring soon so when I bring back his successor, it won't be a sweet old man that takes the title of Hokage, and shows mercy to you. The person that the Sandaime wants to take over is woman, who has little patience for others around her, and has a short temper when it comes to those that resist doing what she asks. I also assume you know of your former Master's teammate Senju Tsunade?" said Vergil, as he saw Kin nod her head with some effort, and then her face paled when she put all the facts together.

"Wait! Senju Tsunade is going to be the next Hokage of the Leaf?" said Kin, as she had heard the stories of the woman's temper, and incredible strength that was inflicted on all that upset her.

Particularly one Toad Sannin of a teammate that got caught peeping on her years ago.

"Yes. When she takes the mantle of Hokage, she will have zero tolerance for those that invaded the village her Grandfather founded with her Granduncle. She will unleash Ibiki on you with all her vengeance in a way the Sandaime doesn't have the heart to do now and unlike the Sandaime I have no way to influence her to show you mercy. The Third Hokage and I are very close like family. If you give me what I want, I'll tell the Hokage to show you mercy through current Konoha Laws, and make sure you stay out of the prison system where all sorts of people would make your life miserable upon entering that world," said Vergil, as he saw the girl shiver with fear at that since she had a good idea of what would happen upon her entering the Leaf's prison, and that was no place for her.

Besides, she had no loyalty to Orochimaru now after what he pulled in using her body to be a sacrifice for his freaky rising of the dead Jutsu, and it couldn't hurt to spill what she knew if the law would help her rather then hurt.


"What do you want to know...Vergil-sama?" said Kin, as she saw Vergil smile at her, and once again feel her cheeks warming up again involuntarily.

"Let's start from the beginning with the population number of Sound," said Vergil, as he pulled out a tape recorder, and placed it on the stand that held her food tray.

It was in that moment, Tsuchi Kin understood the phrase "and the truth will set you free", and did just that to be free from Orochimaru.

(Hokage's Office-At that Moment)

"I've been going over some interesting reading here Kakashi. Do you know what it is that I was reading?" said the Sandaime, as he saw the man look at him with lazy eyes, and saw his hand itching for his book while in the seat across from him.

"Another copy of Icha Icha Paradise written by your student?" said Kakashi, as he didn't think anything of this meeting, and thought the old man wanted to congratulate him on a job well done with his team.

"It was the report that you submitted regarding your training regime for all three of your students since you first had them as your official team. Let's start with Sakura. According to your overall team report as of today, you have had her learn tree climbing, trap making with no means of perfecting her Taijutsu, and simply recommending she learn Genjutsu be added to her arsenal outside of Academy basics without even taking her to see Yuhi Kurenai for such lessons," said the old Hokage, as he looked at the Jounin in front him, who still had a lazy look on his face, and had once again been resisting to read his book in front of the Hokage because of the serious face the man was making.

"It was something I planned to do, but the Chuunin Exams came up shortly after we got back from Wave Country, and Kurenai was busy with her team as it was," said Kakashi, as he had been meaning to have Sakura see Kurenai, but his time was better spent reading his book, and training Sasuke for the Chuunin Exam Finals.

"I see. Next we have Sasuke's training regimen, which starts out with tree climbing like the others, but deviates later on with Taijutsu training, and learning some of the Justus you've learned over the years thanks to the Sharingan in your eye with one of them being your Chidori of all things along with a copy of Rock Lee's Taijutsu that he used in the Preliminaries," said Sarutobi, as he looked at Kakashi for an explanation, and the Jounin simply gave him a masked smile with his only uncovered eye going U-shaped.

"Well Sasuke was going up against Subaku no Gaia, who as it turns out is a demon vessel, and an unstable one at that. If I didn't teach him like I did, then Gaia would have crushed him had they fought, and the Uchiha Clan's restoration would be in the hands of Uchiha Itachi. Something we both know is impossible at this point in time since the man has no intention of reviving his clan after destroying it," said Kakashi, as he didn't see what the problem was at all, and waited for the Hokage to continue.

"Lastly, your final student that was once Uzumaki Naruto has received the least amount of training from you, and has only learned tree climbing. Why is this? Why not teach him Taijutsu or any of the Jutsus you know Kakashi? Further more, why did you focus on Sasuke during the Month before the Chuunin Exams, and not on both of them equally? You had the time to do it and make sure Sakura had some time with Kurenai in the process? You knew the Hyuuga Neji could easily kill Vergil had he not unlocked his new power, and had not met Jiraiya in the hot springs when he was with Ebisu. Why did you pass him off to Ebisu? You knew the man disliked Vergil from the start and was going to give him mediocre training at best," said the Hokage, as his eyes hardened even more, and it was then that Kakashi's eyes began to lose their laziness.

"Because Naruto has shown no real talent in being a Shinobi. Even with the means to use the Shadow Clone Jutsu, the boy has shown no talent other then being a total idiot, and it was simply a fluke the boy got so far in being a Shinobi much less make it to the Exam Finals," said Kakashi, as he was still a bit upset that the boy had taken his sensei's last name, and even more in drawing his sword against the "Last Uchiha".

"I see. Perhaps it was a fluke that Vergil passed. However, it wouldn't be a fluke had the Academy been fair to the boy in teaching him, and his sensei actually putting in the work to teach him something outside of chakra control. You showed favoritism Kakashi, which if I remember correctly, was something you were taught not to show when it came to teaching a Genin team. Now your team is in a situation that does not look promising because it will now be a member short," said the Hokage, as he saw Kakashi's eyes widen in shock, and wondered what the old man meant by that.

"What do you mean Hokage-sama? Will Sasuke get promoted even though he didn't fight?" said Kakashi in a hopeful voice since that would give him time to focus more on the Uchiha, and make the boy stronger.

Having enough of Kakashi's stupidity, the Hokage slammed his hand down on his desk shaking it to a point that his pipe nearly fell off, and the glare that the Sandaime was given the Jounin could make water freeze.

"The Uchiha is not going to be promoted in any sense of the word Kakashi. It's Vergil, who is being promoted to Chuunin status Kakashi, which is almost a shame since if it were within my power right now, I might even make him a Jounin since he's certainly around that level, and could exceed all expectation like his Father," said the Hokage, as he saw Kakashi look at him with surprise, and wanted to protest the promotion.

"You can't be serious Hokage-sama?! The boy can't be trusted with that rank. He has no form of stability, his skills are barely passing as a Genin, and the demon inside of him is another threat to consider if it decides to break free!" said Kakashi, as he saw the Hokage shake his head at the Jounin, and let out a sigh of disappointment.

"Do you not even care that the boy you are trying so hard to keep from succeeding in the life of a Shinobi is your sensei's only son?" said the Hokage and was surprised to see Kakashi's eyes harden at that.

"That boy is NOT my sensei's son. I was the only son the Yondaime ever needed in his life and I would have been officially adopted into his family had the damn fox attacked causing Minato-sensei to be taken away after sealing the demon away," said Kakashi, as he had always been aggravated that Minato had fallen in love with Kushina, and had tried to discreetly steer him away from her.

He went as far as trying to even seduce her but that didn't work in the slightest. All he got was a savage beating from Kushina that left him hospitalized for 5 weeks.

No such luck from what the Sandaime explained to the Jounins earlier after the Council meeting, which Kakashi was forced to attend on time, and then stay afterwards when everyone got their questions answered concerning the Namikaze Heir.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Kakashi, but as it stands, Namikaze Vergil is going to be promoted to Chuunin rank, and will be sent out with Jiraiya within the week to find Senju Tsunade to take my place as the Hokage of Konoha," said the Sandaime, as he saw the Jounin nod his head in acceptance of Tsunade being the new Hokage, but not that of his student's promotion.

It was the wrong student.

"And what of Sasuke?" said Kakashi, as he needed to know where his student stood in this, and possibly get more time training the Uchiha.

"Sasuke is going to be reprimanded for not only being late, but interfering in one of the Chuunin Exam matches, and will be banned from leaving Konoha on any missions for the next 6 Months," said the Sandaime, as he saw Kakashi become shocked by this, but accepted it nonetheless, and decided not to press the issue should it become worse.

"This mean Team7 is on the shelf doing D-ranked missions, doesn't it?" said Kakashi, as he saw the Hokage nod, and decided that at least this way he could properly train Sasuke while giving Sakura to Kurenai for Genjutsu lessons.

"Yes. I suggest you take this time to reflect on your teaching habits Kakashi before you do anything else that could endanger your other students farther without proper training," said the Sandaime before dismissing the Jounin from his office and let out a tired sigh.

(Konoha Hospital-3 Days Later)

Vergil found himself having a sense of déjà vu in walking down the halls of the hospital yet again only his target or rather targets this time were the Sound Four that had been captured after getting trounced by the half-devil. Kin had provided a great deal of info in regards to Sound's interior from what she knew from training there with her teammates and about the Sound Four themselves since one of them was a dear friend.

Walking into the room, the half-devil Namikaze saw each member of the Sound Four was strapped down with various restraints that went against their strengths, and had several ANBU in the room. All four of them were awake, but silent since they had no intention of talking, and betraying their Master to the likes of the Leaf. least until Vergil decided to change their minds that is.

"Healing well I take it," said Vergil, as he saw them look at him when he walked in, and one by one they began to slowly panic from the sight of him.

"He's come back to finish the job! Quick, someone toss us out the window!" said Sakon, as he along with his symbiotic brother were now struggling to get free, and only stopped when their eyes met Vergil's telling them to stop moving.

"I did not come here to kill you, but that could change if you upset me, and since there are four of you here I doubt losing one of you will upset the Hokage. For you see, as long as one of you is even remotely alive to have a member of the Yamanaka Clan probe your heads for answers, I can do whatever it is I want to you, and easily get away with it" said Vergil, as his words were like a cold chill running up their spines, and felt this guy was not someone they should upset.

"Our loyalty is to Orochimaru-sama. We won't tell you anything!" said Kidomaru, as he tried to not be intimidated by Vergil's stare, and the creepy smirk that seemed to easily outdo Orochimaru's own.

"We'll see. I've already got a great deal of information from Tsuchi Kin, who has no such loyalty to Orochimaru after using her as his sacrifice for his summoning of the Shodaime of Konoha, and if I were in her would I," said Vergil seeing the three male prisoners in the room curse Kin for her betrayal, but Tayuya was clearly shocked by this, and then eyed him carefully to see if he was lying.

Orochimaru had originally told Tayuya that her dear friend Kin had been killed during the Chuunin Exam Preliminaries and that the best way to get revenge on Konoha was to use the intended plan that was cooked up for the invasion that would wipe out the Leaf. At the time, Tayuya agreed whole heartedly on the plan to avenge her friend, but now with this information coming to light, the red haired foul mouth flute user was having her loyalty put into question, and wondered if betraying Orochimaru could be an option of payback for her.

"What will happen to Kin now?" said Tayuya, as she wanted to know what happened to her friend, and saw Vergil turn to her with those fierce blue eyes.

"An...arrangement was worked out between her, the Hokage, and myself though that is immaterial at this moment. I am giving you all one chance to come clean in telling me what I want to know so I can report it to the Hokage. If you don't, then you will each have a one on one session with Morino Ibiki, and by the time you break a new Hokage will be in place that is not as merciful as the one currently sitting in the chair getting ready to retire," said Vergil, as he saw the three males of the group resisting the offer in the belief they could take it after being under Orochimaru's tutelage, but Tayuya it seemed was considering it, and was wondering if she could get a deal similar to Kin.

"If I tell you what you want to know, will I get to see Kin again, or possibly get the same deal?" said Tayuya, as didn't want to serve Orochimaru anymore, and figured that she could be in worse crap then she was now.


"Do you want the same deal as her?" said Vergil, as he had asked Kin if she was all right with what was going to happen with her, and had practically begged him for it.

"If I get to be with my friend then fuck yeah. No matter what it is, I want the same deal as her, and I'll spill my guts about what I know about Orochi-teme," said Tayuya, as she was not about to protect some lying boy touching prick with a God complex, and would prefer some form of sanctuary in the Leaf instead of their prison.

"Tayuya, you backstabbing bitch! How can you betray Orochimaru-sama like this?" said Jirobo, as he struggled to get out of his restraints, and activate his Curse Seal only to find it wasn't responding.

"Because he nearly killed a good friend of mine and told me she was killed by the very people we were fighting you fat ass! You want to work for that pedophile, then go right ahead, but I'm sure as Hell not, and prefer a place where I won't have to sleep with one eye open every night," said Tayuya, as she glared at the weakest member of the group, and saw how the Curse Seal on his body wasn't responding.

"While you were all unconscious, Jiraiya of the Sannin took a look at your Curse Seals, and put near permanent suppressing seal structure on it just in case any of you decided to do something stupid. ANBU, could you be so kind as to wheel Tayuya's bed out of the room with me so we can go record what it is she has to say without any interruption from her former teammates, and make things easier for her," said Vergil, as the ANBU nodded since they all heard from the Hokage that he was going to handle them himself.

Separate the worthy from the screwed.

"You better pray to Kami we never get free Tayuya because if we do, we're going to kill you traitorous bitch!" said Ukon, as he snaked his neck from behind his brother's back, and snarled at the red haired girl.

Turning to face Ukon, Vergil walked over to the two brothers stuck together, and after staring at the face of Ukon for only a second...Vergil backhanded face into his brother. The end result was Ukon having a broken jaw and Sakon's forehead bleeding from where his brother's face hit.

"See to it that these two go straight to Anko the moment they are cleared. Tell her to hurt them. A lot!" said Vergil, as he had walked out of the room, and the ANBU shaking their heads while inwardly they were showing just a small amount of pity for the unfortunate prisoner.

Or was it prisoners? Either way it didn't matter since the said person(s) was screwed.

(Hokage's Office-2 Hours Later)

"Is this everything Vergil?" said the Hokage, as he was glad he put Vergil in charge of the means to gather information out of the specified prisoners with their statements on what they saw while working for Orochimaru recorded for proof of defection.

"Yes. Kin was more then willing to give me information since she has no intention of going back to Orochimaru and Tayuya was willing to spill her guts after she learned what the Sannin tried to do with her friend. Your student is a poor General when it comes to moving pieces across the board against his enemies," said Vergil, as he saw Hiruzen smile at that, and looked over the written report Vergil gave about the two speaking about what they experienced while being in Sound.

"He never cared much for the pawns when it came to positioning them. But that is a story for another time, as we need to use this information to our advantage, and strengthen our position in the Leaf before Orochimaru becomes bold again," said Sarutobi, as he now knew who Orochimaru's spies were in the Leaf, and what places held the experiments the Sannin had been working on for achieving Immortality.

"When do I get Tsunade with Ero-Sennin?" said Vergil, as he knew that if he didn't get to the last Sannin, Orochimaru would, and tempt the woman with something she couldn't get in Konoha.

"2 days. Jiraiya has been spending his time fixing Gaia's seal, as he's been finding that it was much worse then everyone thought, and needs another day to complete it," said Sarutobi, as he had heard from Jiraiya that Gaia's seal had long since been unstable since the girl was born, and needed a major overhaul to get it working properly.

"Good. What is the situation regarding Suna in general?" said Vergil, as he knew that because of this invasion, a lot of questions were being asked regarding the other hidden village, and not having answers was not something people wanted with this situation.

Danzo had called for an immediate invasion of Suna while saying that it was the perfect opportunity to remove the hidden village off the map and would bring more clients to the village because of it. The idea was instantly shot down, as that would ruin everything the village stood for, and would make the Fire Daimyo displeased with them since the man would not sanction such a thing in the first place.

"A new alliance treaty for our two hidden villages is being written up right now by the late Fourth Kazekage's middle child Subaku Kankuro and should be finished by the time after you return with Tsunade," said the Sandaime, as he had been told by the oldest of the three siblings about how their Father tried to turn Gaia at into a weapon, and how they wanted her little sister to be powerful enough to make Suna have its reputation restored in being one of the strongest of hidden villages. I believe that in the deal there's also two marriage contracts for you. They want to make the alliance stronger by having you marry Temari and Gaia.

"I accept" said Vergil

"I take it the Councils will want to dominate the spoils of the treaty regardless of the very reason behind it was the very reason behind breaking the treaty and the marriage contracts no doubt they will try to make them marry the Uchiha?" said Vergil, as the two Councils were already in an uproar as it was, and would seek to take it out on someone or something.

"The Fire Daimyo and Wind Daimyo have already decided that they will decide the final terms of the treaty since it was their decision in the first place that caused the problem with Suna allying with Orochimaru. Speaking of agreements, how are the two girls that told you what we wanted to know taking their new arrangements, and have there been any problems upon learning of them?" said the Hokage, as he knew that while one girl would welcome it, the other may not, and throw a very loud fit if her vocal nature was correct.

"Kin doesn't mind, as she welcomes the change, but Tayuya was bit...resistant to it until Kin pleaded with her, and decided to go along with it," said Vergil, as he smirked at the red haired girl's reaction to the agreement Kin made with him, and how she was going to get the same thing.

"I imagine given what I heard about her mouth making Anko learn a few things. But aside from that, they don't mind?" said the Sandaime, as he wanted to make absolutely sure his surrogate Grandson was safe with the two former Sound Shinobi, and that they won't try to kill him in his sleep.

"No," said Vergil, as he blocked out the memory of Tayuya's face turning red like her hair in anger, and seemed to restrain herself from throwing something at him because of her new status within the Leaf along with Kin.

"Very well then. In 2 days, go with Jiraiya, and find Tsunade so she can become the next Hokage," said the Sandaime, as he dismissed Vergil, and the said half-devil left for his clan home.

(Namikaze Estate-Some Time Later)

Vergil walked through the door of his home before looking around to find it looked a lot cleaner then when he left it since it originally had tons of dust floating around. Walking towards the kitchen, he smelled the scent of food being made, and the happy humming sound coming from one Tsuchi Kin reaching his ears.

In truth, Kin had jumped at the chance of being Vergil's slave, and swearing to serve her new Master however he wished to be served without question. Unlike Orochimaru, the half-devil had no interest in abusing the former Sound Shinobi with threats, and treating her like some expendable tool that could be thrown out with just a flick of the wrist. And while Kin wasn't quite skilled in anything aside from minor Taijutsu and Genjutsu with the didn't stop Vergil from making sure Kin received necessary training for the future.

Tayuya on the other hand was more...resistant? Resentful maybe? Or was it possibly the idea of being a slave to anyone given her dominating presence that made her to be pissed off? In any case, Tayuya hadn't realized what the deal Kin made until after agreeing to it, and became Vergil's slave.

"It smells good Kin-chan. I take it the cook books around here helped a lot," said Vergil, as Kin turned around, and saw him before running over to him in her maid outfit she now wore to give him a hug.

"Vergil-sama! I'm so glad you're home. Tayuya-chan has been a bit resistant in wearing her maid outfit. I told her she should since its much better then the clothes we wore in Sound," said Kin, as she pressed her form against his, and loved how he felt with the muscles his body had beneath his clothes.

How she loved it. How she loved him!

"I'll speak to her and reach a compromise. As for you...well don't look now, but your stew seems to be getting ready to boil over," said Vergil smirking at Kin, who looked at her stew, and saw it was ready to just about explode making the girl run over to turn off the stove to prevent another kitchen catastrophe.

The last time she cooked a meal unprepared, the meal came alive, and Vergil had to kill it with his sword before it could cause anyone harm.

As for Tayuya, Vergil walked over to where he sensed her, and saw she was not wearing her maid outfit like Kin had welcomed herself to wearing. Instead, Tayuya took it upon herself to wearing a skin tight crimson Shinobi outfit, and saw her training hard in what was one of several sparring rooms in the Estate. She of course sensed his presence, as it was the only signature in the house that toppled Tayuya's own along with Kin's, and when she spun around to face him saw that he was looking at her with an unreadable face.

"I know! I know! I should wear the maid outfit, but I'm not much of a maid kind of girl, and would rather not have to wear the fucking thing," said Tayuya, as she nearly had to bite her tongue when she felt it try to move to say "please don't make me wear it", and saw Vergil nod in understanding.

"I know. Kin feels that is her role here in this house, but at the same time I want her to train so she is ready for anything, or anyone that comes here to hurt you both when I'm not around. As for you Tayuya-chan, I feel your current attire is appropriate for you, and suggest you wear it since it makes you look tough," said Vergil, as he walked by Tayuya, and gave her shoulder a pat before walking by.

"Thank you...Vergil-sama," said Tayuya, as she still wasn't used to calling him that, and knew that it would take some getting use to.

"It also shows off your rack and ass," said Vergil, as he smirked when he saw Tayuya's face turn red like her hair, and became angry at him.

"HENTAI!" yelled Tayuya, as she drew her short sword, and threw it at him with deadly accuracy.

Or at least it would have, if not for Vergil catching it, and looked at Tayuya with an ever disappointed look on his face.

"I'll deal with punishing you later Tayuya-chan, but for now let's see if Kin has finished making dinner, and fill our stomachs to our heart content.

'Oh joy, another round of my ass getting spanked in front of Kin, and with the tip of his sword no less,' thought Tayuya, as she had been punished in that way when she had first become his slave, and refused to wear the maid uniform while calling him a "chicken shit pussy that likes to take it up the ass by gay old man that have just taken Viagra".

Tayuya got 100 hits to each ass cheek for that with the flat of his sword smacking it with enough force to make it red and bleed a little.

Even now it hurt to move while training when not sitting down.

"Listen girls I want you to keep training. I will find you teachers to help you train" said Vergil

"Why Vergil sama?" Asked both beauties

"I don't want your talents to go to waste and so you can defend yourself from anyone that tries to harm you while I am away" stated Vergil

"Thank you Vergil Sama!!!!!!!!" Yelled both girls