Chapter 7

"You know," Karina turned to Hayden once they were alone again, "for being the Burning Fury, you have some surprisingly normal people around you." A smile played on her lips and she was really hoping he wouldn't take it as an insult.

He didn't. "Someone has to outweigh my bloodthirsty madness," he shrugged and grabbed the cloak hanging over a chair. "So, you aren't going to wear this?" She couldn't exactly decipher his expression, but it definitely wasn't a lighthearted question.

"I think at this point it would send the wrong message," Karina spoke slowly, shrinking a bit under his intense stare.

"Like the fact you are mine?" He smirked, but his eyes remained serious. "Because that is the right message."

Goosebumps popped up on her naked arms and this time it was not due to the temperature. The way he talked about her, like about a property, a new horse he had just bought. But then again, she did offer herself to him in exchange for her people's lives, so it was quite accurate. "No, like I'm not really speaking for my own people anymore. Or for myself."

"Hmm." He crept up closer to her, his dark eyes hypnotizing her. "A lesser man would take it as an insult. But," he continued before she could protest, "your argument is valid. Again. You have a very annoying habit of being right. I'm not sure I like that."

It seemed like he was joking. But Karina wasn't sure so she decided to stay quiet and keep her head down.

The king watched her for a moment and then walked right in front of her, his long finger forcing her chin up. "But as I said, I need normal people around me to balance my rage and fury. You might come in handy after all." Karina exhaled slowly. So he was joking. This constant stress was so exhausting. "Sorry." His voice sounded somewhat apologetic. "Will you accept a gift from me that doesn't scream Orellia at first sight?"

"You don't need to give me anything." She certainly didn't want him to think she was only after his riches.

"No extravagant palaces, exotic animals, boats and carriages, new dresses every day, priceless jewelry?" He teased her with a smirk.

Karina shook her head. "Do you see me wearing any? I don't need any of that. Or want any of that. I prefer simple things."

"I'll be sure to remember that, it's always nice to save up some money," he chuckled. "But it is a custom in Orellia for the man to present a gift for his bride-to-be. And while our engagement is anything but typical, I think we should adhere to some customs at least."

The shiver that ran through her body wasn't caused by fear this time but rather by excitement. Despite what she said about receiving gifts she was really curious, especially because it seemed very important to him. She nodded slowly, not wanting to look too eager.

Hayed walked over the chest in the corner of the room and searched it for a few moments. Whatever he took out was small enough to fit in his hand, Karina could only catch a glimpse of something black. "Curious, princess?" he smirked, noticing her trying to peek into his hand.

"A little," she smiled shyly.

He hesitated, looking almost nervous, a sharp contrast to the overconfident man threatening her just a few minutes ago. The black thing he was holding was a small leather bag. Hayden untied the strings binding it and extended his other arm towards her. Karina put her hand into his, her breath shuddering when he touched her skin. He poured the contents of the bag into her palm and let go of her, his fingers slowly sliding along the back of her hand.

Karina made sure to control her expression before looking down, not wanting to offend him with a random frown. But it turned out to be unnecessary. The thing in her palm was a necklace, a beautiful piece of jewelry. It was very simple, yet elegant, a thin golden chain with three stones shaped like raindrops. Two smaller on the sides were black and the larger one in the center was bright red, looking like a drop of blood. Orellian colors, yes, but not too obvious.

The king was watching her the whole time, carefully observing her reaction. "Do you like it?" he asked her softly, unable to hide the nervosity in his voice.

"It's wonderful," Karina breathed out, an honest smile appearing on her lips. "Thank you."

He exhaled deeply and took it off her hand. "I'm glad to hear that. Turn around."

Karina held her hair up while he put the necklace around her neck, his fingers sliding along the chain, sending chills down her spine. The red gem in the center fit right into the dip between her collarbones. When she turned back, the king looked at her with a satisfied expression and nodded, but didn't say anything.

"Thank you," she repeated, not knowing what else to say.

He gave her a smile, a real, honest smile, not an ironic smirk. "You are welcome. You don't have to wear it, just… be careful about it."

"I will." Karina wondered what made the necklace so important. Perhaps it was some sort of a family heirloom? He pulled it out of his trunk, it was carefully hidden between his things. It was unlikely he was carrying around random pieces of jewelry to a war campaign to give to random women he met on the road. It must have been something special to him. And he gave it to her, which filled her with optimism. Maybe being his wife wasn't going to be such horror as it originally seemed.

"Great." He stepped back to give her more space. The intimate moment passed and they were back to carefully treading around each other in a diplomatic dance. "Now you might be a bit more receptive to my next request." Karina frowned, wondering what it might be and Hayden continued. "When you go back home, I will assign a proper escort to accompany you as your personal guards. No." He raised a finger to silence her protest before she could even open her mouth. "Just hear me out. I have a lot of enemies and when you become my queen, they will become your enemies as well. Plus you will have a lot of your own once you return home. I want you to be safe."

Karina inhaled slowly, carefully thinking about her next words. "I can't agree to that." Hayden's expression darkened and she quickly raised her hands in a defensive gesture. "Wait. You hear me out now, please." This was dangerous, he seemed to be always on edge, not far from blowing up. She needed to pick her arguments wisely. "I understand your point, I really do. And I swear this is not about defying you. I'm glad you want to protect me."

"But?" There was a scary frown on his face but his voice wasn't angry.

"I realize that when I come back home and announce everything we just agreed on, there will be voices marking me as a traitor." And they will not be entirely wrong. "But I cannot fight those accusations with a bunch of your soldiers standing behind my back all the time. I do have people I trust, I do have guards that would give their lives for mine. What you are suggesting will only make my life more complicated."

She managed to look him in the eyes while talking but when he didn't respond right away she lowered her head, not being able to withstand his intense stare anymore. He was quiet for what felt like an eternity. "Yes. Definitely too smart." His voice was a silent growl, but when she dared to peek at his face, she saw amusement, not anger. "One man, with you at all times. That is my final offer, princess, and I suggest you take it. I'm not used to making compromises."

That much was very obvious. "As long as he is under my command and not the other way around."

"Naturally. You are the future queen, I wouldn't rob you of authority like that."

It was so strange when he talked about her being the queen. "Then I accept." A frustrated sigh escaped her lips at the thought of having yet another shadow following her everywhere, but it seemed like an acceptable price. "I understand you don't trust me and need someone to spy on me." That probably wasn't the best way to put it, but she realized that only after seeing his eyes narrow.

"To protect you," he growled. "You think I need to send a soldier to spy on you? That I don't have spies at your court?" A contemptuous smirk twisted his face.

He did? Of course he did. "I guess you wouldn't share their names with me?"

"You guess right," the king scoffed. "Plus, I thought we agreed to start with a clean slate, no repercussions. That goes both ways, princess."

Karina exhaled sharply through her nose, an angry frown appearing on her face. Was he really using her own words against her? Although to be honest, isn't that what she has been doing the whole time? "Fine." Her angry response seemed to have entertained him, he looked like he was trying to hold back a grin. "I'm glad you find me funny."

"Among other things." He chuckled, mischief playing in his eyes again.

"Wonderful," Karina grumbled, making sure to put as much irony into her voice as possible. "I think I should go," she said quietly after having calmed down a bit.

His brows furrowed. "You know you can stay here until morning. It's not exactly a palace, but it's more comfortable than a carriage."

"I know." She couldn't stay there. And not just because she was afraid of what he would do. She was afraid of what she would do. No, she needed to get away from his intensity for a while.

Hayden crept up closer to her like a predator. "I could make you stay." He carefully cupped her face, forcing her to look at him.

"You could." Karina's voice was barely a whisper. There was a part of her that wished he did and he seemed to know that damn well.

She was just a few inches shorter than him and he didn't have to bow his head too much to reach her lips. The kiss was innocent at the start, their lips touching lightly, but it quickly turned into something deeper and more passionate. The king's tongue forced itself into her mouth, tasting and exploring it, dancing around her own. Karina had to grab his shoulders to keep balance, her legs suddenly weak and wobbly.

"You sure you want to go?" he purred into her ear when their mouths separated to catch a breath.

Yes, she was sure she wanted to go. But she was also sure she wanted to stay. "Yes." At least for now, the logical part of her mind won.

"Hmm." Surprisingly, there was no anger in his voice. "As you wish." He stepped away from her, smirking when she had to lean against the wall to support herself. "You have a week to get your court in order. After that, I will take two battalions and move outside your capital. Just to remind your people of what's at stake."

Karina bit on her lip. "Two weeks."

"Do not test me, woman," he growled. "Ten days."

Barely enough time to do anything, but she didn't really have a choice. "Fine. How many men are two battalions?" Military matters weren't really her strong side.

"Something over two thousand. A small fraction of what I have here."

Karina's eyes widened at the idea of so many soldiers camped outside the city. Still, it was better to have that than having the full force of the Orellian army burning their way through the country. The king noticed her worries. "I will keep my men in check. There will be no violence against civilians, provided they don't attack first. No damages on the property. They will act as if marching through their own country, you can trust me on that."

"I do." The discipline among his men was obvious to her even from her brief way through the camp. Who would be so crazy to go against orders of the Burning Fury?

"Very well then." Hayden grabbed the cloak from the chair and held it in front of her. "It's cold outside. I told you not to test me, princess. Just shut your mouth and take it." Karina did. It was not really worth fighting over. "Good." He seemed surprised she didn't try to debate about it. "Do you normally go to diplomatic meetings half-naked?"

"Only when I want to make a strong impression," she smiled.

The king rolled his eyes. "Consider me impressed," he whispered into her ear as he led her to the door.