Chapter 11

Caspian had to prepare for the upcoming banquet for Princess Nadia, she was a known beauty so that would not be a problem on his part.

He had to take lessons daily on how to host her and his parents wanted him to make an impression on her. They would not be attending the banquet this time.

Weeks went by as he attended his daily classes and how to host a banquet for the first time, he had to show that he had authority and leadership.

His father often said he should have enough authority that everyone wanted to impress him. The day of the banquet came and he spent the whole day in baths and being scrubbed.

He put on his attire and his hair was brushed, when he walked out he could see that all the women were fawning over him and the man in awe.

"If I were also a woman I would be falling at your feet." Douglas joked and Caspian pushed his best friend.

He waited as Princess Nadia was bought in as they needed to go in together to the banquet, Caspian saw her maids and she emerged in between them.

Nadia was standing in front of him and he could see why she was a well-known beauty, he couldn't have expected much less from her.

Dark hair that was complimented with aquamarine eyes. He was infatuated with her immediately and the way she curtsied in front of him but her eyes never left him, he knew that the feeling was mutual.

"A pleasure to meet you Sire." And the voice was of an angel, she was pure perfection.

Caspian took her hand and placed a kiss on it, "The pleasure is all mine, my lady."

They walked side by side to the banquet and they were introduced. He could see that Nadia prided herself on being with him.

She was definitely fit to be queen, they sat down and it all began. The music and their glasses were filled with drinks and platters of food were served.

Nadia leaned in, "What is your impression?"

Caspian looked at her lips boldly and she did not shy away, "I am infatuated with you."

"So am I. Tell me about how you pass time?" Nadia replied directly.

"Horse-riding, archery to say the least," Caspian replied.

"I will have to take you up on horse riding."

Caspian liked the way Nadia challenged him, he saw her only, and occasionally he would entertain his guests.

They would toast to them, he was listening to the others half-heartedly and the tricks they wanted to perform for him.

Everything was going to be well, they wanted to impress him and wanted his attention. He had Nadia the perfect queen with her beauty.

They drank and were replenished the whole night,

Caspian was bought out of his trance with Nadia for the first time tonight when he saw Aurora's hair cascading down her back and strands were blowing in all directions.

Her hair was framing her small face, it was a wild red color, and her eyes which had always had such a deep mystery to them were emerald eyes that drew you in.

He could see the fear in her eyes as the dagger had missed her slightly, then her face filled with a slight blush, she was feeling embarrassed.

This tradition was well known in the palace to impress him or his father the king. He hadn't even realized that she was the one who was serving them up until now.

He picked up her hair tie, and he could see that she was a bit numb. The clapping and shouting started,

He saw that she clasped her hands together as she tried to stop the trembling,

"Here." He said softly to her so she wouldn't get startled.

Aurora averted her gaze as soon as she had found him, she took the hair tie hastily,

"Thank you, My Lord." Her voice was soft.

She immediately excused herself to go to the bathroom, he watched her walk away.


Caspian was drawn out of his gaze as he focused his attention on one of the dukes calling him,

"What did you think?"

Caspian raised his glass, "Worthy of a toast."

Everyone raised their glasses and toasted so did Nadia, as they drank. The evening commenced. Caspian noticed Aurora slip back in quietly and stood by the shadows.

He saw that she was not trying to draw attention to herself,

Her hair was back in place and he would have not known she had so much hair if he hadn't seen it a few seconds ago.

"Another drink Sire?"

Caspian turned to Nadia but he was not sure as to what she said so he just nodded, and Nadia raised her hand slightly and Aurora had come out of the shadows and was coming with a pitcher.

He watched her silently fill their glasses up, and retreat back. Her movements were barely audible and to come to think of it he hadn't seen her in weeks.

He never focused on one girl in any case so that should not be baffling, but he could not get out the image of her fallen hair, her blushing, and her eyes.

"Drunk already?" Nadia asked him.

Caspian showed her his best smile, he was missing out on this beauty just for a mere maid,

"Of course not."

Nadia bit her lip lightly.

"I guess we have a lot more drinking to do then."

Caspian raised his glass to her and they toasted. They resumed drinking, and he was back to his usual self of charming him.

When the night came to a close it was close to morning, he walked Nadia out as the servants were in front of them.

Nadia grabbed his hand and they started to back away slowly and they slipped into the darkness, Nadia jumped into his arms and he pulled her in and kissed her.

Her hands were over him like a wildfire and he liked her boldness and the way she asserted authority.

Seconds later they heard the cry of the servants as they were in full panic mode as to where they had gone.

They giggled, and Caspian kissed her some more and they pulled apart when the servants found them.

He waved at her as she got into the carriage and was on her way.

Caspian went back to his chambers and he was way too tired, he grinned as he knew his parents would be happy that he had managed to snag Nadia as she was the highest Princess in demand and often rejected all her suitors.

Now he had her within his grasp, he had thought he would have to woo her but she had come to him willingly.

His charm and looks didn't let him down once again, Nadia would be the ideal queen, she was a beauty so he would not have to force a connection.

He could see himself marrying her not because he fell for her but it was a great bargain that she was a beautiful and elegant princess.

Even if he got tired of her, he could have other women even if he was married to her, he hoped she was not the jealous type.

He would even look into having concubines.

His father often told him he had married his mother but he was not in love with her and that love often comes after marriage and knowing someone well.

So Caspian always knew that a day would come when he would have to get a bride and he knew that he would not be the one who would choose the bride and that love was not on the table.

He really did not know if his father loved his mother, or he just respected her as a spouse, his mother often agreed with his father.

At first, that had saddened him but then he realized that he really didn't want a significant relationship with any woman so this arrangement worked out for him.

But for tonight everything had gone to plan just as he had wanted it to go. The rest of the formalities would be discussed later as to what would happen next with Nadia.

Fatigue started to catch up to him, he was feeling very exhausted so he rolled over,

Closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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