Uchiha’s Downfall

Vergil awoke carefully not to disturb the three naked beauties sleeping contently with him, as he took a shower, got dressed for the day, and head out to the Hokage Tower to check up on a few things. As he walked to the Hokage Tower, Vergil noticed the mixture of fear, respect, regret, and anger directed at him for the usual obvious reasons. However, they were easily ignored, and entered the Hokage Tower to see the new Hokage known to all as Senju Tsunade doing the heavy load of paperwork.

"Working hard I see," said Vergil, as he saw Tsunade glare at him, but saw it didn't effect the half-devil like it did so many others.

"Now I see why my old sensei left the room in a hurry after I saw this...this monument of papers he left for me to deal with. As it stands though Vergil, I don't have any current missions for you right now so soon after getting Nii Yugito here to Konoha, and the very angry Raikage that is no doubt doing everything in his power to find out who took her," said Tsunade, as he knew that the Raikage would find out about Vergil eventually, but hopefully that wouldn't happen for a little while, and give the new Hokage a chance to prepare for the backlash.

"If that's all, I'll be out training," said Vergil, as he turned around, and left while Tsunade just sighed from the fact that this was going to be a long term for her as Hokage.

(Elsewhere-Some Time Later)

The female masked Shinobi awoke with a start, looking around to find herself exactly where she was before falling asleep, and there was no sign of Konoha Shinobi in the area. Picking up the large sword, the female masked Shinobi soon headed for the perfect spot to find a certain silver haired half-devil, and then kill him for what happened in Wave.

Sensing her target, the female Shinobi ran towards the devil, and with increased her grip on the large sword that once belonged to that special someone in her heart. Within moments of arriving at her destination, she saw Vergil sitting in the middle of the field in a meditative state, and looked completely unaware that his death would be soon upon him.

'I must strike quickly. I will only have one shot at this. For Zabuza-sama!' thought the masked Shinobi, as she dashed from the tree she was on a blinding speed, her sword was already arched back to swing, and take the head off the man she assumed was the one responsible for the death of her most precious person.

The masked Shinobi swung her large sword at Vergil, with her aim being dead on, but at the last second before victory was hers, the half-devil moved even faster, and ducked with the price being a few strands of hair...instead of his head. Vergil in turn rolled out of the way of his attacker's sword range and unsheathed Yamato ready to do battle with this new mysterious foe.

"Who sent you to kill me? Was it Iwa? Kumo perhaps?" said Vergil, as he saw the figure struggle for a moment to get up from her stance, and ready her sword for battle.

"No one. I came here to kill you to avenge someone precious to me you killed," said the female Shinobi, as she made Vergil raise an eyebrow before he frowned in thought at just who he killed outside of Konoha, and found the list surprisingly short.

It was almost hard to believe that his kill count was mainly based right here in the Leaf.

"Can you tell me the name of the one I killed that was precious to you?" said Vergil, as he saw the woman brace herself before charging at him, swinging her sword in a wild yet still efficient manner, and Vergil moved around his attacker before kicking the girl away from him.

"Zabuza-sama. You and your team killed Zabuza-sama!" said the female Shinobi, as she removed her mask, and revealed to Vergil a face he had not seen since Wave.

The face of a girl he thought had died.

"Haku?!" said Vergil, as he saw Haku crush her mask, and charge at him with her sword with fury in those eyes that once looked at him so gently.

"I WILL AVENGE ZABUZA-SAMA!" yelled Haku, as called upon all her strength, her chakra, and rage to direct it at Vergil.

In the time that Haku had "died" in Wave, she had been pushing herself despite her near lethal injury, and waited until she felt the time was right to strike. It had not been easy to survive the Chidori, which should have, and would have killed her had it not been for the Kyuubi's demonic chakra that had flooded her system from her fight with the once blonde haired boy. She had absorbed enough of it to defend Zabuza, but after being hit, Haku had instinctively used her bloodline sustain herself in a crude near death state, and after she digging herself out of the short grave that was next to Zabuza...she struggled to piece together what she had left of a life.

Taking Zabuza's sword from the ground, Haku set out to train while healing, and pushing herself dangerously close to the edge each time. Yet, Haku endured it for the sake of the desire to avenge the one that took her in, made her into a strong Shinobi, and gave her a purpose besides withering away to dust in that snowy place in Water Country. She didn't know how Zabuza died, but she was certain it was due to fighting Team 7, and it was in her mind that because of the half-devil before her interfered in the fight midway through that she was unable to do her duty to protect the Demon of the Mist.

"I didn't kill Zabuza. He died after killing Gato due to his injuries from Kakashi and then later from the various thugs that got in a few lucky hits with their weapons of choice," said Vergil, as he once more danced with her in the way of the sword, and found her to be pretty good despite it being fueled by rage.

"I don't believe you!" said Haku, as she spun the sword over her head, and tried to bring it down on Vergil before the half-devil moved to the side.

"How can I prove to you that I speak the truth?" said Vergil, as he put away his sword, and saw Haku lift up the sword while struggling more in the process.

"By dying!" said Haku, as she thrust the sword at Vergil, but the half-devil didn't move, and let the blade pierce his gut, and into the tree behind him.

"I hope this action helps," said Vergil, as he saw Haku stare at him in shock, and then the sheer realization at what she had done to him.

The shock of it all opened Haku's mind, as she recalled the seconds before intercepting the Chidori, and seeing Zabuza weakened from his fight with Kakashi. The distant words of Gato, the words Vergil spoke, and killer intent from Zabuza that was directed at the soon to be dead businessman. The cries of the men that Gato had hired, trying to slay her savior from years past, and then later on the distant shadow of Zabuza right in front of her downed face.

She had been wrong.

"What have I done?" said Haku, as she looked at her hands, then Vergil's body, and she quickly moved to remove the sword from the boy's gut before she found her body falling on itself in pain.

Her body had been overtaxed during the fight while simply going all out in a sword fight with Vergil and the boy had willingly been gutted to prove what he spoke was the truth while pinned to the tree behind him. Haku tried to rise, reach out to him, and tell Vergil she was sorry for killing him in her blinded rage that transformed her once gentle soul into a raging demon.

Instead, Haku collapsed into the darkness that came with losing consciousness, and could only wonder how she was going to live with herself when she awoke later.

If there was a later.

(Konoha Hospital-2 Days Later)

Haku awoke with a start, she found herself wearing a hospital gown, and felt the pain in her chest that had ached her since being hit by the attack Months ago in Wave Country was no longer there. It was patched up with the mark itself almost nonexistent and Haku realized she had been healed by a skilled Doctor.

"Awake I see," said Vergil, as he appeared from the corner of the wall, and saw Haku was surprised to see him stand there much less alive.

"I-It can't be. I...I killed you!" said Haku, as it was more of a surprise, then horror in her words that he had survived, and Vergil simply smirked at her.

"Perhaps you should be filled in on what I have become since we last met so you can understand just how I survived your attack," said Vergil, as he sat on Haku's bed before telling her about the events that led up to his changes, and how her attack wouldn't have killed him like she originally thought it had.

"I'm glad you're not dead Vergil-san," said Haku, as she felt the grief she felt from that leave her, but the guilt of attacking him remain, and found it hard to look at his handsome features.

"Same here Haku-chan. Though it took some convincing for the Hokage to place you under my care considering how you tried to kill me for Zabuza's death. However, I told her that I would take full responsibility, and place you in my care," said Vergil, as he saw Haku look at him with surprise, and was moved that he was to take her in even after all that she had done.

"Does anyone outside of your Hokage know about me?" said Haku, as she knew that if the village learned of her bloodline, they would most likely use her for breeding, and she didn't want that.

"No. Not yet anyway. As far as anyone knows, you're just a Jane Doe that woke up from an attack by bandits I save you from, and the sword was going to a sword specialist for appraisal," said Vergil, as he took the sword to his home for safe keeping, and told the others three girls what happened.

Vergil had to give all three of them a fierce commanding order not kill Haku, as they didn't like the fact the ice using girl had tried to kill the half-devil, and were a little put off that the young Namikaze wanted to bring her into his home.

"If that is the case, then I would like to become a citizen, and Shinobi of Konoha," said Haku, as she had no other place to go, and Vergil was the only person outside of Zabuza who was kind to her.

"I had figured you would, which is why when you are fully healed, we're going to see the Hokage about making it official, and put you under my clan's protection to ensure that the Councils don't try to use you for simple breeding purposes," said Vergil, as he saw Haku brighten at being with Vergil, and then hugged him to show her appreciation.

"Thank you...Vergil-kun," said Haku, as she blushed when using that suffix, and felt safe while pressed against his lean muscled body.

"You're welcome Haku-chan. Get some rest so you can get out of this place sooner," said Vergil before kissing her on the forehead and left a now cherry red faced Haku in the room.

"Oh yea before I forget you can stay at my house gorgeous" Said Vergil

Vergil turned the corner to find Sasuke and Sakura there waiting for him with a look from both that he didn't like.

"Picking up another slut to expand your demon clan?" said Sakura, as she had seen Vergil come in with the girl, and did not recognize the ice user from Wave Country.

Not even Sasuke did, but the boy did feel he knew Haku from somewhere, and intended to get answers.

"You're one to talk Haruno considering your whole family was made from them," said Vergil, as he saw Sakura bristle with rage at that, and wanted to pound the half-devil into nothing.

"Forget her for a moment you loser. Fight me!" said Sasuke, as he had been itching for a fight, and wanted to prove that the Uchiha Clan was the strongest.

"I have not the time nor the patience to fight such a weak creature such as you," said Vergil, as he saw Sasuke look at him furiously, and activate his Sharingan Eyes.

"I'm not telling you loser. I'm commanding you to fight me," said Sasuke, as he tried to use the power of his eyes to influence Vergil, but all it did was make Vergil scowl at him, and upset the half-devil.

"You? Commanding me? Uchiha, I am a Chuunin, and you are still a Genin. If anyone has the power to command you at this moment...it's me!" said Vergil, as he saw Sasuke scowl at him, and tried further before the half-devil closed his eyes while laughing at the Uchiha's attempts.

"Don't bother trying to use your eyes on me Uchiha. You have neither the power nor the skill to use them for the effect you desire," said Vergil, as he turned around to walk away, and leave the angry Uchiha with his number one fan girl.

"Fight me or I'll use my eyes on that bitch you just visited to make her my little pet," said Sasuke, as he saw Vergil stop, and look at him with deadly blue eyes.

"Where?" said Vergil, as he saw Sasuke smirk, and kept his temper in check.

Barely kept it in check.

"The hospital roof," said Sasuke, as he ignored Sakura's support, and the growing killer intent that the half-devil was slowly producing.

"Really? Shame. Such a fight that would be consider 'worthy of an Uchiha', but with no one around to see you fall, and die like the weak little bitch you are," said Vergil, as he saw Sasuke glare at him with all his hate, and Vergil found it amusing to say the least.

(Hospital Roof-Moments Later)

"Be prepared to enjoy the feeling of defeat at my hands loser since this will be one of the many times this happens," said Sasuke, as he got into fighting stance, and Vergil drew his sword.

"No it won't. This is a fight to the death," said Vergil, as he had lost all form of patience for the stupid Uchiha, and had no problems removing this power hungry fool from the world.

Besides, the Kyuubi told him about the Uchiha Clan, and how they were corrupt batch of humans even by demon standards.

"What? You can't fight Sasuke-kun with the intent to kill Vergil-baka. This is a simple spar!" said Sakura, as she saw Sasuke narrow his eyes, and Vergil crack his neck.

"Shut up Sakura," said Sasuke, as he had no problem with that, and looked forward to taking everything from Vergil once the half-devil was dead.

"Yes. Do shut up. As you can see, Sasuke does wish to fight me in a death match, and who am I do deny his own death warrant being signed," said Vergil, as he smirking at the verbal jab he launched at the angry Uchiha, who was hating the feeling of having his ego bruised, and wasted no time in trying to move in quickly for the kill with a kunai in hand.

Vergil easily blocked the attack, holding it steady with his sword pointing down before delivering a sweeping kick and cut the ground out from Sasuke. The Uchiha rolled back to land on his feet before leaping back and perform hand signs for of his clan's Fire Jutsus that they specialized in.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!" said Sasuke, as he launched the attack at Vergil, who lazily spun Yamato in a circle, and dispelled the ball of fire before slashing at the large water tank supports tot he right of Sasuke with the invisible attack causing the water tank to fall on the Uchiha.

Sasuke managed to get out of the way in terms of being crushed, but the water sent the arrogant Shinobi into the fence the surrounded the roof, and saw Vergil waiting for him to get up with a bored look on the half-devil's face. Sasuke became angry at this, as he was not about to be pushed around by this weak so called Namikaze, and needed to find a way to kill this inferior creature before him.

"Your actions are pathetic Sasuke. I imagine Itachi would be displeased by your behavior in all of this," said Vergil, as he knew how Itachi was a sore subject for him, and made the "Last Uchiha" become infuriated by it.

"Shut up! You think you're so great when all that makes you powerful is that demon blood running through your body," said Sasuke, as he went through hand signs, and formed the Chidori with the full intention of kill Vergil with it.

"The same can be said for your clan's eyes. However, unlike your eyes, my power does not come entirely from my demonic blood, but rather my spirit, and how it stays pure despite my heritage. You on the other hand are not pure in either aspect and like your brother...must be dealt with accordingly," said Vergil, as he put away his sword, and activated Grim Reaper in his right arm.

"The only one who is going to kill Itachi is ME!" said Sasuke, as he charged at Vergil with the intent to kill clearly seen in his eyes, and Vergil waiting patiently for the single moment in which to strike.

It never came however, as Kakashi interfered at the last moment, and threw the Uchiha away into the second water tank.

"Care to explain yourselves?" said Kakashi, as he looked at Sasuke, and then at Vergil now turning his arm back to normal.

"Vergil-baka tried to kill Sasuke-kun!" said Sakura, as she saw Vergil look directly at Kakashi, and then at Sasuke getting up from his position.

"Considering Sasuke was trying to use your prized Jutsu on me Hatake, I think we both know that's a load of crap, and that you should keep a stronger leash on your student," said Vergil, as he saw Kakashi wince at that, and saw Sasuke walk up to them while glaring at the half-devil.

"The Councils will punish you for this," said Sasuke, as he would file a complaint with the Councils, and get what he wanted from Vergil using the laws of the village.

"Hardly. You challenged me to a fight and even agreed this would be a fight to the death. Or perhaps this recording device in my hand is lying?" said Vergil, as he showed a hand held recorder, and hit the play button for them to hear Sasuke's voice.

"Forget her for a moment you loser. Fight me!"

"I have not the time nor the patience to fight such a weak creature such as you."

"I'm not telling you loser. I'm commanding you to fight me."

Vergil then hit the stop button.

"Still think I'll get in trouble?" said Vergil, as he saw Sasuke scowl at him, and walked away with Sakura telling him to admit that he was at fault.

"If I get my hands on that recording and destroy it...," said Sasuke, but he was cut off by Kakashi, who put a hand on his shoulder, and shook his head to make him stop that train of thought.

"Don't Sasuke. By trying anything you will only provoke Vergil into attacking you and will most likely kill you for trying. Even if I report this now saying Vergil attacked you first, I would be proven wrong by that tape, and then both of us would be in trouble," said Kakashi, as he saw his student scowl at him before leaving the Jounin, and Sakura behind to dwell in his own thoughts on the matter.

"Sasuke-kun wait!" said Sakura, as she was stopped by Kakashi, and once again had to stop one of his students from doing something to make things worse.

"Let him go Sakura. Even Sasuke needs to learn a little humility," said Kakashi, as he was getting this feeling that something was going to happen between his current student, and a former one.

Though even Kakashi had to admit he really never taught his former student much.

"But Sasuke-kun is an Uchiha!" said Sakura, as she didn't understand how her crush, and supposed "one true love" wasn't so perfect like she originally made him out to be.

"Yes he is, but there in lies the problem. Think about it Sakura. The traits of that clan are those who have to much pride and arrogance in them. They don't know the meaning of the word humility. Sasuke especially since everyone, has spoiled the boy, and your teammate needs to understand that there will always be someone more powerful then him," said Kakashi, as he could feel how his favoring of Sasuke was a betrayal to his sensei, and had cost him dearly.

"Sasuke doesn't need to be humbled. It's that damn demonic baka Vergil, who needs to be humbled, and I'm going to find a way to make it happen!" said Sakura, as she stormed off to do just that, and make Vergil pay for trying to undermine her love.

"I'm sorry sensei. I messed up with your son and now I'm losing my other two students in the process," said Kakashi to himself, as he looked towards the Hokage Monument, and wished his sensei was here now to guide him.

(Hyuuga Compound-Several Hours Later)

"Thank you for inviting me to your home Hiashi-sama," said Vergil, as he had been told by a Branch Family member of the Hyuuga Clan to visit the Compound, and speak to Hiashi himself regarding important interrelation based business between the clans.

"You're welcome Vergil-sama. I know you are busy with your new Chuunin rank and the various missions you have to take at the behest of our new Hokage. I have been going through some old scrolls set back right before you were born and found one containing an arranged marriage contract," said Hiashi, as he saw Vergil's eyes widen at that, and saw the boy understanding.

"I take it the girl that was chosen is Hinata-chan?" said Vergil, as he knew the girl was crazy for him, and this would make the girl's dreams come true.

"Yes. I assume you're aware of her feelings for you?" said Hiashi, as he saw Vergil nod, and was glad that the boy wasn't rejecting the idea of marrying Hinata.

"Of course. She is precious to me. I won't deny that your clan's history has me quite upset inside and the fact that Hinata was the center of a brutal blood feud did not help still my own opinions of you," said Vergil, as he had been quite angry with Neji over what had happened to Hinata, and the fact that her own Father let things get so bad was making the half-devil's blood stir.

"I know all to well the sins I committed in this house against my own family. You must understand, the ways of my clan are old, and are the traditions of the paranoid. I have wanted to changed things in my clan for so long, but the rules within this clan seem to be unbendable, and the Hyuuga Elders are too fixed on the old ways to remotely consider changing things for the better," said Hiashi, as he had tried in secret to help his children along with Neji after Hizashi died, but failed at every turn, and felt powerless to stop the growing divide between the two sided of the family from growing.

"If the clan laws will not bend, then perhaps you should break them, and in more ways then one," said Vergil, as he gave Hiashi a meaningful stare, and the Hyuuga Head's eyes widened at the hidden meaning.

"That is a dangerous alternative," said Hiashi, as he saw Vergil nod, but the resolve did not leave the half-devil, and saw those blue eyes look to his right to see Hinata peeking out at him from the shadows for the room.

"So is having a divided family that cannot stand together like a true family should. If the family is to really be free, then everyone should wear a seal on themselves to protect the Hyuuga bloodline. If they won't, then stop the practice all at once, and wait for the day that someone actually succeeds in taking it from you. Kumo does not need to capture a Main family member, if one goes out on a mission, and a Branch family can easily give away the bloodline via their seed to an unsuspecting female Kumo Shinobi," said Vergil, as he saw Hiashi nod at this, and knew that all members of the Hyuuga Clan that went on long term missions far away from the Leaf were Branch Family.

The Hyuuga Elders never considered Kumo may try to use a Branch member in such a way without the man even knowing it.

"Again, you have raised a valid point Vergil-sama, and I agree with you. I will speak to Sarutobi and the Hokage about this before I do anything. Can I count on you to help in this matter if I were to make the request?" said Hiashi, as he saw Vergil nod, and then turn his head to Hinata to find her letting out an "eep!" before coming out of her hiding spot.

"Hello Hinata-chan. Spying on me as usual?" said Vergil, as he saw Hinata blush red in embarrassment, and nodded much to her own Father's embarrassment.

"I told Hinata about the marriage contract not that long ago. She must have just recently awakened after fainting not that long ago," said Hiashi, as he saw his daughter look down shyly with her entire face red while trying to look at Vergil with some form of courage, and had to look away after catching a glimpse of his smile.

"I-I'm sorry a-about that F-Father," said Hinata, as she had felt her fainting at the news was seen like some form of shame upon him, and the Hyuuga Clan.

"There is nothing to be sorry about Hinata. You are very much like your Mother and after what happened when you were 3 years old...," said Hiashi, as he saw Hinata look sad at that memory, and wished she had been stronger.

"I-I will t-try to continue g-getting stronger Father," said Hinata, as she saw her Father nod, and so did Vergil in approval of her resolve.

"I know you will Hinata, but I'm afraid you can't do it here due to the prying eyes of the Hyuuga Elders, and you will need to train elsewhere to do so," said Hiashi, as he saw Hinata look at him in shock, and Vergil was raising an eyebrow at the Hyuuga Head.

"Where will I go to get stronger?!" said Hinata, as she was so shocked by this news that the stuttering had left her, and her Father looked over at Vergil as if he was the answer.

"The Namikaze Estates. Since you and Vergil-sama are to married, I think its only fair that you move into his home to learn as much as possible," said Hiashi, as he saw his daughter's face light up like she was the sun itself, and let out a fan girl like squeal before fainting at the realization of what she had just done.

"Hinata's fainting may become a habit in your home for a time," said Hiashi, as he saw Hinata's happy face glowing on the floor, and Vergil picking her up to take back with him to the Namikaze Estates.

"I'll send some clones here later to get her things," said Vergil before walking out of the room with a smiling Hiashi being the only one in it.

(Namikaze Training Ground-Several Weeks Later)

Hinata was having the time of her life training with Vergil, as he had given her such positive lessons in the ways of her Gentle Fist style, and pointed out that the traditional style from the clan was not for her. Instead, he suggested a more fluid, and flexible style of the Gentle Fist be developed to better suit her growing figure. After a good fainting spell from that last part, Hinata awoke to do just that, and began to work on the new Gentle Fist style with increased vigor.

As for Vergil himself, he was happy to see Hinata grow so much in just a few days, and not just in terms of training either. Hinata was a little shocked in seeing Kin and Tayuya being his slaves along with Nii Yugito living at his home. At first, Hinata was nervous around the older girl because of the past regarding Kumo, but Yugito told the former Hyuuga Heiress that she hated Kumo for treating her like a weapon, and wanted to be her friend.

"You're doing well Hinata-chan," said Vergil, as he saw Hinata on the water of a small pond that was part of the training ground, and saw her manipulating the water with Haku being the girl sensei in regards to water affinity.

"Thank you Vergil-kun, but the praise should go to Haku-sensei," said Hinata, as she was mixing her water affinity to that of her new Gentle Fist style, and was perfecting the new technique with the other girl.

In truth, the two felt like long lost sisters, and bonded right away upon meeting each other despite what Haku had done not that long ago to Vergil. The other girls didn't like that either, but Vergil assured them that what happened would not be a repeatable thing, and they trusted the half-devil knowing he wouldn't take Haku in unless he was sure.

"I only laid out the idea Hinata-chan. The rest you did on your own," said Haku, as she saw Hinata blush at the praise, and saw Vergil smile before his face became serious.

"We have uninvited guests," said Vergil, as he saw Haku get ready to fight, and Hinata did as well.

"Who is it?" said Haku, as she sensed them now, and saw Hinata using her Byakugan before gasping when she saw them.

"It's Uchiha Itachi and another much taller person that seems to look like some kind of shark or...fish?!" said Hinata, as she became nervous since she knew she was no match for Uchiha Itachi much less is supposed partner, but she couldn't just leave Vergil to face them alone, and willed herself to hold her ground.

"Hoshigaki Kisame. Zabuza-sama showed me his face in the Bingo Book and told me that was one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist like himself," said Haku, as she now had a reason to be worried since Kisame was stronger then Zabuza, but would not let that stop her from fighting beside her Vergil-sama, and destroying the man she cared about.

"Namikaze Vergil, you are coming with us," said Itachi in a bored voice while Kisame just grinned at him, and readied to use his sword.

"And if I refuse?" said Vergil, as he saw Itachi narrow his eyes, and Kisame looked like he was going to get a birthday gift early.

"Then we will make you," said Itachi, as he made a near invisible hand motion to Kisame to move forward, and the shark like man took out his trusty Samehada to use against the half-devil.

"Fortunately for you, we need you alive so I'll just take your legs off," said Kisame, as he saw Vergil unsheathe Yamato, and look at him with a look that could rival Itachi's own.

"Come...so I can you," said Vergil, as he looked at Itachi for a second before looking at Kisame, and saw the shark man charge at him.

The two swordsmen clashed with Vergil surprisingly holding his own against Kisame's monstrous strength and the half-devil merely raised an eyebrow at the shark man.

'He's mocking me!' thought Kisame, as he unleashed a powerful swing that Vergil was able to block while skidding slightly when absorbing the blocked blow from Samehada, and saw the half-devil add a smirk to his face.

"Is that it? Is that all the power you have? If you're holding back, then don't. It's insulting to the spirit of the title Seven swordsmen of the Mist and to me," said Vergil, as he saw Kisame snarl at him at the choice of words used, and began fighting more aggressively with using more complex sword techniques to push the half-devil back.

"Stop playing Kisame. We have little time to attack before Konoha Shinobi arrive and I would prefer not to fight them considering so many high level Shinobi are currently in the village," said Itachi, as he looked at Hinata, and then at Haku with both girls on edge should he attack them.

"Shut up!" said Kisame angrily, as he preferred not to have backseat fighting from Itachi despite his respect for the Uchiha, and was finding Vergil was not weak like reports that had originally told them so.

Itachi however, was being more practical about this, as he sensed the chakra signatures of various ANBU coming this way, and their time here was running out. Moving quickly, the Uchiha Clan destroyer went after Hinata, who acted quickly when she sensed him behind her, and spun around to strike Itachi with her new Gentle Fist style. It would have worked had Itachi not moved faster then her while using his Sharingan to prevent Hinata from hitting dead on. Sensing an attack to his right, Itachi caught several senbon needles shot at him by Haku, and would have used his Sharingan on her if it weren't for the fact that her past experience with it was preventing him from doing so.

'So this one is fighting me without her eyes. That's clever. She must have fought Sasuke or perhaps Hatake Kakashi to come up with that idea,' thought Itachi, as he leaped back to prevent another Gentle Fist attack while letting go of Hinata, and keeping his distance between the two.

A scream of pain directed him to Kisame on his knees after Vergil had out fought him and sliced at the tendons with Yamato. Frowning, Itachi moved to prevent Kisame's demise by blocking Vergil's sword with his own, and was able to hold the half-devil long enough for Kisame to get up to strike. However, Vergil saw it coming, and leaped back to break the deadlock along with dodging the swing of Kisame's sword.

'Let's see what Grim Reaper can really do,' thought Vergil, as he sheathed his sword, and brought out his new devil power.

"The ANBU are nearly here Kisame. We need to leave. Now!" said Itachi, as he saw his partner grimace, and then snarl at Vergil.

"You got lucky kid!" said Kisame, as he runs off with Itachi, but with a noticeable limp, and his sword having being used to support him in the struggle.

"You are not going anywhere!" said Haku, as she created ice mirrors in front of them, and threw senbon needles at Kisame's shoulders to further disable him while Itachi was hit in his left arm.

"Shit!" said Kisame, as he felt his body suffering from the attack, and Itachi was finding himself being pushed to use other means of escape.

"Time to die," said Vergil, as he prepared to slay Itachi, and Kisame in quick succession of moves.

"I'm sorry Kisame, but I need to cut you lose," said Itachi, as he leaped over Vergil, and began to flee with the squad of ANBU moving in to flank him in the attempt to stop his escape only to be blocked by a blast of intense black fire hitting the ground courtesy of the Uchiha's Sharingan Eyes.

"Yeah I know. Come on boy. Don't keep me waiting," said Kisame, as he struggled to move, and saw Haku readying another barrage of senbon needles when Vergil raised his left hand to tell her to stop.

"You show great pride in wanting to fight to the death Hoshigaki Kisame. Farewell," said Vergil, as he charged at Kisame with the Akatsuki member doing the same, and after a flash of light passed between them when they clashed...it was Kisame who fell to his knees before his head left his body.

Turning to see the ANBU team returning after failing to capture Itachi, Vergil saw Hinata was okay, but looked disappointed in herself, and the half-devil could understand why. Hinata was trying to prove she wasn't weak, yet she barely held her own against Itachi, and had done little in terms of fighting. Walking over to the Hyuuga girl, Vergil wrapped his arms around the shocked, and now blushing girl finding reassurance from his very presence.

"I'm still weak," said Hinata, into his chest, and she loved how he stroked her hair in a manner that a husband would for his wife.

"Everyone is weak starting out Hinata-chan. I was too, remember? We just have to push ourselves each day to our limits and beyond. Your time will come Hinata-chan, where you will be able to show just how strong you are, and I only wish that when that day does happen...I'm able to see it," said Vergil, as he kissed her forehead, and rubbed her back in a way that made the Hyuuga Heiress shiver with pleasure.

"I want to get stronger," said Hinata in a determined voice despite the pleasure she felt from his touch.

"And you will. Trust me," said Vergil, as he turned his head to see Haku walk up to them, but unsure if she was allowed to be a part of this moment, and was quite envious of the Hyuuga girl right now.

"What will happen with Kisame's sword? If from what Zabuza-sama told me is true, then it will only obey someone like Kisame, and has strong defenses against anyone else that tries to wield it," said Haku, as she saw Vergil look on in thought before looking at the blade in question, and then moved to pick it up much to the shock of the girls.

Surprisingly, the half-devil was able to pick it up without any kind of defense preventing him from holding it, and seemed to be deep in thought.

"I think...what we have here Haku-chan...is a trophy," said Vergil, as he wondered if that would be the correct term for that, and turned to face the girls.

"And Kisame's head being more then enough proof for the Mizukage in Mist that you were the one who killed him," said Tsunade, as she appeared with Jiraiya, and saw the dead body, and Vergil holding the dead man's weapon.

"Itachi got away," said Vergil, as he saw Tsunade nod, but Jiraiya frowned like he wanted to say something, and yet held his tongue on the matter.

"Don't worry, you'll get him next time gaki," said Tsunade, as she saw him nod, and walk back into the house with the girls, and then turned to Jiraiya.

"What?" said Jiraiya, as he saw the look she was giving him, and knew it was the "talk or I hurt you then you talk" look that spoke of no resistance.

"You know perfectly well the ANBU could have gotten there sooner, but you wanted me to delay the order, and I doubt it was to see our Godson fight. So spill it," said Tsunade, as she saw Jiraiya nod his head before motioning her to follow him into the Namikaze Estates.

"Vergil needs to hear this too. Come on," said Jiraiya, as he saw Tsunade look at him with some surprise, and followed him into the Namikaze Estates.

"Sorry about this again, but the pervert has to tell you something regarding Itachi," said Tsunade, as she saw Vergil put Samehada on his new trophy room wall before turning around with a raised eyebrow, and then a glare at Jiraiya.

"Something that you failed to talk to me about regarding Itachi-teme oh wise Ero-Sennin? said Vergil, as he saw the man grumble a few choice words, but stopped when he was glared at by the half-devil, and Tsunade currently cracking her knuckles to make him talk faster.

"Okay! Okay! Uchiha Itachi is not just a member of Akatsuki, but rather he's my secret informant within the organization, and provides me with detailed information on all their activities," said Jiraiya, as he saw the shocked looks on the two in front of him, and the scowl on Tsunade's face was not something he wanted to see anytime soon.

"Who else knows about this?" said Tsunade, as the only in Konoha, who could have even approved of this was Sarutobi, but then he would have approved the Uchiha Massacre, and that was not her sensei's ways of doing things.

"Just Sarutobi-sensei. The Shinobi Council went behind his back and gave the order for him to kill his clan. Officially, the order regarding Uchiha Itachi is to kill on sight, but unofficially he is to be let go, and continue his work spying on Akatsuki," said Jiraiya, as he saw Tsunade look ready to punch him, and Vergil looked ready to use his demonic power to pound the man into paste.

"And you were going to tell me this bit of information...when?" said Tsunade, as she felt that as the new Hokage she should be given all the details of certain things, and deal with them accordingly like she was supposed to.

"Sorry Tsunade-hime, but Sarutobi-sensei didn't want you involved in this even before you were chosen to be the new Hokage, and felt that if you knew would make Itachi come back to reveal everything. As for you Vergil, it was actually thanks to Itachi's 'betrayal' to the Uchiha Clan that he was able to leverage the Councils off of you when you were younger, and get them off topic for using you for a weapon like Danzo wants you to be," said Jiraiya, as he had been informed of this by his spy network, and saw the angry look in Vergil's eyes.

"And the old man doesn't have them all secretly killed, why exactly?" said Vergil, as he was finding the idea of gutting the stupid pricks to be a very good idea, and saw Haku was thinking along the same lines as him.

"You know how he is Vergil. Sensei was getting soft in his really old age. By taking them out, he essentially would have crippled the internal government in the village for a time, and he didn't have the strength to hold Konoha together while it was being properly fixed with all that was happening around him," said Jiraiya, as he saw the anger in Vergil's eyes leave a little, and was thinking of how to deal with them in a more permanent manner.

"Why did the Shinobi Council order such an act in the first place?" said Tsunade, as she felt that those old morons were going to get it, and not in a good way either.

"Because the Shinobi Council, as well as Sarutobi-sensei learned from Itachi himself that the Uchiha Clan was planning to take over, and turn our Godson into a mindless weapon if not a prized pet to have on a tight leash," said Jiraiya, as he saw Tsunade's eyes widen, and so did Vergil's with killer intent coming out from both of them.

"I thought Danzo wanted Vergil to be the village's prized weapon? What caused the brief change in his heart?" said Tsunade, as she saw Jiraiya frown at her, and shake his head like she didn't get.

"Danzo did or rather still does want Vergil to be the village's main weapon. However, the Uchiha Clan was going to ruin it by making Vergil the Uchiha Clan's weapon instead of the village's, and Danzo has never been one to share power unless it was absolutely necessary. Sarutobi-sensei tried to be diplomatic, but the Shinobi Council preferred that the sword be used, and gave the order for Itachi to do it. About 2-3 weeks after the event, Itachi somehow made contact with my spy network, and requested a private audience with yours truly so he could tell his side of the story. He wouldn't tell me everything, but Itachi did give the reason behind the attack, and I told Sensei so he could use it against the others in the near future," said Jiraiya, as he saw Tsunade nod, and Vergil doing the same.

"Such a threat over them would have been void if the old man were slain by Orochimaru, which means had the Sandaime died, they could have had near complete control of the village until a new Hokage was chosen, and we all know that Tsunade was not the only choice," said Vergil, as he saw Jiraiya nod, and Tsunade going pale at the thought of her Grandfather's village being ruined by some baka like Danzo or possibly Danzo himself.

"Which is why we're glad you were able to stop the foreseeable from happening," said Jiraiya, as he pointed to Tsunade, and the woman nodded in agreement.

"That was only possible because of my ancestor's power awakening. Due to my lack of training from the Academy, my former sensei, and let's not forget you my oh so dear Godparents I was barely able to handle things before. I had to train myself in all aspects of things regarding the Shinobi world," said Vergil making the two wince and look away with guilt written on their faces.

'Damn gaki and his guilt trips,' thought Jiraiya and Tsunade, as they knew Vergil was not going to drop the subject anytime soon.

"Why wasn't anyone even told about the Uchiha's attempts at betrayal? It could have prevented the village from spoiling Sasuke," said Vergil, as he hated how everyone was fawning over Sasuke, and treating him as if he was a hero.

"Because the Shinobi Council didn't want Itachi being the only holder of the Sharingan, the chance that Sasuke would leave the village if he was treated like you, and they were also hoping that Sasuke could rebuild the Uchiha Clan under their image," said Jiraiya, as he saw Vergil shake his head, and had a face filled with anger.

"Then I will have to disappoint everyone, who has a particular stake in the Uchiha Clan's revival, and simply eliminate all three of them," said Vergil with his Godparents looking at him like he was crazy.

"Three? There are only two Uchiha left," said Tsunade, as she saw Vergil shake his head, and pointed to his stomach where the Kyuubi once resided.

"The Kyuubi was summoned by one Uchiha Madara many years ago when fighting your Grandfather Tsunade and then again 13 years ago to destroy Konoha. There is no other Uchiha with the power to do so and Kyuubi himself told me before my transformation," said Vergil, as he saw the shocked looks on his Godparents, and Tsunade trying hard to understand that her Grandfather's greatest foe was still alive.

"How is that possible? Madara would be older then Sensei! Nearly twice his age in fact!" said Tsunade, as she wondered how could that fowl creature even be alive, and still have the power to summon Kyuubi after all this time.

"From what Kyuubi told me, it has something to do with the Uchiha's eyes, and then replacing them with that of another's. In Madara's case...his own brother's eyes," said Vergil making his Godparents now have their jaws dropping and was quite funny if this wasn't so serious.

"That explains some things, but do you really have to kill Itachi? said Jiraiya, as he felt that Itachi was getting the short end of the stick, and didn't know how the Uchiha Prodigy would take it.

"Yes. All the remaining members of the Uchiha Clan must be killed or else this will just continue down the road when the opportunity presents itself since Madara has no time limit thanks to his eyes," said Vergil, as he saw them nod in understanding, and wished that it didn't have to be that way.

"Okay. If it can't be helped, then I guess they will have to die, but you will need a valid reason for Sasuke since the village still loves him so much, and unless he betrays the village like Itachi 'officially' did...," said Jiraiya, as he looked to his right, and saw the girls spying on them.

"Girls, if you wanted to overhear the conversation, you didn't have to spy on me to do it," said Vergil, as he overheard an "eep!", some swearing (which would result in a red head of the group being punished later), and an apology from his first slave along with two of the girls under his clan's protection.

"How much did you overhear?" said Tsunade, as she glared at them, and saw them all looking away from it like a child being caught from doing something bad.

"Just about...everything," said Yugito, as she looked at Vergil with an apologetic look, and saw he was fine with it.

"It's probably best if they know about this anyway. Haku here knows how to handle the main powers of the Sharingan after seeing Hatake in action fighting Zabuza. She could probably help teach Maito Gai a few things about the Sharingan and he can pass it onto Lee for future use," said Vergil, as he saw Haku blush at his praise, and the glare from the other girls from getting such praise.

"I'll have her come to my office later and she can write out all the details regarding how to defeat the Sharingan's primary abilities," said Tsunade, as she knew Kakashi would protest this, and claim that such things were treasonous against Sasuke.

"Good. Now if that is all, I'm going eat some lunch with the girls here, and enjoy the rest of the day off," said Vergil, as he basically ended the meeting, and went with the now blushing girls to the kitchen to eat.

"Damn it! Why can't I have that luck?" said Jiraiya, as he was getting the urge to write this down in his "research book", and use it for his next Icha Icha Paradise book.

"Shut up Ero-baka! You're lucky were not somewhere else or I'd skin you alive!" said Tsunade, as she made a fist, and made a warning motion not to piss her off.

"But you can't so tough shit to you old flat chest!" said Jiraiya, as he grinned at the rage Tsunade was producing, and it took all her restraint in not smashing the Super Pervert to little tiny pieces.

"OW! I'M SORRY I CURSED FOR SPYING ON YOUR MEETING VERGIL-SAMA! PLEASE DON'T SPANK ME AGAIN!" yelled Tayuya, as her voice carried from the kitchen to the other room, and made Jiraiya get a nosebleed that shot him out the door of the Namikaze Estates.

And become open game in being hurt by Tsunade.

When Jiraiya came to from his nosebleed, the first thing he saw was Tsunade looking down at him with an evil grin on her face, and she was cracking her knuckles extra loud to emphasize how much she was going to enjoy this.

"Now Tsunade-hime, let's not be too hasty, and hurting someone you care about. Have I ever told you how beautiful you look with the sun behind you and how it gives you a Goddess like appeal?" said Jiraiya, as he always knew this was how he was going to die, and regretted nothing from it.

"I know it does, but I'm still going to hurt you, and even more for that flat chest remark!" said Tsunade, as her eyes were blazed with anger, and made Jiraiya feel less of a man at the moment.

"But I thought women liked it when men tell them the truth?" said Jiraiya, as he gave a nervous laugh, and it turned into a girlish scream when Tsunade roared in anger like a demon before attacking without mercy.

Inside the Namikaze Estates, Vergil along with the other girls in the kitchen were hearing Jiraiya's screams, and how he was sorry for calling her a flat chest. Many wondered how the Super Pervert survived this long and suspected it was some kind of bloodline limit he secretly possessed.

"If it wasn't for the fact that the guy writes those dirty books, I would actually feel sorry for him," said Yugito, as she sipped some tea, and sighed at the liquid went down her throat.

"Oh, so the dirty orange books you secretly have stashed away in your room upstairs are okay to have? What would Vergil-kun think of that?" said Nibi, as she saw her vessel blush a shade of red, and tried to ignore the smug look the demon cat had right now.

'Shut up! I've only read certain parts of them for ideas for when Vergil-kun and I make love,' thought Yugito, as she wasn't going to read all the stuff in the book, and become a full blown pervert.

"CAN I GET UP NOW!" yelled Tayuya, as she was being used at the moment as Vergil's chair right now with her naked still red ass being exposed, and was finding it hard not to curse now so she had found herself yelling instead.

"Not yet. Think of it as training," said Vergil, as he slapped her rear with his hand, and sensed Tayuya wanted to curse so much right now.

'Training my sore red ass,' thought Tayuya, as she glared at Kin smirking slightly since she was sitting next to Vergil, and knew her fellow slave eating this up inside.