Chapter 49: The Power of the Sun Breathing Swordsman and Shin

Date: Æ1289 25, 3

Middle of the night. The moon is in the sky shining up in the sky in the middle of the night as a fight in the front gate of the east continues to occur.

The finest swordsmans of the east are on their way towards the front gate of the east as the Unknown Swordsman fought the dark Shira swordsmen as the other Shira swordsmen of the village fought the other dark swordsmen as the shira swordsmen who are protecting the sorcerer fought Shin that is now one of the darks.

"Tsk..!" The sorcerer said who is a girl as suddenly the Shira Swordsman who is fighting Shin got kicked again in the face making him fly a meters away and slamming to the wall of the village as the Unknown Swordsman turned to his right and sees Shin as he swings his sword killing another dark in front of him.

Shin is slowly walking towards the sorcerer as she put a violet barrier around her as she looked at Shin in the eyes. "That eye you can't be under control this fast," the Sorcerer thinks as she holds the barrier around her by using spell magic.

"You're a sorcerer of this village, I must eliminate you for good," Shin said as he flew towards the sorcerer as he swing his sword making a great impact on the barrier and cracking the ground where she stands. Shin swings left and right to the barrier but he can't get through it as she's barrier deflect the sword.

"You can't get through this huh!" Sorcerer said as finest swordsmans quickly arrived behind her as they quickly run towards Shin as the Shira Swordsman who slammed to the wall bleeds out in the mouth and spit out blood. He quickly flew towards Shin as he kicked him in the chest and slammed him to the ground Shin quickly backflip and dodge the coming death as the sorcerer quickly undo her violet barrier and locked shin up in a violet barrier around him.

"I got him locked up, move out finished the remaining Darks!" The sorcerer said as she struggles to hold Shin inside a barrier that she made around her. She raises her left hand and points her hand towards Shin in front of her to use more spells around the barrier to make it even stronger. Shin let go of his sword that is currently on the ground outside of the barrier. He keeps punching the barrier from inside as he shows his black eyes glowing in the dark.

"The Unknown Swordsman is?!..." The sorcerer said as they all stop and looked to the left and sees the Unknown Swordsman has sword burning up as he face a glitch mob that is unbelievable glitching as it changes different colors in seconds as it slowly walks towards the unknown swordsman from the dense forest as it holds his glitch sword dueling.

The glitch mob stroke his sword menacingly as he stop and looked at the Unknown Swordsman who stroked his sword too as it stayed on fire. He stop and looked at the glitch mob as the fog slowly went away around them both like the dark mobs and dark swordsmans remaining step back to the dense forest. The finest swordsmans and the shira swordsman fall back near the wall behind them as they stay their eyes to both of the glitch mob and the unknown swordsman who both are quiet and deadly serious.

The Shira swordsmans and the finest swordsmans stayed on their ground as they watches and as the sorcerer holds shin in the right backside as Shin tried to get out of the barrier as he punches it.

"Looks like we meet again, it's been a long time, I wonder what happened to you're other men's that manages to escape when you got there and wipe out my entire army all by yourself... Hutatsu Kamado" the Glitch mob said as his face glitched and smiled at him.

"You won't escape this time you coward! Once I kill you I will take your sword and slay many of the people in your clan!" The Glitch mob said furiously as he begins to walk towards the swordsman who is name is Hutatsu Kamado.

"Not if I slew your first!" Hutatsu Kamado said as he started walking towards the glitch mob who pointed his sword right at him Hutatsu Kamado put his sword on his right hand of him as his sword burned up but did not destroy itself.

"Through this heat, no one can snap my sword," Hutatsu Kamado said as he spins to the right and stepped in his right foot and swing his sword right at the glitch mob who defended using his sword they're swords collided and stop and destroyed the ground there standing making a big crack on the ground as they hold there post as their swords collided.

Suddenly the glitch mob feels the heat and quickly steps back and dodges from getting beheaded. They stand as they hold their swords on both hands as Hutatsu Kamado's sword changes color into the orange-red color fire in his sword as the glitch mob sword glows in different colors in three seconds in a different part of the sword.

They looked at each other as they shows their aura's around them both as the air vibrates and the ground moves and a low magnitude of an earthquake occur as the finest swordsmans stay as their sweat dripped as they watch the swordsmans fight that they're on a completely different level compared to themselves.

More finest swordsmans arrived as the Shira Swordsman signaled to the others that arrived to hold their positions as the Unknown Swordsman started walking towards the glitch who stand in fear as he looked at the Unknown Swordsman.

"Impossible... I can feel the fire on his sword?... That must be a coincidence a glitch can't be feeling any natural... No! No! No!" The glitch mob said furiously as he flew towards Hutatsu Kamado who is deadly serious as he walks towards him and stands straight as he holds his burning sword.

Suddenly the glitch mob reached his neck and was ready to cut it, he swing his sword right to the neck and suddenly Hutatsu Kamado burning sword reached the neck of the glitch mob first beheading him and cutting him all through as Hutatsu Kamado quickly step back as the Glitch mob suddenly burned as it started flowing through the body of the glitch mob the fire from his sword.

"Fire flowing!" Hutatsu Kamado said as he step back and jumped backward as he watches the glitch mob burn and die and turn into dust killing the glitch mob. "There's nothing that I can't cut with my burning sword," Hutatsu Kamado said as he pulled back his sword his fire on his sword is slowly fading out as he pulled it back and breath calmly as he suddenly release his presence falling back the dark armies. The glitch mob let go of his glitch sword on the ground that is stabbed on the ground.

Hutatsu Kamado slowly walked towards the glitch sword that is only a meter away from him as he looked around in the dense forest that is slowly getting cleared as the sun slowly rises in the sky.

The darks and undeads vanished in the dense forest as the fog goes away as they can now clearly see around them. Hutatsu Kamado turned to his right and sees a dark swordsman trapped in the barrier as the sorcerer holds him and manages to make him sleep by using a spell.

Hutatsu Kamado slowly walked towards Shin who is the dark swordsman. The other Shira's slowly walked towards shin who is currently unconscious the Shira who got kicked in the face two times sat down on the ground and put his sword on the left side of him as he sat down on the floor.

As Hutatsu Kamado slowly walked towards Shin there was an arrow pointing at his head from a far distance in the dense forest as a bow fired at him as he looked to the left where is the dense forest. He sees the arrow and grabbed it using only his two fingers in his right hand catching it on the left side of him. Hutatsu Kamado drop the arrow as he looked towards the bowwomen in the far distance of the forest who suddenly vanished.

The other Shira sees it and the other finest swordsmans as they quickly run towards the dense forest to see who it was. The other Shira Swordsmen of the east go out in the shadows as the sun slowly rises in the sky as it normally does.

Hutatsu Kamado stand as he looked at some of the finest and Shira Swordsmen walked into the dense forest a Shira swordsmen tap him in the shoulder and walked by past him as the Shira Swordsmen continued to run towards the dense forest.

"Huh! Good Grief!" The sorcerer said as she shouts at Hutatsu Kamado who looked at the far dense forest as he ignores the sorcerer who is talking to him.

After a couple of minutes, he turned around to Shin who is currently unconscious inside the circle barrier around him as she holds Shin inside the barrier to stay him unconscious.

"Hey! Don't you ignore me! You Sun Swordsman!" The Sorcerer said as she shouts at Hutatsu Kamado who ignored the sorcerer as other Shira Swordsman surrounds the barrier as they started doing magic spells outside the barrier.

"We need to release the dark magic inside of him... I can see it... His heart is full of darkness that is not full of him, I'm saying that the darkness inside of him is not from him, he has a kind heart and lives to protect the ones who can barely stand," Hutatsu Kamado said as the sorcerer becomes quiet as the Shira Swordsmen looked at him in the eyes.

"He's indeed got spelled but we both believe that we can remove it, but if we can't remove it where gonna go to the heads and use their powers to remove this kind of magic," the other Shira Swordsmen said as Hutatsu Kamado reaches his hands towards the barrier.

"Undo the barrier I can't release the dark magic inside of him and seal it away," Hutatsu Kamado said as she looked at the Shira Swordsmans who ignored her as they pointed their hands right at the left and right hands of Shin to ready to hold it.

"Tsk..! Fine don't blame me if something happened!" The sorcerer said as she circled her hand undoing the barrier as it fades away and the Shira Swordsmans quickly holds his hands as he is still unconscious.

"Ridiculous!" The sorcerer said as the finest swordsmans appeared on the left side of her as he watches the Shira and Hutatsu Kamado. Hutatsu Kamado is reaching his hands towards the head of Shin as he uses his other hand to touch his chest where his heart is placed.

"Holds him tightly..." Hutatsu Kamado said as his hands suddenly its red color on his hands as Shin shouts abruptly as his eyes color started to change. He continued to shout and move his feet as he shouts in pain as Hutatsu Kamado continues to do something and in his hands continues to light up the red color.

The Shira Swordsmans holds both hands preventing him to move. After a couple of minutes, the dark eye of Shin fades away and the darkness inside of him as Hutatsu Kamado slowly removed his hands.

"He's back to normal, he will be never compelled with dark magic again as long as I'm here," Hutatsu Kamado said as he step back and walked towards back the village as the Shira Swordsmans carry him.

They grabbed Shin's shoulders carrying him up as they walked towards the village as the medical team arrived and the fifth army moved out in the village as Chief Makurin lead the way.

The sun rises in the sky as the fifth army moves out in the village and stands outside the gate as they are on guard and have Chief Makurin and the other Shira Swordsmens. They're carrying back Shin as the medical team of the village arrives carrying a stretcher and a healer.

The medical team with a stretcher carrying with them reached Shin as the Shira's put him down in the stretcher slowly as they see Shin slowly gaining consciousness as both the Shira's who carried him flew back to the dense forest as the Sorcerer walks back to the village.

Hutatsu Kamado walked by past Chief Makurin as they both smiled. He grabbed the hat that is hanging on the right side of him put it on his head and lowered his head down as a swordsman same posture as he is currently walking towards him walking out in the front gate. He is walking with the army who is opposite ways. The Unknown Swordsman and Hutatsu Kamado reached each other as they looked at each other and lowered their head down as they stop.

"This part is clear, our leader is with the other swordsman, we still have one inside the village and the backside of this village, we need to stay alert we have our old enemies here," Hutatsu Kamado said as the Unknown Swordsman is surprised as he looked at Hutatsu Kamado.

"It's probably Shikari Gakure, the other has arrived later got the message from them and they now five is going to the north with two more swordsmen, that means there seven, but I heard that more has arrived," the Unknown Swordsman said as Hutatsu Kamado tap him in the shoulder.

"That's the reason why I brought you here, you have great knowledge and the skills to have this kind of message keep it up, for now, I'm gonna eat," Hutatsu Kamado said as he begins to walk and walk by past the Unknown Swordsman as he smiled. The Unknown Swordsman keeps standing as the fifth army is still marching in a straight line walking out in the village as the fourth army stayed inside the village.

The other Swordsmans of the east gathered around the village as the other Shira's who are trained and skill enough travel to the far places of the village as they see an army marching with Shira swordsmen with them and with a horseman carrying a banner flag symbolizes the south.

Shikari Gakure, Monoke Gakure, and one of the Unknown Swordsman are running towards the north as they are on guard and with the Unknown Swordsman of the Sun breathing clan. Four of them are in the shadows traveling with them.

Fukushima Gakure is running back towards the east village to deliver the new information that he just received from a messenger bird and Shikari Gakure and Monoke Gakure who have one of the spirit swords.

Shikari Gakure is running towards the north as they run past in a blink of an eye a long-dead castle in their right with broken walls and a lot of undeads inside the castle.

"Why is there another dead castle? We found three more and got here now it's four, we can't let this happen again we're gonna end them here right now," the Unknown Swordsmen said as he asked at the same time and Monoke Gakure becomes quiet.

"It's one of the dead castles, back in the day that castle is getting lurked around by far dangerous creatures and far more dangerous than us," Shikari Gakure answered as the Unknown Swordsman looked at him and eyes widen as they continued to run.

"These darks how long do you think they've been a menace to this world?" The Unknown Swordsmen asked as they suddenly all stopped with the other four unknown Sun breathing swordsmen with them.

"It's been a long time, even us are not even living in these days even our heads If the village is not living when these things start, their arere councilors who ruled the kingdoms back in the day and a lot more that is now being hidden by the big trees and a lot of creatures living in the shadows! We should walk, for now, we're not rushing," Shikari Gakure said as they began to walk.

In the far south. The sun is rising as Gakushin Gakure is with the army of the king with the big guy with him. "Sorry there's only a total of six hundred men behind us and I believe that the Ships are already in front of you're other more ships," the big guy said as they walked out in the crown shyness forest and Gakushin Gakure's eyes widen as he sees that more ships are waiting for them and already made pier in the distance.

"Since last night before even the king decides he ordered us to make a pier and this turns out well," the big guy said as he smiled and walked by past Gakushin Gakure as the big guy signals to the army behind Gakushin Gakure to advance.

Gakushin Gakure continued to walk as he quickly sees his two ships with two other captains standing on the ship waiting for him with the other four swordsmens of the south waiting. The four swordsmens split into two as they stand in the ships that are now not stuck.

"You all renovate everything impressive! I haven't seen anyone build his kind of pier in such a small amount of time," Gakushin Gakure said as he flew to their ship as the armies hop into the ships and to the ship of Gakushin Gakure. The two ships are getting used by the two captains.

"There's a total of nine ships that will carry this much army," the big guy said as he hop into one of the ships that have extra small boats on the sides of the ship in case of an emergency. The pier is massive as they looked at the ships who are not comparable to the pier as the ships of the kingdom are there with their banners except for the two ships that are from south and east.

Fudo Toka watches Gakushin Gakure and the armies hop into the ships as she stays in the shadows to hide her presence as the sun rises in the sky shining up brightly in the sky. The forest crown of shyness is peaceful. The kingdom is peaceful as an army stayed inside the village to be on guard and enough army to protect the kingdom as Miki and Trixie remained inside the kingdom guarding the people inside and the king.