A Devils Return Home

It had been several days now since the bet that Vergil made with Tsunade and the half-devil was finding the last step not working like he thought it would. Still, Vergil wasn't going to have this obstacle before him stand in his way, and wasn't going to lose to some shame of a woman that was his failed Godmother.

"Can I talk with you for a second Vergil-san?" said Shizune, as she had seen his training grounds he chose now turned into a warzone, and she remembered that this was a small sample of Vergil's power.

"So long as you don't distract me, then yes you can," said Vergil, as he focused on what felt like his three hundredth Rasengan so far, and did not look at the woman standing in his training area.

"I would like you to withdraw from this bet Vergil-san. That necklace has brought all those that wear it outside of Tsunade misfortune in the form of losing their lives. She has lost two of her most precious people because of that necklace and it will do the same to you," said Shizune, as she saw stop trying to form a Rasengan, and looked at her with a cold look that sent a shiver up her spine.

"You want to talk about losing precious people. My whole life, I've lost so much of what was never meant to be lost in the first place, and all because of my own Father did the one thing that made him a true hero beyond all past events. Do you know how the people reward his son? They hurt him, by making him feel like he's lower then dog shit, and beat him like a puppy who's taking a beating for just being alive! Tsunade lost her loved ones, I can understand she is in pain, but at least their deaths were quick, and they died for a noble cause they believed in. As for me? I'm still alive and I can still feel the memories of those days where people would attack me creeping up in the back of my mind. You want to talk about misfortune Shizune-san, I am the living breathing definition of that word, and I know several others in Elemental Countries that are right under me. Tsunade is on the list, but she is waaaaaay down past the Top 5, and has yet to make it to the Top 10," said Vergil, as he walked away from Shizune after finding his desire to work on the Rasengan leaving him, and went to relax for a little while.

Had Vergil focused his senses more, he would have sensed Tsunade hiding behind a tree hearing everything he had said, and breaking down into a crying fit seconds later.

(In Konoha)

Tsuchi Kin hummed a happy tune, as she was in civilian clothes today having gotten her Master's permission before he left, and wondered if she should visit Vergil's friends. She had met a few of them after the invasion when she had accompanied her Master on a few trips to various stores to get her a variety of clothing, and saw the platinum blonde girl from the Yamanaka Clan in one of them. Ino had immediately bombarded her with all sorts of questions, as to how she was alive, why she was with Vergil, and if she knew how the former blonde boy became such a "silver haired sex God" to which Kin had declined to answering all of them since it wasn't her place to.

Kin still had a hard time imagining her Master seeking out a sensei for her and Tayuya to increase their skills rather then let them me weak servants.

(Flashback-The Day Before Vergil Left)

"You want me to be there sensei?" said Yuhi Kurenai, as she looked to the two girls over, and saw the redhead fighting back the urge to say something right now.

"Yes. They both major in Genjutsu and in Tayuya's case Genjutsu along with summoning oni demons too with her flute. Since you are basically a Genjutsu Master, I felt you could help them in their field, and possibly expand their arsenal of Jutsus. That's not going to be a problem will it?" said Vergil, as he saw Kurenai hesitating in taking the two as students in her art, and it seemed the two girls thought it was because they were from Sound.

"She doesn't have to Vergil-sama. We understand if she wishes to reject us because of our past affiliation with Orochimaru in Sound," said Kin, as she saw the boy look over at her, and then at Kurenai with a piercing gaze that made the woman nervous.

"Yeah, we perfectly fucking understand why this bitch doesn't what to teach us. We were the shitty pawns of a certain snake pedophile so therefore we're considered to be damaged goods and should be looked at with second thoughts like were hookers with STDs!" said Tayuya, as she saw Kurenai glare at her for a second no doubt for her choice of words, and would have said something about when Vergil raised an index fingered hand to stop them both from speaking out.

"No. That's not it. There is something else," said Vergil, as he had seen the hesitation was from a past experience with a previous student, and was afraid of repeating history.

"I...I had a student from the Kurama Clan that specialized in Genjutsu. They had been reduced to minor clan status because they weren't producing powerful Genjutsu members like they usually do. However, they had one powerful Prodigy in terms of Genjutsu named Kurama Yakumo that had so much potential that it was frightening, and I had to tell her I couldn't teach her privately anymore. She refused to stop learning Genjutsu and had to have a large portion of her powers sealed up as a result," said Kurenai, as she saw the look Vergil gave him harden at that before softening, and the two girls looking at Vergil for his own reaction.

"Perhaps you shouldn't have turned her down out of fear. However, that is in the past, and this is in the present. Right now, you need to get over your feeling of ineffectiveness in being a sensei, and just teach them like you did Team 8," said Vergil, as he made a small mental note in his head to visit the Yakumo girl, and see just how powerful she really is.

"You really want them to be stronger?" said Kurenai, as it was rare for a slave owner to have strong slaves, and always made sure they were weak to prevent uprisings.

"Yes. I have no intention of being a cruel slave owner and I see a lot of potential in them that should not be squandered simply because of the change in their status," said Vergil, as she saw Kin along with Tayuya blush at that, and saw Kurenai sigh at his words.

"All right. They can come see me when I'm teaching Genjutsu to Team 8, but just be sure that I won't tolerate any of the redheads fowl language, and will take some means to stop her from speaking if I have to," said Kurenai, as she saw Tayuya scowl at her, and was going to let out a few choice words when Vergil raised a hand again that told the former bodyguard of Orochimaru to stop before she even spoke.

"I agree. Tayuya, when you are with Kurenai in your training on Genjutsu, I don't want you to swear at all, and every time you do...I will punish you myself," said Vergil, as he turned to face the girl, and her face was going white in fear.

"Wait! How will you even know? You can't trust this frosty bitch! For all we know, she'll lie to you, and make something up just so you do...punish me," said Tayuya, as the sting on her ass for her rude comment to him about the maid outfit still echoed after two days.

"Simple. Kin here is going to tell me. She has no reason to lie and I don't expect her too for either side. Swearing is okay from time to time Tayuya, but you lack self-control, and I will not have my slave speak such horrible language whether I'm here or not. Do you understood me Tayuya-chan?" said Vergil, as he saw Tayuya nod her head quickly in understanding, and a smile came to his mouth to show he was glad she understood.

He didn't want to hurt that perfectly heart shaped ass anytime soon.

"Fine! Just for the record though, I do wish to curse at any man who tries to be perverted, and wail on them with my flute," said Tayuya, as she knew that there was going to be someone that was going to act perverted around her, and was not going to let them get away with it simply because she was a slave.

"Agreed. If there is nothing else we need to discuss, then I will leave these two with you Kurenai-san since you are meeting with Team 8 today, and this will give you a chance to teach them all in one moment," said Vergil, as he bowed his head a little before leaving the three together, and hoped that Tayuya didn't hurt Kiba too bad.

The Inuzuka boy had a habit of putting his foot in his mouth when he thought with his other head.

(End Flashback)

Kin shook herself from those thoughts, as she headed to the Ichiraku Ramen Stand, and saw the various members of the Rookie Nine sitting there deep in thought. Not surprising since her Master had practically changed everything around them and they seemed to be stumped when it came to Vergil.

"So what do you think of Vergil now?" said Shikamaru, as he saw Choji stuffing his face while being unsure, and Ino was had hearts in her eyes.

"He's HOT! Much better then that blonde baka he was before!" said Ino, as she was now envisioning him with her, and they got married before having kids.

"You're one to talk about blonde bakas Ino since you have that particular hair color," said Shikamaru, as he broke Ino from her fantasy, and was rewarded by a fist to the face by the girl.

"Shut up!" said Ino, as she now had steam coming out of her ears, and glaring with fire in her eyes at the lazy now scared Nara.

"Well I find Vergil-san's new look to be most hip and have declared him my new rival! YOSH!" said Lee, as he was determined to fight the half-devil, and push himself to new heights because of it.

"I have to say, this new version the guy makes him alpha like material, and I wouldn't be surprised if he got a few hot bitches on the side waiting to help him with his clan. I know I would!" said Kiba with a perverted look on his face that got him punch from both Ino and Tenten.

"HENTAI!" yelled both girls and they both huffed at the thought of Vergil doing that with some cheap fan-girl floozies.

"Somehow I knew that would happen," said Kin, as she made herself known to them, and greeted them all.

"Kin-chan! How are you doing?" said Tenten, as she saw Kin sit down next to her in what was Kiba's now vacant seat.

"No complaints. Vergil-sama is out on a mission to bring back Senju Tsunade to Konoha and Tayuya is back at the Namikaze Estate training. How are all of you?" said Kin, as she saw Tenten's eyes widen at the name of Tsunade, and became very...fan-girlish?

"Tsunade? Senju Tsunade is coming back to Konoha? THAT'S INCREDIBLE!" said Tenten, as she hugged Kin in a death like grip, and was thrilled that her idol was finally returning home.

"She's the Granddaughter of the Shodaime right? said Kiba, as he got off the ground, and rubbing his sore jaw.

"Yes. Vergil-sama told me that she's going to become the next Hokage of Konoha," said Kin, as she saw Tenten let out a squeal of delight, and Shikamaru slam his head down onto the bar counter like he had lost a game of chess.

'Great! A troublesome woman is now going to be in charge of Konoha. Kami help us all,' thought Shikamaru, as he knew from his own experience with his Mother that women could be vicious life sucking monsters when in power from which there no escape, and the life of a Missing Nin was much easier.

"I can't believe Tsunade-sama is going to be the next Hokage! What do I wear to her coronation? I need to pick something out right away!" said Tenten, as she needed to go shopping for something that would get her idols attention, and bolted out of the bar with Ino running after her to go shopping too.

"Nice going! Accept for you, there are no chicks here, and now a total sausage fest," said Kiba, who got wanted to get near Ino or Tenten so he could silently feel up their legs.

Before running like hell of course.

"Are you saying I'm not a woman?" said Kin, as she glared at Kiba, who let his alpha male pride get the better of him, and held his ground while Shikamaru along with Choji took several steps back.

"Not until your devil Master pops your cherry little slave girl!" said Kiba, as he saw Shikamaru palm slap his face muttering "troublesome", and Choji was looking away before an angry Kin gave the Inuzuka boy a swift kick to the groin making his voice go up several notches.

"If and when Vergil-sama wishes to sleep with me is his business Kiba-baka!" said Kin, as she left with Kiba still holding onto his family jewels, and Shikamaru telling Choji to never upset a girl whether she be free or a slave.

(With Vergil-Several Days Later)

Vergil fought to hide his smirk that so wanted to come across his face, as he walked with Jiraiya, Shizune, and Tsunade to the secret meeting place where they agreed to speak to Orochimaru. Vergil could only hope he would have a shot at Orochimaru again along with Kabuto since the two traitors had it coming for some time now.

"They're here. The air is strong with snake," said Vergil, as he easily could find the scent of his enemies, and saw Jiraiya nod his head since this had been a long time coming.

Sure enough, Orochimaru was at the designated spot with Kabuto, and another individual with a sickly look about him. Upon seeing the now much larger then expected group of Shinobi, Orochimaru glared at his two teammates, and hissed with displeasure at seeing the half-devil Namikaze.

"Tsunade! I see you decided not to help me with condition after all," said Orochimaru, as he saw Vergil smirk at him, and Kabuto move an inch closer to the Sannin to protect his Master.

"I never said I would Orochimaru. You just assumed as always that I would be seduced by your poisonous words," said Tsunade, as she saw Kabuto cover his hands in green chakra, and prepared to use Chakra Scalpels normally used for medical purposes into a means to take life.

"True, but then again you are so easy to tempt given your addicting gambling nature, and this was one gamble I was sure you would risk taking," said Orochimaru, as he looked at Tsunade before turning his gaze to Vergil, who hit the hilt of his sword with his thumb, and made a "come on" motion with his right hand.

"Less chatting more fighting," said Vergil, as he looked at the albino looking at him with cautious calculating eyes, and the aura the man was generating seemed to suggest it was not human.

Not entirely anyway.

"Kabuto, you will deal with Shizune. Kimimaro, kill the Namikaze, and bring me his silver haired head. I'll deal with my old teammates myself. Even in my current condition, they are no match for me," said Orochimaru, as he drew upon his trusty sword from his mouth, and prepared for a fight with the other two Sannin.

"You always were full of it Orochimaru," said Jiraiya, as he got ready to fight his old rival for Tsunade before Dan came around, and blew them both away.

"After today, only one less Sannin will be alive," said Tsunade, as she saw Orochimaru sneer at her, and Jiraiya before getting ready to strike with his swordsmanship skills.

"Correction my dear sweet Tsunade-chan. There will be only one Sannin left alive!" said Orochimaru, as rushed forward to kill both of them, and become the last Sannin of the Legendary Three.

Vergil found his opponent most interesting, as Kimimaro turned his bones in his body into projectiles, and various weapons to use against him. Yamato easily cut through the projectiles with a few quick strokes before engaging Kimimaro in close range combat. The bones the albino used for weapons were meant to stab so all Vergil had to do was dodge what he didn't block with his sword and made sure to keep a watchful eyes on his enemy's movements due to their near unorthodox style.

"You are quite skilled. It's a shame you're not at full strength though since its clear you have the potential to surpass your Master if you were," said Vergil, as he saw Kimimaro form a bone whip, and was about to attack long range when he began to cough violently with blood leaving his mouth.

'Not now. Not when Orochimaru-sama needs me,' thought Kimimaro, as he willed his body to fight, and had to drop the whip before leaping back to avoid a slash from Vergil's sword.

'Damn! Kimimaro's condition is deteriorating faster because he's fighting and is going to die unless we all escape,' thought Kabuto, as he dodged the poison needles Shizune shot at him, and tried to get in close for lethal hand to hand combat.

Vergil however, felt sorry for this individual, as this was a warrior of the battlefield he was fighting seemed cursed with a medical condition appeared to be lethal if it were left untreated, and from the looks of things...there was no treatment for this. Dodging a few more projectiles, the half-devil swordsman moved faster then Kimimaro could, and sliced off the albino's right arm clean off at the shoulder.

"AAAAHHHH!" said Kimimaro, as he did a back swing with his left arm with spikes coming out of it, but the was cut off too when Vergil spun around, and sliced it off at the elbow.

"I'm sorry Kimimaro, but I must kill you, and then your Master that you serve. You are a true warrior of the battlefield so I ask that from one warrior to another I must ask you to forgive me," said Vergil, as he raised his left hand, and formed the Rasengan in his left hand before shoving it into the albino's chest.

The intense blast of power sent by Vergil to Kimimaro caused him to go flying 20 feet into a nearby boulder with his Curse Seal torn completely off his body. In the end, the albino was still alive if just an inch from death, as he willed his body to live, and saw Vergil upon him once again with a look of what seemed like pity.

"Do not look at me like that. I do not need your pity!" said Kimimaro, as he saw Vergil look at him with those eyes, and the albino felt like the half-devil was trying to look for something in him.

"I've seen eyes like yours before. So much devotion for a single person that you would die for that individual without hesitation knowing they would outlive you," said Vergil, as he put away his sword, and looked down at Kimimaro's dying body.

"I was from Mist. When my clan attacked the village, they were all slaughtered while I was the exception since I didn't partake in the attack making me the last of the Kaguya Clan, and was found by Orochimaru. He took me in and trained me to be the best at what I am. His Curse Seal on me was his way of attaching a part of himself onto my soul," said Kimimaro, as blood flowed out of his mouth, and groaned out in pain.

"I see. You remind me of a girl I knew, who was similar in that regard with the obvious difference, but the end result is the same, and I would like to give you a chance to make it up to you," said Vergil, as he pushed back his trench coat sleeve on his right arm, and it turned into his Devil Bringer.

"Help me? Help me how? No one can help me cheat death. No one can!" said Kimimaro, as he saw Vergil kneel down to his level, and put his demonic arm on the bloody chest of the albino.

"You are not normal Kimimaro and that's even by bloodline standards. Your aura is part demon, as all bloodlines are descended from, and if you give me your soul...I could make your mine! You would in away live on in me," said Vergil, as he saw Kimimaro's eyes widen at that, and the thought of doing that was clearly running through his mind.

"But Orochimaru-sama needs me. I must...I must...," said Kimimaro, as he struggled to live, and found it becoming harder with each passing second.

"You are only a pawn to him. Piece on the chessboard that needs moving until your value ends, which seems to be very soon, and unless you take my offer...it will become a fact," said Vergil, as his demonic arm pulsed, and Kimimaro grabbed onto the demonic arm.

"If I do this, what do you gain in having my soul, and why should I even consider it?" said Kimimaro, as he saw the battle behind them still going on with Kabuto knocking down Shizune temporarily before going to help Orochimaru against the other two Sannin.

"If you do this, then your powers will go to me on a demonic level, and you will continue to exist...in a sense of course," said Vergil, as he knew Kimimaro didn't want to die, and saw that the young man wanted to keep his existence going.

"Very well. I Kaguya Kimimaro herby give you my soul Namikaze-sama. Use it and the power behind it with honor," said Kimimaro, as he felt his body finally fail him, and the last thing he saw was a glowing silver like light cover his body.

In fact, the light was so bright around Vergil that it got the attention of the others, as they saw Kimimaro's body turn into a silver orb of energy that went into Vergil's demonic, and temporarily blinded everyone around him.

When the light ended, Vergil looked the same, except his right arm was now covered in bone, and had demonic looking blade coming out of the palm. Turning around to face them, Vergil grinned an evil grin that made Kabuto along with Orochimaru very nervous, and they were right to be when Vergil was upon the Sound Medic Nin in a heart beat before stabbing the man several times with his new weapon.

"Do you like it Kabuto, I call this little number the Grim Reaper, and its purpose is to kill assholes like you!" said Vergil, as he struck the Medic Nin right between the eyes, and ended the man's life when the blade cut both sides of the brain in half.

Unfortunately, the blood caused Tsunade to freeze up, and distract Jiraiya long enough for Orochimaru to act in trying to attack her. Jiraiya acting quickly summoned a battle Toad with shield and sword that deflected Orochimaru's attack. However, the power hungry snake Sannin was not going to be denied, and leaped over the summons before aiming his sword at Tsunade again.

Only to find himself in pain after being hit by poison tipped needles on his neck courtesy of Shizune firing them from her wrist launcher.

"It's a good thing Kabuto didn't kill you when he had the chance," said Jiraiya, as he saw Shizune limp towards her teacher, and try to snap her out of the trance she was in.

"Indeed," said Vergil, as he took his new weapon, and stabbed Orochimaru in the back of the head to make sure the man was dead before going up to Tsunade to deliver a solid punch to her face.

"What was that for?!" said Shizune, as she was shocked along with Jiraiya at Vergil's actions, and saw the Slug Princess coming back to her senses.

"Waking her up. She's a Medic Nin and a Sannin for Kami's sake. How in the deepest regions of Hell can she even be one with the way she acts around blood? How can she even become the Hokage with such a weakness? All someone has to do is attack Tsunade with a blood clone before ending her life after she freezes up!" said Vergil, as he saw the female Sannin look at him while rubbing the side of her face he had punched.

"There are more easier ways to do it," said Jiraiya, as he saw Tsunade get up, and glare at him for that punch.

"Maybe. But I know if it was the other way around, I would have been super punched out of my boots, and been told to deal with it just as I am now to her. So shut up. Besides, I needed to give her a little payback for leaving me alone in the village like you did years ago, or perhaps that kick to your groin that sent you 20 feet into the air wasn't enough!" said Vergil, as he saw Jiraiya back up, and put his hands up defensively.

"Geez Vergil, when you lay on the guilt, you lay on the guilt, and put in on thick," said Jiraiya, as he saw Tsunade get off the ground, and look at Vergil before walking over to the boy.

"I saw you use the Rasengan against the albino, but I don't understand what it is you did to his body, and your arm," said Tsunade, as she saw bones that went around his right arm retreat back along with the blade, and then turn back into a normal human looking arm.

"Simple. As I told Kimimaro, his aura was part demonic, and in taking his soul I was able to take his powers as my own on a demonic level. The more I use it, the more that power evolves giving me new skills, and new powers that are different from the last one," said Vergil, as he saw the group now looking surprised by this piece of information, and the first to snap out of it was Tsunade.

"Well, since you did master the Rasengan, I have to give you this in accordance with our bet, and in a way...I'm kind of proud of you for doing so...Godson," said Tsunade, as she put the necklace around Vergil's neck, and then kissed him on the forehead in an almost Motherly way.

"Does this mean you intend to be the Hokage like the Sandaime wants?" said Vergil, as he saw Tsunade smile at him, and nod before grabbing him by the trench coat giving him a death glare in the process.

"You bet and you better not hit me again or else I'll make you do D-ranked missions until you become Hokage," said Tsunade, who saw Vergil smirk, and had to resist hitting him to remove it.

"And you better be a good Godmother or else I may have to go show you why I was the pranking king back in Konoha that will quadruple your paperwork load," said Vergil, as he saw Tsunade increase her death glare before giving up, and sighing while muttering how she needed to get a drink.

She didn't have the strength to argue with him.

(Konoha-3 Days Later)

The trip back to the Leaf was fairly easy, as Jiraiya summoned Gamabunta, and after a good beating on the Super Pervert by the Toad Boss for what he did to Minato's son before taking them back to the village. To see Konoha again brought back bad memories for Tsunade, but she knew that this place also held bad memories for Vergil too when he was just a boy, and she wasn't around to protect him. The people were also shocked to see the Slug Princess back in Konoha with many believing she had done what the Sandaime had failed to do and reign in the "Kyuubi brat" thinking the necklace the half-devil now wore was some kind of leash.

"I can't believe these people. I wonder what it was your Father saw that made them want to defend this village?" said Tsunade, as she had seen the hate filled looks, and knew they were aimed at Vergil.

"You and me both. Doesn't matter now though. You're going to be in charge with the old man helping you out with the politics and telling you who to trust," said Vergil, as they made it to the Hokage Tower, and saw the old man relaxing while reading a certain orange book that made Tsunade quite upset at seeing.

"I see now how Jiraiya got away with his peeping for so many years," said Tsunade, as she saw the Sandaime scramble to hide the book, and blush in embarrassment.

"Oh Tsunade! You're back and so are the others. I half expected you to bring back Jiraiya in a full body cast for trying to peep on you," said the Sandaime, as he saw them sweat drop at his words, and Vergil let out a small laugh at that comment.

"Very funny sensei. But now that I'm back I expect to be brought up to speed with my Godson and just what possessed you to let things get so bad while I was away," said Tsunade, as she saw the Hokage sigh in shame, and motioned her to sit down so he could tell her the entire story.

Vergil not carrying for this however, left to head back to his Estates to see how his two slaves were doing, and hoped they had behaved themselves while he was gone.

(Namikaze Estates-15 Minutes Later)

"I HATE DOING THESE FUCKING CHORES!" yelled Tayuya, as she had been doing some chores that she couldn't sweet talk, or curse her way out of doing.

"Please try to calm down Tayuya-chan. I know doing some house work seems degrading, but considering the alternative we could be in right now, I prefer this easily, and its not like we're not allowed to continue our Shinobi training. Kurenai-sensei was even able to teach us a few Jutsus she knows outside of Genjutsu and that strange spandex wearing guy even said wearing weights would help too," said Kin, as she wore ankle bracelets even now, and wrist bracelets that had weight seals on them to make them.

"Don't remind me of that weirdo, as his hugging of that tinier version of him made me want to puke, and I had to deal with sneering assholes along with perverts that wanted to get into my pants thinking I would just submit because I'm a slave," said Tayuya, as she had to deal with a few assholes that wanted to teach her a lesson for siding with the snake Sannin, and then being the slave of the "Kyuubi brat" like it was some horrible curse.

"Don't worry about it Tayuya-chan. They are fools that will soon be put in their place," said Vergil, as he entered his home, and saw the two girls look up from their duties to see their Master had finally returned.

"Vergil-sama!" said Kin, as she rushed over to him, and gave him a bone crushing hug while Tayuya just waved since she wasn't much for the whole giving affection to others thing.

"Hello you two. Have you been good while I was away? Learning anything useful from your sensei?" said Vergil, as he saw Kin nod, and so did Tayuya though she was silently mumbling about queer men in green spandex making her want to puke out 2 weeks worth of food from her stomach.

"You will have to excuse Tayuya-chan for her words Vergil-sama. We met Maito Gai and his student Rock Lee while you were gone for physical training and they performed a very disturbing Genjutsu," said Kin, as she breathed in her Master's scent, and barely held back the moan from the sensation of it.

"Oh please, Kin just wants to do the physical training so you can have stamina needed to fuck your brains out day and night until she can't walk for a day or two from all the intense fucking," said Tayuya, as she ignored the "eep!" sound made by Kin, and the blush on the girl's face.

"Really?" said Vergil, as he saw Kin's face going cherry red, and her looking at Tayuya with an angry face before looking back her Master with embarrassment.

"Don't listen to her Vergil-sama! She's just jealous because I'm here and she can't jump you herself," said Kin, as she saw Tayuya go cherry red now, and looking angrily at Kin for that statement.

"What?! Why you little lying cock sucking...," said Tayuya, as she was about to go on a big foul mouth marathon, but the glare from Vergil shut her up, and she knew meant she was going to be punished.

"Tayuya, what have I told you about cursing, and aiming them at Kin or me?" said Vergil in a serious voice and saw Tayuya whimper in fear of the punishment.

"That it's not tolerated and I will be punished for it," said Tayuya, as she looked at her devil Master for mercy, and Kin seemed to have an apologetic look on her face for getting her friend in trouble.

"Yes. Follow me for your punishment. You too Kin-chan. Don't think I didn't see what you were trying to do," said Vergil, as he saw Kin look down in embarrassment, and knew that she had to be punished too.

Yet, at the same time Kin was looking forward to it, and was feeling excited about it.

(Hokage Tower-Council Room)

"Tsunade-sama, how good it is to see you back in Konoha again after so many years, and to become the Hokage like your Grandfather did years ago," said Koharu, as she greeted the younger woman with a smile that didn't match her eyes, and Tsunade could see it easily.

"Oh I do enjoy being here again Koharu-san, but I find that Konoha has changed a great deal since I've been here last, and a few things are concerning me dearly," said Tsunade, as she wanted to nip this in the bud, and deal with the things about Konoha she greatly disapproved of...appropriately.

"Concerning you? How so?" said Homura, as he saw the woman smirk at him, and it was not something the Councilman liked.

"My sensei has been informing on the past 12 years of a certain Namikaze's life and how certain individuals have been doing everything in their power to usurp the Yondaime's dying wish in seeing his son be a hero. That and you've been spoiling an unstable Uchiha, who thinks only of himself while not even caring for that of others. Now why would that be?" said Tsunade seeing the Shinobi Council pale at that information and turned to the Sandaime with a glare.

"Sarutobi, how can you speak such lies to your former student, and make us out to be the villains after all the good we have done the village?" said Koharu, as she glared at the old Hokage, who glared back, and silenced both his old teammates.

"Lies? You think I would not keep an eye on you two all this time? You were among the most outspoken in either killing Vergil or turning him into a weapon for Danzo. I myself am guilty of denying the boy what was his even in my belief it was for the best, but now that the Namikaze Heir has returned to his rightful place in Konoha, I can make it up to him, and make sure he gets the respect he should have gotten from the beginning," said the Sandaime, as he saw his old teammates protesting this, calling him a "demon lover", and an "Uchiha hater" of all things.

"It's clear the demon has poisoned both your minds. I say the decision in choosing a new Hokage should be the job of the Councils from now on and I intend to bring it up at our next meeting," said Homura, as he was not about to let these two demon loving fools stop them from keeping all the power they gained from the Yondaime's death.

"You can bring that motion to the next meeting all you want Homura-san, but you forget that such a law cannot be made thanks to the village charter, and to change it could be considered treason that I would have to report to the Daimyo," said the Sandaime, as he knew the last thing these two wanted was for the villages actions concerning Vergil to be made known to the Feudal Lord, and be punished for it.

"If there is nothing else, get out of my sight before I throw you out, and need to seek out Shizune for medical attention," said Tsunade, as she stomped her foot, and made the two former Shinobi run out of the room.

"That was pleasant," said the Sandaime, as he saw his former student reveal a much more gentler smile, and hugged him with tears running down her face.

"I'm sorry Sarutobi-sensei. For everything I have done wrong in my life from leaving the village that I should have stayed in to help you with to that of my Godson," said Tsunade, as she had done a lot of soul searching, and found her decision years ago to leave the Leaf had been a big mistake.

"Apology accepted Tsunade," said the Sandaime, as he walked out of the room to have a drink of sake' with her, and to enjoy the moment.

(Namikaze Estate-At the Moment)

"Did you two learn your lesson?" said Vergil, as he sheathed his sword, and both girls pulled up their panties with red faces to match their sore rears before going to retrieve their clothes.

"Yes Vergil-sama," said Kin and Tayuya together, as they both got spanked by the flat side of Yamato at the same time, and had to wait until he had sheathed his blade to get their clothes back on.

"Good. I know the punishment seems harsh, but I do not do this out of malice, and I hope you understand I set certain rules here to show you restraint. Tayuya-chan, I know you like to swear a lot to scare people, but when you aim it at people that you consider your friends, then I cannot condone it, and need to remind you that doing so is wrong. As for you Kin, I punished you because you baited your friend into breaking my rule on no swearing, and needed to be taught a lesson on that. Since you have learned your lesson, I suggest you all go to the hot springs for a nice relaxing bath to take away the soreness, and reflect on my words," said Vergil, as he kissed them both on their foreheads, and smirked when they blushed at the sign of affection.

"Yes Vergil-sama," said the two girls before they headed off to heal their sore butts and possibly get the rest of the day off.

"I wish I could show them more intimacy, but at the same time I feel like I don't know how, and I need help on the subject. But who to turn to? All the males are perverts, the women around me will just give me advice that will make me feel submissive, and that's not my nature in the slightest. I wonder how my parents would deal with this?' thought Vergil, as he looked back on all the people in his life, and realized there was only one person he could talk to that wouldn't waste his time.

Umino Iruka.

(Konoha Academy-10 Minutes Later)

Iruka sighed, as he watched over the youngsters in his classroom doing their assignments, and not causing a ruckus for once that would make a teacher wish for SS-ranked missions with an ANBU unit. However, his mood quickly changed when a certain half-devil made his appearance at his classroom door, and got the attention of the kids in the class.

"Naruto?" said Iruka, as he saw the former blonde enter the room, and the kids going all excited at seeing him.

"Boss!" said Konohamaru, as he got up from his seat, and tackled the half-devil, who caught the kid, and held him in a brotherly hug.

"Hey Konohamaru. Behaving yourself?" said Vergil, as he saw the young Sarutobi shake his head no, and got his hair ruffled for it.

"Nope! I'm pulling pranks and making teachers crazy," said Konohamaru with his two friends yelling out they do it too while Hinata's younger sister Hanabi sighed while banging her head against her desk calling the trio bakas.

Though like her older sister Hinata, little Hanabi did think Vergil was handsome, and would be lying if she said otherwise.

"That's good. Still, when you aren't doing that, I expect you to be training, and getting stronger with your friends. After all, I do expect to be your Jounin sensei one day, and train you in everything I can," said Vergil, as he saw the boy looking at him wide eyed, and was jumping around excitedly because of it.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Iruka, I need your advice on something, but I need to speak to you about it alone, and it can't wait," said Vergil, as he motioned for his old teacher to come follow him, and Iruka looked at his class with a look that said "behave yourself or else!" while he was away.

The kids all had halos on their heads when he left, which soon turned to devil horns, and the scheming to prank their teacher had begun.

"What do you need Naruto?" said Iruka, as they entered an empty classroom, and saw his former student walking to the window with his hands behind his back in thought.

"First off, call me Vergil, as I changed my name to that of my ancestor, and I need your help in regards to...women," said Vergil, as he saw Iruka's jaw hit the floor, and would have thought it to be humorous if this wasn't so important.

"You want my help in regards to women? You did have 'the talk' right?" said Iruka, as he wanted to be perfectly clear with his former student that was the foundation in terms of a young adolescent entering puberty.

"Of course, but you are the only one I can trust in giving me good advice, and not screw me over," said Vergil, as he saw Iruka nod, and walk over to him before putting a hand on the half-devil's shoulder.

"Naru-I mean Vergil, I never really had a relationship with anyone, and while I'm not old that I still can't try...all I can say to you is that you should think of the one you are with respect. Listen to them and they will listen to you when you speak in return," said Iruka, as he patted Vergil on the back, and the half-devil smirked at Iruka before giving him a hug.

"Thanks Iruka, though if I were you, I would find that special lady soon because I think I see a few grey hairs on your head, and ladies don't like old people showing their age," said Vergil before he left with shell shocked Iruka quickly looking for a mirror and saw he had been lied to about the grey hairs.

"DAMN YOU VERGIL!" yelled Iruka, as he was now mad, and his anger increased further when he returned to his classroom when he was hit by a couple dozen pies, and the kids laughing at him after they finished taking a picture seconds after it happened.

Oh how Iruka wished the old rules for spanking misbehaving students was still around.

(Namikaze Estates-Moments Later)

Kin and Tayuya were in a state of bliss, as the indoor hot springs soothed their aching bodies, and their sore butts from the punishment still fresh in their minds. When they both entered, they each caught a glimpse of the others rear end, and saw they each got the same if not close to the same amount of redness. They had both apologize for getting the other in trouble and would make sure to reign in their thoughts that conspired to get the other in trouble with Vergil.

"Did you mean that? You thought I was jealous of you being close to Vergil so I could get it on with him?" said Tayuya, as she saw Kin blush in embarrassment at her own choice of words, and looked uneasy.

"Well...aren't you? I mean I know you are all against being with someone since you feel that your swearing scares guys off, but I know you are nice beyond that tough cursing machine type girl, and Vergil-sama is sweet in his own way," said Kin, as she saw Tayuya look away while refraining from cursing while have a tint of red on her face, and didn't look at her fellow slave in the eyes.

"Say I did like this guy, whether I was free or slave, and I wanted to eventually jump his devil bone...I would have to consider you along with any other girl in his life to be a big factor," said Tayuya, as she saw Kin blush further, and looked away since the thought of being intimate with Vergil was something she wanted.

"Am I interrupting anything?" said Vergil with a towel around his waist and saw both girls blushing at the sight of him along with the fact he was only wearing a towel.

'Holy shit!' thought both girls while a thin line of blood ran from their noses and were trying to say something, but the words seemed to be blocked by something in their throat.

"You don't mind if I join you. It's been a long time before I could enjoy a hot spring bath with anyone," said Vergil seductively, as he decided to act on certain pieces of advice he got after he had his little talk with Iruka, whose advice was insightful didn't really help with what he was feeling, and had to go to a more...demonic source.


The fox while giving hiS soul to him along with his powers, had not left him like Vergil made everyone believe, and Kyuubi was quite understanding of what it is that plagued the half-devil. Basically, Kyuubi told Vergil that he was experience demon puberty, which unlike normal human puberty required he go out, and screw a hot piece of ass available to him.

While Vergil consider doing that, he wasn't just going to do that with anyone, and had made a list of various women in his life that he would do that with. The first two that popped into his mind were of course the two sitting in front of him, as he had smelled the honey scent the two had when he was around, and it was back even stronger now because of his current lack of attire.

"W-We don't m-mind Vergil-kun," said Kin, as she felt tingly all over, and so did Tayuya if the way she was fidgeting was any indication.

"Smell that my vessel? These two want you badly. It doesn't really matter if its love or lust just take them since they want it too!" said Kyuubi, as he released more pheromones from Vergil's body that made the girls even hornier, and when they saw what lay beyond the towel gave the girls intense nosebleeds.

'HE'S FUCKEN HUGE!' thought Kin and Tayuya, as they saw him sink into the water, and had to struggle not to look at the water where a certain appendage rested.

"I wanted to apologize to you both for the punishment I gave you both. It must have hurt and it was degrading to you both," said Vergil, as he saw their shocked expressions, and they quickly moved closer to him before giving him a hug.

"We were the ones that were wrong Vergil-sama. I made Tayuya-chan curse," said Kin, as she ran a hand along his chest while kissing his shoulder, and Tayuya was doing the same.

"And I was swearing at Kin when I should have kept my mouth shut," said Tayuya, as she didn't understand why she felt this way right now, but her body seemed to have this idea of overriding her mind in some kind of coup d'e tat to make her desire her Master.

"You've been good to us Vergil-sama. We've been given clothes, a home to live in, and letting us train to get stronger when anyone else would have let us become weak. Let us make it up to you now in our own way," said Kin, as she kissed his lips, and Tayuya wanted to get in on it with kissing soon becoming a full blown make out session with both girls with one of his hands playing with each of their breasts.

"Are you sure you want to do this Kin-chan? Tayuya-chan?" said Vergil, as he required a second to breathe, and saw them nod their heads with eyes burning with lust.

"Yes Vergil-sama. Now I believe Tayuya needs to clean her mouth for swearing and requires your big monster cock to make that happen," said Kin, as she saw Tayuya look into the water hungrily before going face down onto Vergil's appendage, and began to give him a blowjob while his hand once on the redheads breast went to her pussy to finger it.

As for Kin, she was sucking on Vergil's face while his hand was on her breast needing it with all the love, and attention she could ever want to have happen to it. She moaned out load when he left her left breast for her right one and she felt one of Tayuya's hands go to her pussy before fingering it with a purpose.

'Damn! I wonder where they learned to do this?' thought Vergil, as he found their skills to be incredible, and could only have gotten this way through a teacher.

But who?

Somewhere in Konoha a certain purple haired woman sneezed before she went back to eating her massive plate of dango that was her reward for secretly teaching two slave girls how to please their man.

Back with Vergil, he could feel his climax from Tayuya's "washing of her mouth" fast approaching, and could feel hers from his finger work on pussy. The devil let out a deep roar that was muffled by Kin's mouth on his own and came into Tayuya's while she had her own orgasm from his fingers with her own bringing Kin to her own climax too.

After a moment, Tayuya got out of the water nearly coughing with water, and some cum exiting her mouth in the process. Kin had collapsed against Vergil from her own orgasm, as the devil himself leaned back against the rim wall of the hot spring, and moved them closer to him.

"That was incredible!" said Kin, as she had a hand go down to Vergil's cock, and felt him still hard after Tayuya's blowjob.

"Do you want to proceed further?" said Vergil, as he knew what the next step was, and it was going to be their choice to continue.

"Hell yes!" said Tayuya, as she was feeling the urge, and knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

"What she said," said Kin, as her body screamed to be satisfied, and wanted his member now!

"Be warned, I have a lot of stamina, and may tire you out," said Vergil, as he picked them both up by their butts, and getting squeals from both of them when he got them all out of the hot springs.

"That's the idea," said Kin, as she kissed his neck, and ran her tongue into his ear.

"Fuck us raw," said Tayuya, as she was grinding against him, and was nipping at his ear lobe.

"As you wish," said Vergil, as he took off to the bedroom with both girls getting excited at the prospect, and were glad they were his slaves.

(6 Hours Later)

Vergil walked out of the bedroom with his crimson robe on, as he left the two content girls lying their with smiles on their faces, and the bed sheet covering their nude forms. Walking down the steps of his home to the first floor, Vergil looked at the vastness of his home for the first time since he called it his home, and realized just how empty it was even with the current occupants inside of it.

"Thinking about the future?" said Kyuubi, as he saw where Vergil's thoughts were now going, and what the emptiness in this room was doing to his vessel.

'You think you know everything about me simply because you are inside my mind. But yes, I am thinking of the future, and the legacy I want to leave behind,' thought Vergil, as he pictured kids running around this place one day, and the idea of being a Father in the distant future entering his mind.

"You have those two girls upstairs, the Hyuuga girl that has a major crush on you, and let's not forget the others within the female populous that could help you rebuild your clan," said Kyuubi, as he grinned evilly at Vergil within the devil's mindscape, and the boy just shook his head at the fox.

'Konoha's populace will do everything in their power to hurt my children if I had any. The Hyuuga Elders would demand my offspring I have with Hinata be branded with the Cage Bird Seal, if not that then the Councils would demand all my offspring have their powers sealed away until a time they believed it was right to see it awakened, and let's not forget that arrogant asshole Danzo that the old man dislikes so much would give his other arm to see them in his Root program. Before I can have any devil kids of my own Kyuubi, I need to kill them all, and the time for that is not right now,' thought Vergil, as his eyes narrowed at the thought of those fools running everything, and the bloodlust in his body was calling for all their heads.

To kill them all and let the Shinigami sort them out.

"Is that why you want me to keep you sterile until the time is right to have kids?" said Kyuubi, as he had made sure his vessel shot blanks into the girls per his vessel's request, and any other girl he was with.

"Oh yea I also forgot to tell you I am female and my real name is Akane" said the Kyuubi

Leaving our favorite Devil in complete and total shock. "It's not about the others wanting me, it's you wanting me to and you want me to ravage your body day and night huh" Said Vergil with a slight chuckle. Earning a massive blush from the now know Akane.

"Yes I want you to ravage me and have Kits with me too" said Akane blushing.

'Got it in one my friend. One day, this house will be filled again, but for now it must remain near empty, and will have to be filled slowly with those I know are worthy of being a part of my clan,' thought Vergil, as he went to go outside, and see how his friends were doing.

(A/N: YAY! I updated! I hope this was a good chapter. Until next time...PEACE!)